Sunday, January 31, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

Dr JosephMercola is an osteopath. He has a large online service based in Chicago selling "alternative" solutions to human ailments. Doctors of Osteopathy enjoy a status equal to medical doctors in the United States because they undergo the same medical education as medical doctors.

When you click on the link above, you will drop down the rabbit hole. There you will discover the truth about Dr Judy Mikovits and the people who run the world's health authorities, such as the AMA, CDC, NIH, FDA, and WHO.

You will learn that people who control the past, control the future. Today a few people control all the information most people receive. George Orwell outlined this in his novel 1984.

Lord Acton said, "Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely." Stephen Kotkin tells us that dictatorship inevitably leads to despotism. Kotkin thinks Stalin progressed into despotism by his dictatorship. 

Documents reveal that people who worked closely with Stalin for years didn't recognize him as a sociopath until Stalin finally killed them. Even then, many of his victims "confessed" and enthusiastically accepted Stalin's verdict. They professed their love for Stalin and communism. "Stalin was the Gold Standard of Dictatorship," says Kotkin. Stalin created and ran the Soviet Union for 30 years. "No one in history has had more power."

Stalin had a sense of humour, Kotkin reveals. When encountering someone Stalin hadn't seen for years, Stalin would exclaim, "What! You haven't been arrested yet?"

Extreme wealth inevitably leads wealthy people to believe they know what is best for everyone else. Egyptian pharaohs, Meyer Amschel Rothschild, John D. Rockefeller and Bill Gates, are four examples. They must be smarter than everyone else, they think because they have so much more than everyone else. They believe other people are their property to be used as they want to use them. Monarchs often believe they are next to the gods or that they are gods.

All leaders rely on their subjects believing they are benefiting. Animals must be lured into traps with tempting rewards. People are not different.

Friday, January 29, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

This thing is not your friend.

Dr Vernon Coleman, MD, has been a leading critic of pharmaceutical medicine in the United Kingdom for years. He wrote a syndicated column in a leading newspaper, has been carried on the BBC and has written dozens of books distributed worldwide. I have been concerned about health for years, and I have explored and read widely. How is it possible that I stumbled upon him only yesterday?

Oh, this is why. “Vernon Coleman (born 18 May 1946) is an English conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccination activist, AIDS denialist, blogger and novelist who writes on human health, politics and animal issues. Coleman’s medical health claims have been widely discredited and described as pseudoscientific. He was formerly a newspaper columnist and general practitioner (GP).”

YOU are its lunch.

This is one more example that every friendly family doctor is part of the biggest criminal operation ever conceived in human history. THIS is pharmaceutical medicine. Forget the Mafia. Forget the Soviet Union and communism. Forget Hitler and the Nazi Party. THIS is MUCH Bigger. THIS is crime BIGTIME.

The COVID-19 scamdemic is their latest scam. They are flexing their muscles. This operation is a worldwide coup d’état. THEY ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD with this one. YOUR slavery or death is their goal. You don't think so? Too bad for you.

Maybe there is no way to stop this. I don’t know. Pharmaceutical medicine is one head of the HYDRA that confronts us. Klaus Schwab is another head. Bill Gates with Big Tech is another. The Hydra has nine heads that we know about. There may be more.

Is the Swamp in Washington the body of the HYDRA? Or is the Swamp another head? It is hard to tell what to fight. Where? How does one fight this?


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


Wednesday, January 27, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The Dystopian Western World

The West is living the worst of
Orwell’s 1984 
and Raspail’s Camp of the Saints

By Dr Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, December 22, 2020
Region: USA
Theme: History

As the second decade of the 21st century comes to an end, democracy and free speech no longer exist in the Western World.  In all its respects, Western civilization no longer exists.

In the United States, which poses as the model for democracy, a presidential election has just been stolen in full view of everyone.  There is expert testimony by qualified experts about how the voting machines and software were used to bias Biden's vote count.  There are hundreds of signed affidavits of eyewitnesses who saw the fraudulent use of mail-in ballots to boost Biden’s vote count.  We know that dead people were voted, illegal aliens were voted, out of state residents were voted, and some precincts had more votes cast than registered voters and even residents in the precincts.

Despite the abundance of evidence, except for state legislatures in some of the swing states, no one is acquainted with the evidence.  The presstitutes speak with one voice and deny that any evidence exists.  So do the Democrat election officials in the Democrat-controlled counties in the swing states where the presidential election was stolen.  The courts have refused to even look at the evidence.  The presstitutes misrepresent the courts’ refusals to examine the evidence regarding the judiciary’s ruling against the evidence's validity although no court has looked at the evidence.

The level of hostility of Biden supporters toward those who protest the electoral fraud is extraordinary.  Biden supporters threaten Trump supporters with loss of employment and with arrest and prosecution. Tucker Carlson on Fox News reviews the extraordinary situation here:

Radicalized African Americans, unaware that they are being used by the Establishment, see the stolen election as their chance to rule and displace white people.  That the winner is the Establishment is beyond their grasp.

Obviously, if the evidence of election theft were bogus, the media would seize the opportunity to discredit President Trump and his supporters’ claims of electoral fraud by investigating the evidence for that purpose.

The Supreme Court knows that the evidence is real. Being an Establishment institution, the Court does not want to damage America’s reputation by ruling that the election was stolen. Moreover, the Supreme Court Justices know that the American Establishment and its presstitutes would not accept a decision that the election was stolen.  The Supreme Court understands that the Establishment intends to rid the government of a non-establishment president who is hostile to the Establishment’s agendas, which include globalism, destruction of the American middle class, war, more profit and power for the ruling class, and fewer civil liberties for the governed class.

The American Establishment includes the Republican Party.  To protect its agendas—war and US hegemony, the concentration of income and wealth, the elimination of the middle class which gave stability to the country and limited the ability of the Establishment to exercise complete control, and the overthrow of the First Amendment and our other civil liberties which limited the Establishment’s ability to control all explanations—the Establishment is willing to pay the price of the destruction of public confidence in American institutions.  The Establishment assumes that it can use the ensuing conflict to its advantage. The country will be further split apart and less able to unite against the Establishment’s self-serving agendas.

The Media Destroyed America

Conservatives blame the Russiagate hoax's presstitutes that for three years kept Trump from his agenda and the subsequent attempt to impeach Trump over false charges that he bribed the Ukrainian president.  In actual fact, these efforts to destroy an elected president of the United States were orchestrated by the CIA and FBI.  It was CIA director John Brennan who alleged Trump was a traitor in league with the Russians, and it was FBI director James Comey who contrived false indictments and false prosecutions of General Flynn, Michael Cohn, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone hoping to extract in exchange for leniency false testimony against Trump. It is difficult for patriotic conservatives to get their mind around the fact that the CIA and FBI, which they think protect Americans against Russian and Chinese communists and Muslim terrorists, are internal enemies of the people of the United States.

Except for a few Internet websites unknown to most people in the Western world, the only information people in the West receive is controlled explanations that serve the Establishment agendas.  Consider Covid, for example.  All experts who are critical of lockdowns, mask mandates, the suppression of effective treatments and the focus on vaccines, and who are sceptical of the pandemic's seriousness are censored by the print and TV media and by Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.  As far as I can tell, there are more real experts—and by experts, I do not mean doctors and nurses brainwashed in their training by Big Pharma—who are sceptical of the agenda of public health authorities than experts who support lockdowns and vaccines.

The presstitutes serving Fauci portray the dissenting experts’ views as “conspiracy theory.”  But clearly, Dr Kamran Abbasi, executive editor of the British Medical Journal and editor of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, is not a conspiracy theorist.  As I recently reported, he has this to say:

“Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health. Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement. So too are scientists and health experts. The pandemic has revealed how the medical-political complex can be manipulated in an emergency—a time when it is even more important to safeguard science.

“The UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines. Government appointees can ignore or cherry-pick science—another form of misuse—and indulge in anti-competitive practices that favour their own products and those of friends and associates.”  See this

Yet in place of such expert informed opinion, Western peoples only hear the ignorant propaganda from the bought-and-paid-for whores on CNN, NPR, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the paid liars.

There can be no democracy, no accountability when people only have controlled explanations that serve the ruling agendas.

The disrespect for free inquiry, the only known basis for discovering the truth, is so powerful today throughout the Western world that even in the West’s most famous universities—Oxford and Cambridge—censorship is entrenched.  Any student, especially a privileged “person of colour” can brand any scientific fact, any historical fact, any expressed view or opinion to be “offensive.”

Those found to be the most offensive are white people whose statues and memorials are being taken down at Oxford and Cambridge.  The founder of the famous Oxford University Rhodes Scholarships himself has been erased.  Cambridge University’s white academics and administrators have accepted a person of colour as their political commissar to control their lectures, choice of words, and reading lists to ensure that no truth can emerge that might be declared by some ignorant student “offensive.”  Of course, white students cannot complain that it is offensive to denigrate the white creators of British accomplishments as racists. The use of political commissars to control what can be spoken was the way Stalin controlled Russia. This Stalinist practice has now been institutionalized throughout the Western world in schools, universities, media, corporations, and government.

In the act of contrition, Oxford University has proudly announced that admission to Oxford will no longer be based on the outmoded and racist concept of merit.  Oxford University declared that the university is reserving 25 per cent of its annual admissions to those unqualified to be at Oxford.

How are those unqualified to be at Oxford to succeed in graduating?  According to Oxford, before they begin on their degree studies, they will be given up to two years in remedial preparation to become qualified to attempt receiving a degree. In other words, they will be coached through the process. Such an act of contrition cannot possibly be permitted to fail.

In other words, Oxford has abandoned merit and is discriminating against those students who displayed merit (and their parents who fostered merit) in favour of those who did not. Twenty-five per cent of those qualified to be at Oxford will not be permitted to be there so that those not qualified to be there can be. This is what “affirmative action” amounts to.

Cambridge has abandoned academic freedom and subjected the knowledge of its distinguished faculty to censorship in subservience to the idea that truth can hurt feelings and be offensive.  A university that values feelings more than truth is not a place where learning can take place.

If you think I am exaggerating the direness of the situation, here is an emeritus professor at the University of Kent in Canterbury explaining the factual situation.  The situation is so bad that even the professor himself is trapped in his opponents’ language use. He refers to the truths under attack as the “dissident views.”

In the Western World, the policing and censorship of thought and expression have now been institutionalized.  As the native-born white inhabitants of these countries have no right or privilege to censor the attacks on them, they are set-up for second class citizenship leading eventually to extermination.  Their civilization will proceed them in extermination.  Indeed, it is already gone. White people are people without culture and without a country.

Dr Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans



© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


A recent analysis compared states with restrictive interventions (lockdowns) against those with less restrictive strategies and found lockdowns are not an effective way to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Lockdowns have forced 60% of businesses to close; during the lockdown, there has been increased suicides, child abuse, rape and domestic abuse.

The drug overdose epidemic has grown more complicated and deadly during the lockdowns, yet there is no historical precedence for lockdowns during a pandemic.

More than 6,000 medical practitioners and medical and public health scientists signed a petition to halt the lockdowns citing "irreparable damage".

Editorial Note:
The only way governments have to determine the "spread" of COVID-19 is the bogus PCR test they use.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

Hitler said, “After we kick in the door, the entire rotten structure will collapse.” 

Operation Barbarossa did that exactly. But the rotten structure didn’t collapse, and it was rotten.

Karl von Clausewitz said Napoleon was defeated in 1812 because the Tsarist State did not collapse. 

Ludendorff defeated the Russian Empire in 1917 because the Tsarist State did collapse. Tsar Nicholas II was asked by his Russian generals to abdicate in favour of his brother. The Tsar agreed. His brother said he didn’t want the job. Lenin eventually took over. The Russian Revolution is a myth. The Russian Civil War was real.

Operation Barbarossa succeeded. The rotten structure didn’t collapse. WHY? 

After Stalin inspected the disaster, he drove himself to his dacha and wasn’t seen for several days. Stalin thought it was over, all over. His minions went to him and begged him to return as Stalin. He did. The rotten structure didn’t collapse. This speaks volumes about the Russian people. It wasn’t only Stalin. It was them, the Russians. Bismarck knew.

Dima Vorobiev, former Soviet propaganda executive and student of Russian history, says Russia's strength is "the mighty Russian State". Stephen Kotkin, an American historian who has written several tomes on Stalin, thinks that no one knows how the Soviet Union won the war. Kotkin who reads Russian and has examined mountains of original documents can say this.

The Soviet Union's story that it moved its industry beyond the Urals after the Nazi invasion is a myth. How could that have been done when the Nazi armies were already on the ground? Throughout the war, orders came from the top (Stalin), but documents show that they are not what happened on the ground. Improvisation happened. "From where did the Soviet tanks and planes come," Kotkin asks? Someone built them somewhere, somehow.

The Biden-Harris regime that took over in Washington on January 20, 2020, is full of people who believe in Marxism-Leninism, central-planning by experts, and many related left-wing fantasies like global warming and the "equality" of everyone. These hate-filled people want to spread love. The United States is headed toward the same fate as Yugoslavia — disintegration. But that is another story for another time.

Marxism-Leninism didn't work when Lenin was the dictator. Marxism-Leninism was Lenin's system. He invented it! Lenin had to introduce the NEP to save it. Marxism-Leninism worked when Stalin ran the Soviet Union, which he created. Stalin ran the Soviet Union as its dictator and despot for 30 years. Marxism-Leninism started to run into trouble and finally collapsed under the direction of Stalin's successors.

Hersh Bortman, a Jew who grew up in the Soviet Union, sings Stalin's praises. Bortman has bitter criticism of Khrushchev who took Stalin's "beautifully-running Soviet-Union and ran it into the ground." Khrushchev said bad things about Bortman's hero too. It was unforgivable. Hersh lives in Israel.

The Soviet-Union won WW II. No, Americans, your hero, General Patton, didn't win WW II. Can Marxism-Leninism — or Stalin — take the credit, or was it something else?

A few years before the Soviet Union collapsed, Henry Kissinger, said he had no doubt what would happen because he had the detailed production reports of a Soviet factory that didn't exist.

When answering the question, "Why were Soviet cars so bad?", a Russian answered by saying they weren't bad, they were designed and built well despite the communists' system. Compared to Western cars they were much better. They lasted and lasted. They have driven hundreds of thousands of miles further and years after Western cars went to the junkyard. Soviet cars could be fixed by drivers with simple tools. Soviet cars were good, he said.

People are very creative. People don't need expert plans they are forced to follow. They can make their own plans and develop their own skills. Thomas Sowell points out that "The road to Hell is paved with Ivy League degrees." A million ordinary minds are MUCH smarter than one genius. The information network they spontaneously create is MUCH more sophisticated than any artificial intelligence system.

I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, but perhaps there is a key. That is Russian national interest. - Winston Churchill



© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Monday, January 25, 2021

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Friday, January 22, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

It could be a coincidence. But it could be something else. Aaron was old, wasn't he? I'm 73. I don't think I want anything from these creepos.


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans 

Waiting for Hitler

Thursday, January 21, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans


As I've been saying since January 2020, IT'S A HOAX! Too bad I won't be rewarded for being among the very few who knew the truth from the beginning. Maybe I can cash in on the Class Action Lawsuit organized to punish the bastards responsible for this disaster.

Stop testing, and the "pandemic" will evaporate. 
The politicians, news media, and public "health" authorities can pay.
Bill Gates has lots of money.
He can give it all to the people he has harmed.
Of course, we don't want to forget Pfizer and Big Pharma!
Doctors and their lawyers are complicit.

Strip them to the bone!

THIS will be the GREAT RESET!

This is my own grievance with pharmaceutical medicine.

One reader objected saying this is not a hoax because COVID-19 is a real disease. I reply:

I don't dispute the SarsCoV-2 virus exists and that it causes the disease they have called COVID-19. It is a HOAX because of the fear campaign that justifies the lockdowns with facemasks, "social distancing", and other obnoxious, superstitious, practices. These are destructive and as anti-human as anything Stalin did. I'm sure you agree the harm caused by the "cure" is worse than the disease. 

Christian Drosten, Neil Fergusen, and Tedros Adhanom triggered the collapse of the world-wide medical system. This collapse is like an avalanche. Angela Merkel, Anthony Fauci, politicians, and public "health" authorities in every country participated in creating something out of a science fiction novel. Other diseases kill millions every year. No one has ever done anything like this before. 

The hoax continues. They have no intention of ever letting it stop. The people promoting insanity are the real public health menace, not any disease, real or imagined. Bill Gates is the principal funder of W.H.O. and other agencies behind this. Gates may be funding the people at Johns Hopkins University. They are promoting hour-by-hour alarmist broadcasts that keep popping up on my Apple watch.

The PCR test almost guarantees "positive" results as it is used. The more people they test the more "cases" they find. Asymptomatic people who test "positive" are incorrectly classified as "cases". Deaths are incorrectly classified as caused by COVID-19 if the decedent has tested "positive". People with an agenda cannot be trusted. This is not science. It is a HOAX.


\ ˈhōks  \

Definition of hoax

 (Entry 1 of 2)

transitive verb

to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous were hoaxed by the website



Definition of hoax (Entry 2 of 2)

1an act intended to trick or dupeIMPOSTUREthe victim of a cruel hoaxassumed the bomb threat was just a hoax
2something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication believes the Loch Ness Monster is a hoaxa literary hoax

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


Tuesday, January 19, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


Greta Thunberg is disturbed. Greta is disturbing. She was a child when she started her crusade. She is a psychopath who will get more dangerous as she gets older if she does. She is being used now by people who have concealed agendas. WHY ARE AGENDAS CONCEALED? The world they all want is a world with fewer people. That means you. The world they want will have fewer people. They will control them in a  feudal system with an aristocracy, enforcers, and serfs. If you aren't dead, you will be a serf. Greta is very disturbing. Before COVID-19, Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset, Bill Gates, and the Bilderbergers, there was the Club of Rome. Before them, were the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds, Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin. Every one of them wanted to rule the world. They all had the same idea. Their idea doesn't include you one way or the other. Don't buy what they are selling. Don't drink the Kool-Aid they are serving. It isn't free. It isn't good for you. All I can do is warn you. You decide.


MMXXI V.1.0.0

by Morley Evans

Think Twice 

Before Taking the Covid Vaccination

Think Twice Before Taking the Covid Vaccination

Heidi Neckelmann

The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD, an Obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach Died the day before yesterday due to a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine.

He was a very healthy 56-year-old, loved by everyone in the community delivered hundreds of healthy babies and worked tirelessly through the pandemic.

He was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at MSMC on December 18, 3 days later he saw a strong set of petechiae on his feet and hands which made him seek attention at the emergency room at MSMC. The CBC done at his arrival showed his platelet count to be 0 (A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.) he was admitted in the ICU with a diagnosis of acute ITP caused by a reaction to the COVID vaccine. A team of expert doctors tried for 2 weeks to raise his platelet count to no avail. Experts from all over the country were involved in his care. No matter what they did, the platelets count refused to go up. He was conscious and energetic through the whole process, but 2 days before the last resort surgery, he got a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the lack of platelets that took his life in a matter of minutes.

He was a pro-vaccine advocate that is why he got it himself. 

I believe that people should be aware that side effects can happen. It is not good for everyone and in this case, destroyed a beautiful life, a perfect family, and has affected so many people in the community.

Do not let his death be in vain please save more lives by making this information news. 

Johns Hopkins Scientist: ‘A Medical Certainty’ Pfizer Vaccine Caused Death of Florida Doctor 


Monday, January 18, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


© MM XXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


Tell them to shove their vaccine up their ass.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Friday, January 15, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

That is how the American empire works. The United States cannot admit to itself or anyone else that it is an empire determined to dominate the world. The United States cannot admit to itself or anyone else that it has been waging war incessantly since 1776. The United States wants to believe these wars were all started by the other parties. This began before the United States was a country. Then, Americans were constantly at war with the French and Indians. Americans! Look at your history. It isn’t a secret. You just don’t know about it. Why don’t you know? Americans have never benefitted directly. The people who run the United States always benefit directly. Ordinary Americans just pay for the empire. Wake up! The United States became the world hegemon with WW II. Did an era of peace and prosperity begin? Here’s the record. INVASIONS