© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
Assange in Court: What I Saw
by Craig Murray Posted on October 23, 2019
Julian Assange
I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening.
Before I get on to the blatant lack of fair process, the first thing I must note was Julian’s condition. I was badly shocked by just how much weight my friend has lost, by the speed his hair has receded and by the appearance of premature and vastly accelerated ageing. He has a pronounced limp I have never seen before. Since his arrest, he has lost over 15 kg (33 pounds) in weight.
But his physical appearance was not as shocking as his mental deterioration. When asked to give his name and date of birth, he struggled visibly over several seconds to recall both. I will come to the important content of his statement at the end of proceedings in due course, but his difficulty in making it was very evident; it was a real struggle for him to articulate the words and focus his train of thought.
Until yesterday I had always been quietly sceptical of those who claimed that Julian’s treatment amounted to torture – even of Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture – and skeptical of those who suggested he may be subject to debilitating drug treatments. But having attended the trials in Uzbekistan of several victims of extreme torture, and having worked with survivors from Sierra Leone and elsewhere, I can tell you that yesterday changed my mind entirely and Julian exhibited exactly the symptoms of a torture victim brought blinking into the light, particularly in terms of disorientation, confusion, and the real struggle to assert free will through the fog of learned helplessness.
I had been even more sceptical of those who claimed, as a senior member of his legal team did to me on Sunday night, that they were worried that Julian might not live to the end of the extradition process. I now find myself not only believing it, but haunted by the thought. Everybody in that court yesterday saw that one of the greatest journalists and most important dissidents of our times is being tortured to death by the state, before our eyes. To see my friend, the most articulate man, the fastest thinker, I have ever known, reduced to that shambling and incoherent wreck, was unbearable. Yet the agents of the state, particularly the callous magistrate Vanessa Baraitser, were not just prepared but eager to be a part of this bloodsport. She actually told him that if he were incapable of following proceedings, then his lawyers could explain what had happened to him later. The question of why a man who, by the very charges against him, was acknowledged to be highly intelligent and competent, had been reduced by the state to somebody incapable of following court proceedings, gave her not a millisecond of concern.
The charge against Julian is very specific; conspiring with Chelsea Manning to publish the Iraq War logs, the Afghanistan war logs and the State Department cables. The charges are nothing to do with Sweden, nothing to do with sex, and nothing to do with the 2016 US election; a simple clarification the mainstream media appears incapable of understanding.
The purpose of yesterday’s hearing was case management; to determine the timetable for the extradition proceedings. The key points at issue were that Julian’s defense was requesting more time to prepare their evidence; and arguing that political offenses were specifically excluded from the extradition treaty. There should, they argued, therefore be a preliminary hearing to determine whether the extradition treaty applied at all.
The reasons given by Assange’s defense team for more time to prepare were both compelling and startling. They had very limited access to their client in jail and had not been permitted to hand him any documents about the case until one week ago. He had also only just been given limited computer access, and all his relevant records and materials had been seized from the Ecuadorean Embassy by the US Government; he had no access to his own materials for the purpose of preparing his defense.
Furthermore, the defense argued, they were in touch with the Spanish courts about a very important and relevant legal case in Madrid which would provide vital evidence. It showed that the CIA had been directly ordering spying on Julian in the Embassy through a Spanish company, UC Global, contracted to provide security there. Crucially this included spying on privileged conversations between Assange and his lawyers discussing his defense against these extradition proceedings, which had been in train in the USA since 2010. In any normal process, that fact would in itself be sufficient to have the extradition proceedings dismissed. Incidentally I learnt on Sunday that the Spanish material produced in court, which had been commissioned by the CIA, specifically includes high resolution video coverage of Julian and I discussing various matters.
The evidence to the Spanish court also included a CIA plot to kidnap Assange, which went to the US authorities’ attitude to lawfulness in his case and the treatment he might expect in the United States. Julian’s team explained that the Spanish legal process was happening now and the evidence from it would be extremely important, but it might not be finished and thus the evidence not fully validated and available in time for the current proposed timetable for the Assange extradition hearings.
For the prosecution, James Lewis QC stated that the government strongly opposed any delay being given for the defense to prepare, and strongly opposed any separate consideration of the question of whether the charge was a political offense excluded by the extradition treaty. Baraitser took her cue from Lewis and stated categorically that the date for the extradition hearing, 25 February, could not be changed. She was open to changes in dates for submission of evidence and responses before this, and called a ten minute recess for the prosecution and defense to agree these steps.
What happened next was very instructive. There were five representatives of the US government present (initially three, and two more arrived in the course of the hearing), seated at desks behind the lawyers in court. The prosecution lawyers immediately went into huddle with the US representatives, then went outside the courtroom with them, to decide how to respond on the dates.
After the recess the defense team stated they could not, in their professional opinion, adequately prepare if the hearing date were kept to February, but within Baraitser’s instruction to do so they nevertheless outlined a proposed timetable on delivery of evidence. In responding to this, Lewis’ junior counsel scurried to the back of the court to consult the Americans again while Lewis actually told the judge he was “taking instructions from those behind”. It is important to note that as he said this, it was not the UK Attorney-General’s office who were being consulted but the US Embassy. Lewis received his American instructions and agreed that the defense might have two months to prepare their evidence (they had said they needed an absolute minimum of three) but the February hearing date may not be moved. Baraitser gave a ruling agreeing everything Lewis had said.
At this stage it was unclear why we were sitting through this farce. The US government was dictating its instructions to Lewis, who was relaying those instructions to Baraitser, who was ruling them as her legal decision. The charade might as well have been cut and the US government simply sat on the bench to control the whole process. Nobody could sit there and believe they were in any part of a genuine legal process or that Baraitser was giving a moment’s consideration to the arguments of the defense. Her facial expressions on the few occasions she looked at the defense ranged from contempt through boredom to sarcasm. When she looked at Lewis she was attentive, open and warm.
The extradition is plainly being rushed through in accordance with a Washington dictated timetable. Apart from a desire to pre-empt the Spanish court providing evidence on CIA activity in sabotaging the defense, what makes the February date so important to the USA? I would welcome any thoughts.
Baraitser dismissed the defense’s request for a separate prior hearing to consider whether the extradition treaty applied at all, without bothering to give any reason why (possibly she had not properly memorized what Lewis had been instructing her to agree with). Yet this is Article 4 of the UK/US Extradition Treaty 2007 in full:
On the face of it, what Assange is accused of is the very definition of a political offense– if this is not, then what is? It is not covered by any of the exceptions from that listed. There is every reason to consider whether this charge is excluded by the extradition treaty, and to do so before the long and very costly process of considering all the evidence should the treaty apply. But Baraitser simply dismissed the argument out of hand.
Just in case anybody was left in any doubt as to what was happening here, Lewis then stood up and suggested that the defense should not be allowed to waste the court’s time with a lot of arguments. All arguments for the substantive hearing should be given in writing in advance and a “guillotine should be applied” (his exact words) to arguments and witnesses in court, perhaps of five hours for the defense. The defense had suggested they would need more than the scheduled five days to present their case. Lewis countered that the entire hearing should be over in two days. Baraitser said this was not procedurally the correct moment to agree this but she will consider it once she had received the evidence bundles.
(SPOILER: Baraitser is going to do as Lewis instructs and cut the substantive hearing short).
Baraitser then capped it all by saying the February hearing will be held, not at the comparatively open and accessible Westminster Magistrates Court where we were, but at Belmarsh Magistrates Court, the grim high security facility used for preliminary legal processing of terrorists, attached to the maximum security prison where Assange is being held. There are only six seats for the public in even the largest court at Belmarsh, and the object is plainly to evade public scrutiny and make sure that Baraitser is not exposed in public again to a genuine account of her proceedings, like this one you are reading. I will probably be unable to get in to the substantive hearing at Belmarsh.
Plainly the authorities were disconcerted by the hundreds of good people who had turned up to support Julian. They hope that far fewer will get to the much less accessible Belmarsh. I am fairly certain (and recall I had a long career as a diplomat) that the two extra American government officials who arrived halfway through proceedings were armed security personnel, brought in because of alarm at the number of protesters around a hearing in which were present senior US officials. The move to Belmarsh may be an American initiative.
Assange’s defense team objected strenuously to the move to Belmarsh, in particular on the grounds that there are no conference rooms available there to consult their client and they have very inadequate access to him in the jail. Baraitser dismissed their objection offhand and with a very definite smirk.
Finally, Baraitser turned to Julian and ordered him to stand, and asked him if he had understood the proceedings. He replied in the negative, said that he could not think, and gave every appearance of disorientation. Then he seemed to find an inner strength, drew himself up a little, and said:
I do not understand how this process is equitable. This superpower had 10 years to prepare for this case and I can’t even access my writings. It is very difficult, where I am, to do anything. These people have unlimited resources.
The effort then seemed to become too much, his voice dropped and he became increasingly confused and incoherent. He spoke of whistleblowers and publishers being labeled enemies of the people, then spoke about his children’s DNA being stolen and of being spied on in his meetings with his psychologist. I am not suggesting at all that Julian was wrong about these points, but he could not properly frame nor articulate them. He was plainly not himself, very ill and it was just horribly painful to watch. Baraitser showed neither sympathy nor the least concern. She tartly observed that if he could not understand what had happened, his lawyers could explain it to him, and she swept out of court.
The whole experience was profoundly upsetting. It was very plain that there was no genuine process of legal consideration happening here. What we had was a naked demonstration of the power of the state, and a naked dictation of proceedings by the Americans. Julian was in a box behind bulletproof glass, and I and the thirty odd other members of the public who had squeezed in were in a different box behind more bulletproof glass. I do not know if he could see me or his other friends in the court, or if he was capable of recognizing anybody. He gave no indication that he did.
In Belmarsh he is kept in complete isolation for 23 hours a day. He is permitted 45 minutes exercise. If he has to be moved, they clear the corridors before he walks down them and they lock all cell doors to ensure he has no contact with any other prisoner outside the short and strictly supervised exercise period. There is no possible justification for this inhuman regime, used on major terrorists, being imposed on a publisher who is a remand prisoner.
I have been both cataloguing and protesting for years the increasingly authoritarian powers of the UK state, but that the most gross abuse could be so open and undisguised is still a shock. The campaign of demonization and dehumanization against Julian, based on government and media lie after government and media lie, has led to a situation where he can be slowly killed in public sight, and arraigned on a charge of publishing the truth about government wrongdoing, while receiving no assistance from “liberal” society.
Unless Julian is released shortly he will be destroyed. If the state can do this, then who is next?
Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster, human rights activist, and former diplomat. He was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and Rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010. The article is reprinted on AntiWar.com with permission from his website.
The Guardian
Thursday, October 31, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
If the US joined the League of Nations, would WWII have occurred?
Morley Evans studied at World History
Answered 25 minutes ago
Yes, probably. No one can answer a question like that definitively. The USA was driven to become the world hegemon, replacing Great Britain and the British Empire from 1776. Consider that we are currently engulfed in a Great War that began in 1753 when the Seven Years War began. Included in this Great War are all the wars since then. Wars in which the USA was involved include the Napoleonic wars of which the War of 1812 was a part, the Spanish-American War, World Wars I & II, the Korean War, the War in Vietnam, and on to the present day. The USA appears to have exhausted itself. It certainly is not the “uni power”. Will China be the new world hegemon? That doesn’t seem to be the Chinese goal, despite what some Americans think. One Belt One Road (OBOR Chinese 一带一路) would tie everyone together in a trade network that would benefit everyone. The world’s people have been moving toward this since time immemorial. Throughout innumerable years, dominant powers have emerged. Every empire has waxed and waned. Empires are like twinkling stars. Do not be afraid. Everything is unfolding as it should.
by Morley Evans
If the US joined the League of Nations, would WWII have occurred?
Morley Evans studied at World History
Answered 25 minutes ago
Yes, probably. No one can answer a question like that definitively. The USA was driven to become the world hegemon, replacing Great Britain and the British Empire from 1776. Consider that we are currently engulfed in a Great War that began in 1753 when the Seven Years War began. Included in this Great War are all the wars since then. Wars in which the USA was involved include the Napoleonic wars of which the War of 1812 was a part, the Spanish-American War, World Wars I & II, the Korean War, the War in Vietnam, and on to the present day. The USA appears to have exhausted itself. It certainly is not the “uni power”. Will China be the new world hegemon? That doesn’t seem to be the Chinese goal, despite what some Americans think. One Belt One Road (OBOR Chinese 一带一路) would tie everyone together in a trade network that would benefit everyone. The world’s people have been moving toward this since time immemorial. Throughout innumerable years, dominant powers have emerged. Every empire has waxed and waned. Empires are like twinkling stars. Do not be afraid. Everything is unfolding as it should.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
At the present time, currently 4PM US East Coast time on October 28, 2019, there are at this minute 4,792 readers in 81 countries reading my website, www.paulcraigroberts.org
During October, a quarter of a million people have made a half million visits to this website. These are only the visits to this website. The number does not include the visits to my columns carried on scores of other websites both in English and in Foreign translation where my writings are republished.
Yet, in the past two days as of 4pm today, only 450 people have signed the petition to free Julian Assange from his unlawful imprisonment that is posted on my website.
Surely my readers can do better than that.
If we cannot save Julian Assange, we cannot save ourselves.
The reason that the US Constitution protects free speech and press freedom is to ensure that the government can be held accountable. In Assange’s persecution, this protection is being broken. If the Anglo-American attack on Assange succeeds, the law will cease to serve as a shield of the people and become a weapon in the hands of the government.
We will have descended into the Age of Tyranny.
For Julian Assange’s sake, and for your sakes and mine, go sign the petition: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/10/27/85082/
Dear Readers: If the millions who read my website will sign this petition with their name and their country, you will have made an effort to save Julian Assange from death at the hands of the Anglo-American criminal gang who are determined to remove the accountability of government to law and to the people. The continued existence of a rule of law in the Western World and of government accountable to law depends on our ability to defend and free Julian Assange.
If you value civil liberty, go to my website—www.paulcraigroberts.org —click “contact,” put “petition to save Julian Assange” in the “your subject” line, and in your message, copy and paste the petition below.
If we cannot save Julian Assange, we cannot save ourselves.
To her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
To the House of Lords
To the House of Commons
We the undersigned respectfully call on the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom to immediately release Julian Assange, a citizen of Australia and Ecuador, from Belmarsh prison where he is being unjustly and cruelly incarcerated.
Julian Assange is not charged with any crime or even misdemeanour in Britain and has fully served his sentence for his single offence: jumping bail to avoid extradition to the United States via Sweden. He was not and is not charged for any crime in Sweden. The sole charges against him originate in the United States, on purely political grounds, aimed at punishing Julian Assange for publication of accurate information provided by informed sources. This is a regular practice of all mainstream media, which now shamefully fail to speak out in defence of Mr Assange, even when they published exactly the same information that he did.
It is quite clear that in their current treatment of Julian Assange, the United Kingdom is debasing itself as a mere instrument of political repression exercised by the United States. Our confidence in the judicial system and in the media is very seriously shaken.
Your Majesty, Members of Parliament,
The current imprisonment of Julian Assange is a blot on the nation’s judicial system, a disgrace to British decency. This scandal may be largely hidden today but will surely emerge in history unless measures are taken immediately by the highest representatives of the British people to correct this major injustice.
We appeal to your sense of justice and of national honour to uphold the best traditions of British democracy and respect for human rights by immediately freeing Julian Assange.
Morley Leonard Evans
by Morley Evans
At the present time, currently 4PM US East Coast time on October 28, 2019, there are at this minute 4,792 readers in 81 countries reading my website, www.paulcraigroberts.org
During October, a quarter of a million people have made a half million visits to this website. These are only the visits to this website. The number does not include the visits to my columns carried on scores of other websites both in English and in Foreign translation where my writings are republished.
Yet, in the past two days as of 4pm today, only 450 people have signed the petition to free Julian Assange from his unlawful imprisonment that is posted on my website.
Surely my readers can do better than that.
If we cannot save Julian Assange, we cannot save ourselves.
The reason that the US Constitution protects free speech and press freedom is to ensure that the government can be held accountable. In Assange’s persecution, this protection is being broken. If the Anglo-American attack on Assange succeeds, the law will cease to serve as a shield of the people and become a weapon in the hands of the government.
We will have descended into the Age of Tyranny.
For Julian Assange’s sake, and for your sakes and mine, go sign the petition: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/10/27/85082/
Dear Readers: If the millions who read my website will sign this petition with their name and their country, you will have made an effort to save Julian Assange from death at the hands of the Anglo-American criminal gang who are determined to remove the accountability of government to law and to the people. The continued existence of a rule of law in the Western World and of government accountable to law depends on our ability to defend and free Julian Assange.
If you value civil liberty, go to my website—www.paulcraigroberts.org —click “contact,” put “petition to save Julian Assange” in the “your subject” line, and in your message, copy and paste the petition below.
If we cannot save Julian Assange, we cannot save ourselves.
To her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
To the House of Lords
To the House of Commons
We the undersigned respectfully call on the appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom to immediately release Julian Assange, a citizen of Australia and Ecuador, from Belmarsh prison where he is being unjustly and cruelly incarcerated.
Julian Assange is not charged with any crime or even misdemeanour in Britain and has fully served his sentence for his single offence: jumping bail to avoid extradition to the United States via Sweden. He was not and is not charged for any crime in Sweden. The sole charges against him originate in the United States, on purely political grounds, aimed at punishing Julian Assange for publication of accurate information provided by informed sources. This is a regular practice of all mainstream media, which now shamefully fail to speak out in defence of Mr Assange, even when they published exactly the same information that he did.
It is quite clear that in their current treatment of Julian Assange, the United Kingdom is debasing itself as a mere instrument of political repression exercised by the United States. Our confidence in the judicial system and in the media is very seriously shaken.
Your Majesty, Members of Parliament,
The current imprisonment of Julian Assange is a blot on the nation’s judicial system, a disgrace to British decency. This scandal may be largely hidden today but will surely emerge in history unless measures are taken immediately by the highest representatives of the British people to correct this major injustice.
We appeal to your sense of justice and of national honour to uphold the best traditions of British democracy and respect for human rights by immediately freeing Julian Assange.
Morley Leonard Evans
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
This is the archive I compiled of articles by Jennifer Loewenstein. Jennifer is one of those "self-hating Jews" who hates what Zionists are doing in Palestine. She has reported what Zionists are doing there but the news blackout ensures you never read what she wrote. Fortunately, I recorded it and now you can read it! Lucky you!
by Morley Evans
This is the archive I compiled of articles by Jennifer Loewenstein. Jennifer is one of those "self-hating Jews" who hates what Zionists are doing in Palestine. She has reported what Zionists are doing there but the news blackout ensures you never read what she wrote. Fortunately, I recorded it and now you can read it! Lucky you!
Friday, October 25, 2019
by Morley Evans
Dogen-zenji founded the Sōtō School in Japan. This is his story.
MEMORIES of MY VISIT TO JAPAN in 1970 have been stirred up. I hope you don’t mind and you will indulge me for a few minutes.
As soon as I arrived in Japan, I felt welcome for the first time in my life. I felt as if I was coming home. This movie deals with Sōtō Zen that was founded in Japan by Dōgen-zenji. Sōtō is the largest Zen sect in Japan; Sōtō priests do all the funerals in Japan; Shintō priests do weddings and open factories. Shintō is not Buddhism.
In the movie, you will see monks sitting on zafu pillows in the lotus position facing walls. Za-zen requires a person to sit quietly and to do nothing. That’s it! Thoughts come and go. One watches one's thoughts as if they were passing clouds floating across the sky. The mind creates thoughts. The heart pumps blood. Lungs breathe. These are functions of being alive. They are facts of life.
Zen masters teach that za-zen is entirely worthless. It has no purpose. “You are not sitting to ‘improve’ yourself or to gain anything.” Pain is an over-riding fact of zazen that is seldom mentioned in books, but everyone experiences pain. You can find out yourself. If you can, get into the lotus position; sit for fifty minutes; then get up and slowly walk for ten minutes in kinhin meditation; then sit again for fifty minutes. Sleeping is not permitted. When you start to get comfortable, you will start to fall asleep. You will be awakened abruptly and rudely if you fall asleep. At some point, you may think you are going to die, but no one has ever died doing za-zen, they say. The bell rings three times to end a session. The brass bell was the best sound I have ever heard. Bong; Bong; Bong.
Monks in the movie are at Eiheiji which was founded by Dogen.
Uchiyama-Roshi told us in 1970 that the United States is nominally a Christian country. Despite this, few Americans know anything about Christianity, he told us. The same is true of Japan, he said. Japan is nominally a Buddhist country. Yet few Japanese know anything about Buddhism.
Uchiyama-Roshi was only 58 years old in 1970. He seemed old and frail to me. I was 23 years old. Roshi told us being tough won't help you to do zazen. Yet, he was tough. Uchiyama did extra zazen. He would sit, by himself, for hours in the zendo. Sometimes he would be joined by Omura-san, a retired businessman who had come to live at Antaiji to prepare for the end of his life. Uchiyama-Roshi was a life-long sufferer of tuberculosis. He was the most humble man I will ever know. When his teacher Sawaki-Roshi died, Uchiyama-Roshi sat a forty-nine-day sesshin which is a monumental achievement.
"In Zen-Buddhism, Dharma transmission is a custom in which a person is established as a "successor in an unbroken lineage of teachers and disciples, a spiritual 'bloodline' theoretically traced back to the Buddha himself." Wikipedia
Zen Masters 'accept' new Zen Masters. In the same way, Christian Bishops 'accept' Bishops. They are part of a lineage connected back to Christ. An Episcopal church is a church of and by bishops.
Ordained Zen priests are not necessarily Zen Masters.
At the time Sawaki died, Uchiyama was alone in a small decrepit temple. But new young energetic monks were attracted to Antaiji, not by slick public relations but by a real Zen Master who kept the faith and stayed true to Zen Buddhism.
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Sawaki-Roshi |
Antaiji was a very humble place. I often wondered if it could be a real Zen Temple. Antaiji was unlike the big impressive Zen Temples in Kyoto. Despite this, Antaiji welcomed people from around the world who came to Japan to learn about Zen. People like me came and stayed. They charged me nothing and only asked that I follow the zen schedule like all the monks. Antaiji has a loyal worldwide following thanks to Uchiyama-Roshi.
Antaiji is no longer in Kyoto. The huge undeveloped parcel where it was located was surrounded by residential developments when I lived there. No doubt, the Sōtō sect sold its property to land developers for a bundle. A new Antaiji is now located on the coast of the Sea of Japan. Wikipedia writes:
Antai-Ji is a Buddhist temple that belongs to the Sōtō school of Zen Buddhism. It is located in the town of Shin'onsen, Mikata District, in northern Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan, where it sits on about 50 hectares of land in the mountains, close to a national park on the Sea of Japan. Wikipedia
I was a very lucky young man in 1970 to have lived at Anaiji in Kyōtō. This beautiful building above is far away from Kyōtō. It was built long after I left Japan. The current abbot at the new Antaiji is Muhō. The zazen schedule now is even harder than it used to be. I'm 72 years old. I couldn't do it. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't do it when I was 23.
My experience at Antaiji changed my life. I've done a little of this and a little of that. Zen remains the single most valuable thing I have ever done.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
TULSI may be the next President of the U.S.A. She makes sense. I worked for a year at the Reason Foundation in 1988. Tulsi is a breath of fresh air. I LOVE HER! Good Job, John Stossel.
by Morley Evans
TULSI may be the next President of the U.S.A. She makes sense. I worked for a year at the Reason Foundation in 1988. Tulsi is a breath of fresh air. I LOVE HER! Good Job, John Stossel.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Saturday, October 19, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.6
by Morley Evans
CBC EDMONTON: By foot, by bus and by truck, thousands of Albertans made their way to the provincial legislature grounds in Edmonton, drawn by a 16-year-old Swedish girl who is trying to convince governments to take action on climate change.
The environmental movement demonizes the human species which it paints as inherently evil. Hating one's own species is a branch of dysmorphia that leads the Climate believer to an imaginary dystopia.
Canadian environmental propagandist, David Suzuki, began his crusade decades ago by colouring mankind as a pandemic exterminating competing species and despoiling the planet wherever it went. Suzuki was rewarded by the CBC with a "science" TV show called The Nature of Things with a national audience. Suzuki has been personally enriched as Greta Thunberg will be. Who is paying Greta's bills today?
"Global Warming" posits that human activity is causing the earth's destruction by catastrophic "climate change" created by increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. An over-heated planet will create rising oceans, the result of polar ice melting. Desertification will result in mass starvation. Climatistas have computer model projections to prove it.
Every nature program, for decades, has ended with an ominous mention of "global warming" and mass extinction.
Endless, daily, repetition — along with suppression of dissenting views — establishes some credibility for "Global Warming" in most minds. One only hears from "scientists" who believe in "Global Warming". Anyone who does not believe is dismissed as a "denier". Climate heretics are destroyed. They lose their careers and are marginalized. "Global Warming" is a religion. It is promoted by religious fanatics posing as "scientists". Climatistas whip up hysteria. They panic the mob for fun and profit.
Greta Thunberg is a Trojan Horse. Climatistas have dragged her into the walled city of Troy to destroy the Trojans. We, human beings, are the Trojans. All of the Canadians running for office have embraced this hogwash. "Global Warming" is a real and present danger, so beware. The world is not going to end by "climate change" but you are going to pay the price anyway.
Whatever she may claim, Greta Thunberg is a professional politician and fear-monger. She looks like a child, but Greta is not a child who is selflessly giving up her childhood to save the world as she claims. That makes Greta a fraud and a teen-age megalomaniac (megalomania N: a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur). Megalomania is a personality defect common among politicians of all stripes throughout history in all cultures.
For example, there were many teenage megalomaniacs preaching Trotskyism and Maoism in the sixties. Some were rock stars with worldwide audiences. Do you remember the "little red book"? Do you remember acrid rain? Acid?
by Morley Evans
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Greta Thunberg at Alberta Legislature October 2019 |
CBC EDMONTON: By foot, by bus and by truck, thousands of Albertans made their way to the provincial legislature grounds in Edmonton, drawn by a 16-year-old Swedish girl who is trying to convince governments to take action on climate change.
Wearing a turquoise parka, environmental activist Greta Thunberg marched among the hundreds of people along several major downtown Edmonton roads, ending at the Alberta Legislature where hundreds more were waiting to greet her.
Among the crowd were more than 100 people who set out early in the morning from Calgary to show up for the Fridays for Future rally, the climate strikes that originated with Thunberg and have spread around the world.
As Thunberg took the podium, she noted that it seemed like the rally had greatly exceeded that target.
"Today is Friday," Thunberg said early in her remarks. "And as always, we are on climate strike. Young people all around the globe are today sacrificing their education to bring attention to the climate and ecological emergency.
"And we are not doing this because we want to. We aren't doing it because it's fun. We're aren't doing it because we have a special interest in the climate or because we want to become politicians when we grow up.
"We are doing this because our future is at stake."
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Alberta, Canada, Legislature |
The environmental movement demonizes the human species which it paints as inherently evil. Hating one's own species is a branch of dysmorphia that leads the Climate believer to an imaginary dystopia.
Canadian environmental propagandist, David Suzuki, began his crusade decades ago by colouring mankind as a pandemic exterminating competing species and despoiling the planet wherever it went. Suzuki was rewarded by the CBC with a "science" TV show called The Nature of Things with a national audience. Suzuki has been personally enriched as Greta Thunberg will be. Who is paying Greta's bills today?
"Global Warming" posits that human activity is causing the earth's destruction by catastrophic "climate change" created by increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. An over-heated planet will create rising oceans, the result of polar ice melting. Desertification will result in mass starvation. Climatistas have computer model projections to prove it.
Every nature program, for decades, has ended with an ominous mention of "global warming" and mass extinction.
Endless, daily, repetition — along with suppression of dissenting views — establishes some credibility for "Global Warming" in most minds. One only hears from "scientists" who believe in "Global Warming". Anyone who does not believe is dismissed as a "denier". Climate heretics are destroyed. They lose their careers and are marginalized. "Global Warming" is a religion. It is promoted by religious fanatics posing as "scientists". Climatistas whip up hysteria. They panic the mob for fun and profit.
![]() |
Is this the last of the arctic ice cap? |
Greta Thunberg is a Trojan Horse. Climatistas have dragged her into the walled city of Troy to destroy the Trojans. We, human beings, are the Trojans. All of the Canadians running for office have embraced this hogwash. "Global Warming" is a real and present danger, so beware. The world is not going to end by "climate change" but you are going to pay the price anyway.
Whatever she may claim, Greta Thunberg is a professional politician and fear-monger. She looks like a child, but Greta is not a child who is selflessly giving up her childhood to save the world as she claims. That makes Greta a fraud and a teen-age megalomaniac (megalomania N: a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur). Megalomania is a personality defect common among politicians of all stripes throughout history in all cultures.
For example, there were many teenage megalomaniacs preaching Trotskyism and Maoism in the sixties. Some were rock stars with worldwide audiences. Do you remember the "little red book"? Do you remember acrid rain? Acid?
READ MORE from the CBC:
Tim Ball https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Ball
Tim Ball https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Ball
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
Media And Pundits Misread The 'Everyone Wins' Plan For Syria
By Moon Of Alabama
October 18, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - The U.S. media get yesterday's talks between U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan all wrong. Those talks were just a show to soothe the criticism against President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northeast Syria.
The fake negotiations did not change the larger win-win-win-win plan or the facts on the ground. The Syrian Arab Army is replacing the Kurdish PKK/YPG troops at the border with Turkey. The armed PKK/YPG forces, which had deceivingly renamed themselves (vid) "Syrian Democratic Forces" to win U.S. support, will be disbanded and integrated into the Syrian army. Those moves are sufficient to give Turkey the security guarantees it needs. They will prevent any further Turkish invasion.
READ MORE: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/52419.htm
by Morley Evans
Media And Pundits Misread The 'Everyone Wins' Plan For Syria
By Moon Of Alabama
October 18, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - The U.S. media get yesterday's talks between U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan all wrong. Those talks were just a show to soothe the criticism against President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northeast Syria.
The fake negotiations did not change the larger win-win-win-win plan or the facts on the ground. The Syrian Arab Army is replacing the Kurdish PKK/YPG troops at the border with Turkey. The armed PKK/YPG forces, which had deceivingly renamed themselves (vid) "Syrian Democratic Forces" to win U.S. support, will be disbanded and integrated into the Syrian army. Those moves are sufficient to give Turkey the security guarantees it needs. They will prevent any further Turkish invasion.
READ MORE: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/52419.htm
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
Tulsi Nails it on National TV… US Regime-Change Wars
By Finian Cunningham
October 18, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - No wonder Democratic Party bosses and mainstream media are trying to bury presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard. She is the only candidate, perhaps the only politician in the US, who is telling the American public exactly what they need to know about what their government and military are really up to: fighting illegal regime-change wars, and to boot, sponsoring terrorists for that purpose.
It didn’t come much clearer nor more explicit than when Gabbard fired up the Democratic TV debate this week. It was billed as the biggest televised presidential debate ever, and the Hawaii Representative told some prime-time home-truths to the nation:
by Morley Evans
Tulsi Nails it on National TV… US Regime-Change Wars
By Finian Cunningham
October 18, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - No wonder Democratic Party bosses and mainstream media are trying to bury presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard. She is the only candidate, perhaps the only politician in the US, who is telling the American public exactly what they need to know about what their government and military are really up to: fighting illegal regime-change wars, and to boot, sponsoring terrorists for that purpose.
It didn’t come much clearer nor more explicit than when Gabbard fired up the Democratic TV debate this week. It was billed as the biggest televised presidential debate ever, and the Hawaii Representative told some prime-time home-truths to the nation:
Friday, October 18, 2019
Thursday, October 17, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
Peace Expert George W Bush Says ‘Isolationism’ Is Dangerous To Peace
by Caitlin Johnstone
Humanity was treated to an important lecture on peace at a recent event for the NIR School of the Heart by none other than Ellen Degeneres BFF and world-renowned peace expert George W Bush.
“I don’t think the Iranians believe the peaceful Middle East is in their national interest," said the former president according to The Washington Post's Josh Rogin, whose brief Twitter thread on the subject appears to be the only record of Bush's speech anywhere online.
“The isolationist United States is destabilizing around the world," Bush said during the speech in what according to Rogin was a shot at the sitting president. "We are becoming isolationist and that’s dangerous for the sake of peace.”
For those who don't speak fluent neoconservative, "isolationist" here means taking even one small step in any direction other than continued military expansionism into every square inch of planet Earth, and "We are becoming isolationist" here means "We have hundreds of military bases circling the globe, our annual military budget is steadily climbing toward the trillion-dollar mark, and we are engaged in countless undeclared wars and regime change interventions all around the world."
George W Bush takes a direct shot at Trump: “The isolationist United States is destabilizing around the world. We are becoming isolationist and that’s dangerous for the sake of peace.”
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) October 16, 2019
It is unclear why Bush is choosing to present himself as a more peaceful president than Trump given that by this point in his first term Bush had launched not one but two full-scale ground invasion wars whose effects continue to ravage the Middle East to this very day, especially given the way both presidents appear to be in furious agreement on foreign policy matters like Iran. But here we are.
From a certain point of view it's hard to say which is stranger: (A) a war criminal with a blood-soaked legacy of mass murder, torture and military expansionism telling Trump that he is endangering peace with his "isolationism", or (B) the claim that Trump is "isolationist" at all. As we've discussed previously, Trump's so-called isolationism has thus far consisted of killing tens of thousands of Venezuelans with starvation sanctions in an attempt to effect regime change in the most oil-rich nation on earth, advancing a regime-change operation in Iran via starvation sanctions, CIA covert ops, and reckless military escalations, continuing to facilitate the Saudi-led slaughter in Yemen and to sell arms to Saudi Arabia, inflating the already insanely bloated US military budget to enable more worldwide military expansionism, greatly increasing the number of bombs dropped per day from the previous administration, killing record numbers of civilians in airstrikes for which he has reduced military accountability, and of course advancing many, many new cold war escalations against the nuclear superpower Russia.
But these bogus warnings about a dangerous, nonexistent threat of isolationism are nothing new for Dubya. In his farewell address to the nation, Bush said the following:
“In the face of threats from abroad, it can be tempting to seek comfort by turning inward. But we must reject isolationism and its companion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger. In the 21st century, security and prosperity at home depend on the expansion of liberty abroad. If America does not lead the cause of freedom, that cause will not be led.”
As we discussed recently, use of the pro-war buzzword "isolationism" has been re-emerging from its post-Bush hibernation as a popular one-word debunk of any opposition to continued US military expansionism in all directions, and it is deceitful in at least three distinct ways. Firstly, the way it is used consistently conflates isolationism with non-interventionism, which are two wildly different things. Secondly, none of the mainstream political figures who are consistently tarred with the "isolationist" pejorative is isolationists by any stretch of the imagination or even proper non-interventionists; they all support many interventionist positions which actual non-interventionists object to. Thirdly, calling someone who opposes endless warmongering an "isolationist" makes as much sense as calling someone who opposes rape a man-hating prude; opposing an intrinsically evil act is not the same as withdrawing from the world.
The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is “Isolationism”
"Under our current Orwellian doublespeak paradigm where forever war is the new normal, the opposite of war is no longer peace, but isolationism." #war #peace #TulsiGabbardhttps://t.co/dLbW6O2bRV
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) June 29, 2019
Nobody actually believes that US foreign policy is under any threat of anything remotely resembling isolationism. The real purpose of this buzzword is to normalize the forever war and drag the Overton window so far in the direction of ghoulish hawkishness that the opposite of "war" is no longer "peace", but "isolationism". By pulling this neat little trick, the propagandists of the political/media class have successfully made endless war seem like a perfectly normal thing to be happening and any small attempt to scale it back look weird and freakish, when the truth is the exact opposite. War is weird, freakish and horrific, and peace is of course normal. This is the only healthy way to see things.
It would actually be great if George W Bush could shut the fuck up forever, ideally in a locked cell following a public war tribunal. Following that, at the very least people should stop looking at him as a cuddly wuddly teddy bear with whom it's fun to share a sporting arena suite or a piece of hard candy or hang award medals on for his treatment of veterans. This mass murdering monster has been growing more and more popular with Democrats lately just because he offers mild criticisms of Trump sometimes, as have war pigs like Bill Kristol and Max Boot and even John Bolton for the same reason, and it needs to stop. And in the name of a million dead Iraqis, please don't start consulting this man on matters of peace.
Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, checking out my podcast on either Youtube, SoundCloud, Apple podcasts or Spotify, following me on Steemit, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I'm trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish or use any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.
by Morley Evans
Peace Expert George W Bush Says ‘Isolationism’ Is Dangerous To Peace
by Caitlin Johnstone
Humanity was treated to an important lecture on peace at a recent event for the NIR School of the Heart by none other than Ellen Degeneres BFF and world-renowned peace expert George W Bush.
“I don’t think the Iranians believe the peaceful Middle East is in their national interest," said the former president according to The Washington Post's Josh Rogin, whose brief Twitter thread on the subject appears to be the only record of Bush's speech anywhere online.
“The isolationist United States is destabilizing around the world," Bush said during the speech in what according to Rogin was a shot at the sitting president. "We are becoming isolationist and that’s dangerous for the sake of peace.”
For those who don't speak fluent neoconservative, "isolationist" here means taking even one small step in any direction other than continued military expansionism into every square inch of planet Earth, and "We are becoming isolationist" here means "We have hundreds of military bases circling the globe, our annual military budget is steadily climbing toward the trillion-dollar mark, and we are engaged in countless undeclared wars and regime change interventions all around the world."
George W Bush takes a direct shot at Trump: “The isolationist United States is destabilizing around the world. We are becoming isolationist and that’s dangerous for the sake of peace.”
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) October 16, 2019
It is unclear why Bush is choosing to present himself as a more peaceful president than Trump given that by this point in his first term Bush had launched not one but two full-scale ground invasion wars whose effects continue to ravage the Middle East to this very day, especially given the way both presidents appear to be in furious agreement on foreign policy matters like Iran. But here we are.
From a certain point of view it's hard to say which is stranger: (A) a war criminal with a blood-soaked legacy of mass murder, torture and military expansionism telling Trump that he is endangering peace with his "isolationism", or (B) the claim that Trump is "isolationist" at all. As we've discussed previously, Trump's so-called isolationism has thus far consisted of killing tens of thousands of Venezuelans with starvation sanctions in an attempt to effect regime change in the most oil-rich nation on earth, advancing a regime-change operation in Iran via starvation sanctions, CIA covert ops, and reckless military escalations, continuing to facilitate the Saudi-led slaughter in Yemen and to sell arms to Saudi Arabia, inflating the already insanely bloated US military budget to enable more worldwide military expansionism, greatly increasing the number of bombs dropped per day from the previous administration, killing record numbers of civilians in airstrikes for which he has reduced military accountability, and of course advancing many, many new cold war escalations against the nuclear superpower Russia.
But these bogus warnings about a dangerous, nonexistent threat of isolationism are nothing new for Dubya. In his farewell address to the nation, Bush said the following:
“In the face of threats from abroad, it can be tempting to seek comfort by turning inward. But we must reject isolationism and its companion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger. In the 21st century, security and prosperity at home depend on the expansion of liberty abroad. If America does not lead the cause of freedom, that cause will not be led.”
As we discussed recently, use of the pro-war buzzword "isolationism" has been re-emerging from its post-Bush hibernation as a popular one-word debunk of any opposition to continued US military expansionism in all directions, and it is deceitful in at least three distinct ways. Firstly, the way it is used consistently conflates isolationism with non-interventionism, which are two wildly different things. Secondly, none of the mainstream political figures who are consistently tarred with the "isolationist" pejorative is isolationists by any stretch of the imagination or even proper non-interventionists; they all support many interventionist positions which actual non-interventionists object to. Thirdly, calling someone who opposes endless warmongering an "isolationist" makes as much sense as calling someone who opposes rape a man-hating prude; opposing an intrinsically evil act is not the same as withdrawing from the world.
The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is “Isolationism”
"Under our current Orwellian doublespeak paradigm where forever war is the new normal, the opposite of war is no longer peace, but isolationism." #war #peace #TulsiGabbardhttps://t.co/dLbW6O2bRV
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) June 29, 2019
Nobody actually believes that US foreign policy is under any threat of anything remotely resembling isolationism. The real purpose of this buzzword is to normalize the forever war and drag the Overton window so far in the direction of ghoulish hawkishness that the opposite of "war" is no longer "peace", but "isolationism". By pulling this neat little trick, the propagandists of the political/media class have successfully made endless war seem like a perfectly normal thing to be happening and any small attempt to scale it back look weird and freakish, when the truth is the exact opposite. War is weird, freakish and horrific, and peace is of course normal. This is the only healthy way to see things.
It would actually be great if George W Bush could shut the fuck up forever, ideally in a locked cell following a public war tribunal. Following that, at the very least people should stop looking at him as a cuddly wuddly teddy bear with whom it's fun to share a sporting arena suite or a piece of hard candy or hang award medals on for his treatment of veterans. This mass murdering monster has been growing more and more popular with Democrats lately just because he offers mild criticisms of Trump sometimes, as have war pigs like Bill Kristol and Max Boot and even John Bolton for the same reason, and it needs to stop. And in the name of a million dead Iraqis, please don't start consulting this man on matters of peace.
Thanks for reading! The best way to get around the internet censors and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, which will get you an email notification for everything I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following my antics on Twitter, checking out my podcast on either Youtube, SoundCloud, Apple podcasts or Spotify, following me on Steemit, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of my sweet merchandise, buying my new book Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone, or my previous book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. For more info on who I am, where I stand, and what I'm trying to do with this platform, click here. Everyone, racist platforms excluded, has my permission to republish or use any part of this work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.
© MMXIX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans
by Morley Evans
“Voices from Syria”: Syria’s War for Humanity |
Mark Taliano is an author and independent investigative reporter who travelled to Syria with the Third International Tour of Peace to Syria in 2016. In this book, he combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes mainstream media narratives about the dirty war on Syria.
**Voices from Syria** – Print Edition
Author: Mark Taliano
ISBN Number: 978-0-9879389-1-6
Pages: 128 (Includes 1 new chapter)
Year: 2017
Special Offer: $9.95Click to order preface
The Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) is an ancient holy land surrounded by terrorist-sup-porting countries that want to destroy it. These countries, in turn, are supported by the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
The secular government of Syria is led by Bashar al-Assad, its elected President. al-Assad is progressive and forward-looking. The terrorists invading and occupying parts of the country are neither progressive nor forward-looking, and most Syrians are happy to be rid of them. Many Syrians are critical of al-Assad for being too soft on the terrorists. They have dubbed him Mr Soft Heart.
Al-Assad has earned the support of most Syrians by providing for them and by protecting them. Healthcare and education, including higher education, are free in Syria. Before the externally orchestrated and perpetrated war in Syria started, Syria was one of the safest countries in the world to visit.
Now that the West has injected terrorists into the country and imposed illegal sanctions on Syrians, the war-torn country and its people are mostly defiant. The future of the country is theirs to decide, as per international law, and they will not be colonized. Their defiance comes easily thanks to the Western-supported, illegal “opposition” that confronts them.
None of the “opposing” terrorists is moderate. They slaughter Christians, minorities, and Muslims alike. They seek a blank slate upon which to impose their extremist Wahhabi ideology, and they seek to erase both Syria’s history and its people.
Historical memory teaches us that the West’s use of proxy mercenaries is not new. The West has destroyed a series of countries in quick succession since 11 September 2001 (9/11), including but not limited to Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, all by design, and always aided and abetted by mercenary ground troops.
But Syria has strong institutions and strong allies. It will be victorious, to the benefit of Syrians and humanity.
This book presents the story of Syria and Syrians as they struggle valiantly against NATO terrorism.
The narrative contradicts mainstream messaging, as it must. The West and its agencies could never garner public support for their genocidal campaigns if the truth emerged and was acknowledged by a broad base.
Truth leads to peace, but the governing polities that manipulate us and contaminate the public mindset enrich themselves through war, mass slaughter, and propaganda campaigns. Truth and justice are their unstated enemies.
This book aims to shed light on the truth, justice and governing lies, with a view to expanding the reach of global peace and destroying the cancer of terrorism.
We initially recount the story of Syria as told by Syrians, unfiltered by mainstream media propaganda. We see and hear the trauma lived by defiant, heroic Syrians, and we discover that this ancient, holy land will surely survive the current barbarian invasion to rise again as a beacon of civilization, hope, and dignity.
The externally orchestrated war is being resolved internally – by Syrians, for Syrians – and the solutions are often the fruit of genuine democratic processes, in contrast to the processes masquerading as democracy in the West. Syria insists on being a sovereign nation.
We subsequently elaborate upon the real story of Syria and the drivers behind the current war, in which the US-led Empire is using terrorist proxies to advance its reach, contrary to the wishes of the vast majority of Syrians.
The alternative to Syria’s elected government is genocidal despotism and sharia law. The (non-existent) “moderates” cannot be separated from the “extremists” because all of the mercenary terrorists share the same goals and the same ideologies.
The predictable result of engineered deception is that domestic Western populations remain deceived and politically passive. The truth is inverted and large swaths of our populations remain deluded. Whereas the West and its allies support all the terrorists invading Syria, our domestic populations think that we are fighting terrorism. This is the great fraud of the “Global War on Terrorism.”
Between 15 and 23 September 2016, I travelled to war-torn Syria because I sensed years ago that the official narratives being fed to North Americans across TV screens, in newsprint and on the internet were false.
The invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya were all based on lies; likewise for Ukraine. All of the post-9/11 wars were sold to Western audiences through a sophisticated network of interlocking governing agencies that disseminate propaganda to both domestic and foreign audiences.
But the dirty war on Syria is different. The degree of war propaganda levelled at Syria and contaminating humanity at this moment is likely unprecedented.
I had studied and written about Syria for years, so I was not entirely surprised by what I saw. What I felt was a different story.
Syria is an ancient land with a proud and forward-looking people. To this ancient and holy land, we sent mercenaries, hatred, bloodshed and destruction. We sent strange notions of national exceptionalism and wave upon wave of lies.
As a visitor, I felt shame, but Syrians welcomed me as one of them. These are their stories; these are their voices.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans
Ninety-seven per cent of the world's climatistas believe in human-caused catastrophic climate change.
Life on earth is ending. YOU selfish bastards are killing everyone and everything.
THAT is the real "green agenda".
Environmentalism is Troskysim in a new package.
That's why this horseshit smells the same as the old horseshit.
Your nose knows even if you don't know.
by Morley Evans
Ninety-seven per cent of the world's climatistas believe in human-caused catastrophic climate change.
Life on earth is ending. YOU selfish bastards are killing everyone and everything.
THAT is the real "green agenda".
Environmentalism is Troskysim in a new package.
That's why this horseshit smells the same as the old horseshit.
Your nose knows even if you don't know.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans
I think everyone can conclude that PCR is exasperated. I agree. I am exasperated too.
Trump Is History and So Is the USA
Paul Craig Roberts
When I read this evening in The Hill, which I mistakenly thought was a legitimate news publication rather than a weapon against President Trump and the Republicans, that the documented fact that Joe Biden and his son received between them $1,750,000 for preventing any Ukrainian investigation of the corrupt firm Burisma was mere unsupported “allegation,” and that the Trump Department of Justice had indicted two associates of Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s most fervent supporter, for “campaign finance violations,” a very elastic term, it became completely clear that Trump’s own Justice (sic) Department is part of the Deep State’s plot to destroy Trump.
Where is the Justice Department’s report on the felonies committed by the Democrats, CIA, and FBI in the effort to use the orchestrated hoax of Russiagate to interfere in the US presidential election by overturning the voters’ will and driving Trump out of office? Where are the indictments for these felonies? Why is the Trump Justice (sic) Department drawing out the expected report and indictments until the Democrats have had all the chance they need to finish off Trump? Why is Trump’s Justice (sic) Department helping the Democrats to destroy Trump? https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/465311-five-things-to-know-about-arrest-of-giuliani-associates
The former prosecutor general of Ukraine has himself testified that he was fired on Joe Biden’s orders, reinforced by the orders of the US ambassador to Ukraine. https://www.scribd.com/document/427618359/Shokin-Statement#download. We have the report that Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach has released documents proving the Bidens’ corruption. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/52369.htm
We have the letter to the Democrats from the White House legal counsel pointing out that there is no such thing as an ongoing “impeachment inquiry” that denies the accused the ability to contest the evidence and to cross-examine accuser witnesses. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/PAC-Letter-10.08.2019.pdf It is completely obvious that by avoiding a vote to begin an impeachment process, the Democrats intend to throw mud right through the next election without having to produce or confront any evidence or facts. The “inquiry” is not impeachment. It is an illegitimate use of the concept of impeachment to conduct a propaganda campaign against Trump for which no evidence needs to be produced. -PCR
Trump is so far over his head in Washington waters that he is incapable of realizing that the criminal George W. Bush and Obama regimes put powers in the hands of the president that enable him to destroy the plotters of the coup against him. Instead, Trump “distances himself from Giuliani.” In other words, his enemies have Trump on the run. Has it ever occurred to Trump that every real whistle-blower, people protected by statutory federal law, was completely destroyed by the executive branch, and no one said a word? Yet, here is Trump twisting in the wind on the basis of an unknown CIA agent who orchestrated the whistleblower complaint with Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. In US law there is no such thing as an unknown whistleblower, much less one that has more power than the president of the United States. - PCR
We are going to lose a president, who intended to mend America and restore peace, and our country along with him because American peace and prosperity do not comply with the agendas of the elite who rule us.
The American people are so stupid, having demonstrated their unlimited capability for utter and total stupidity by buying in to the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” “Iranian nukes,” “Russian invasions,” “Russiagate,” ad infinitum, that the Deep State and their media whores take for granted that the dumbshit Americans will equally accept the latest lie.
America is already in the trash bin of history. Most other countries will say, “good riddance.”
In my opinion, the Democratic Party can be condemned for destroying the USA and making the world a Hell-hole while they did it. Congratulations, assholes.
We can thank Democrats for the Spanish American War; World Wars I & II; the Cold War; the Korean War; the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and Richard Nixon; the assassination of Ngô Đình Diệm; The Wars in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; the destruction of Yugoslavia; unconditional support for Gulf Wars I and II along with sanctions on Iraq; the destruction of Libya, the theft of Libya's gold horde, and the murder of Gaddafi; the creation of the National Security State and the CIA; the aggrandization of "Israel"; the creation of the extensive American brainwashing system; and more, but that is enough for you to swallow for now. Don't choke. - MLE
by Morley Evans
I think everyone can conclude that PCR is exasperated. I agree. I am exasperated too.
Trump Is History and So Is the USA
Paul Craig Roberts
When I read this evening in The Hill, which I mistakenly thought was a legitimate news publication rather than a weapon against President Trump and the Republicans, that the documented fact that Joe Biden and his son received between them $1,750,000 for preventing any Ukrainian investigation of the corrupt firm Burisma was mere unsupported “allegation,” and that the Trump Department of Justice had indicted two associates of Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s most fervent supporter, for “campaign finance violations,” a very elastic term, it became completely clear that Trump’s own Justice (sic) Department is part of the Deep State’s plot to destroy Trump.
Where is the Justice Department’s report on the felonies committed by the Democrats, CIA, and FBI in the effort to use the orchestrated hoax of Russiagate to interfere in the US presidential election by overturning the voters’ will and driving Trump out of office? Where are the indictments for these felonies? Why is the Trump Justice (sic) Department drawing out the expected report and indictments until the Democrats have had all the chance they need to finish off Trump? Why is Trump’s Justice (sic) Department helping the Democrats to destroy Trump? https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/465311-five-things-to-know-about-arrest-of-giuliani-associates
The former prosecutor general of Ukraine has himself testified that he was fired on Joe Biden’s orders, reinforced by the orders of the US ambassador to Ukraine. https://www.scribd.com/document/427618359/Shokin-Statement#download. We have the report that Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach has released documents proving the Bidens’ corruption. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/52369.htm
We have the letter to the Democrats from the White House legal counsel pointing out that there is no such thing as an ongoing “impeachment inquiry” that denies the accused the ability to contest the evidence and to cross-examine accuser witnesses. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/PAC-Letter-10.08.2019.pdf It is completely obvious that by avoiding a vote to begin an impeachment process, the Democrats intend to throw mud right through the next election without having to produce or confront any evidence or facts. The “inquiry” is not impeachment. It is an illegitimate use of the concept of impeachment to conduct a propaganda campaign against Trump for which no evidence needs to be produced. -PCR
Trump is so far over his head in Washington waters that he is incapable of realizing that the criminal George W. Bush and Obama regimes put powers in the hands of the president that enable him to destroy the plotters of the coup against him. Instead, Trump “distances himself from Giuliani.” In other words, his enemies have Trump on the run. Has it ever occurred to Trump that every real whistle-blower, people protected by statutory federal law, was completely destroyed by the executive branch, and no one said a word? Yet, here is Trump twisting in the wind on the basis of an unknown CIA agent who orchestrated the whistleblower complaint with Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. In US law there is no such thing as an unknown whistleblower, much less one that has more power than the president of the United States. - PCR
We are going to lose a president, who intended to mend America and restore peace, and our country along with him because American peace and prosperity do not comply with the agendas of the elite who rule us.
The American people are so stupid, having demonstrated their unlimited capability for utter and total stupidity by buying in to the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” “Iranian nukes,” “Russian invasions,” “Russiagate,” ad infinitum, that the Deep State and their media whores take for granted that the dumbshit Americans will equally accept the latest lie.
America is already in the trash bin of history. Most other countries will say, “good riddance.”
In my opinion, the Democratic Party can be condemned for destroying the USA and making the world a Hell-hole while they did it. Congratulations, assholes.
We can thank Democrats for the Spanish American War; World Wars I & II; the Cold War; the Korean War; the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and Richard Nixon; the assassination of Ngô Đình Diệm; The Wars in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos; the destruction of Yugoslavia; unconditional support for Gulf Wars I and II along with sanctions on Iraq; the destruction of Libya, the theft of Libya's gold horde, and the murder of Gaddafi; the creation of the National Security State and the CIA; the aggrandization of "Israel"; the creation of the extensive American brainwashing system; and more, but that is enough for you to swallow for now. Don't choke. - MLE
Friday, October 11, 2019
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Sunday, October 6, 2019
© MMXIX V.1.0.7
by Morley Evans
Dear Barbara,
Nature or Nurture?
I get messages with health advice every day. Most of them have to do with regrowing hair, satisfying women, and losing weight.
I have tried several things to regrow hair. I tried Rogaine®. Nothing worked until I found one that does actually regrow hair.
Most things offered to satisfy women actually would satisfy men, if they worked. They don’t. I haven’t found anything, yet, but I don’t care.
Satisfying women has almost nothing to do with satisfying men. Most men and women don’t know that. Wives who are "too tired" or who "have a headache" know they are missing something but they don't know exactly what. If they knew they would never be "too tired." Men need to learn how to satisfy women. They can learn at any age.
Losing weight is an obsession with modern people. We eat the wrong things and we are sedentary. Ansel Keys caused more harm to more people than anyone else I can name, including Hitler.
Counting calories is a complete waste of time. Reducing or eliminating saturated fat is harmful. We want to eat grass-fed red meat — beef. We want to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Our food has been tampered with by ignorant do-gooders and greedy marketers.
Like cholesterol levels, blood pressure targets are continually changed to encourage consumption of pharmaceutical drugs to “solve the problem.”
Are people today much weaker than our ancestors? They are. Genetics has nothing to do with it. A genetic change takes about a million years. Adaptation happens very quickly as we will see below.
Alexander’s army arrived in India from Greece on foot in 327 BCE. It had defeated major armies along the way. People today couldn’t walk to Moose Jaw from Regina on the paved highway in a week.
Moose Jaw is about 60 miles from Regina. Walkers would travel ten miles a day and have sleep-overs each night. Along the way, walkers would probably need a day's rest to recover from blisters, cramps, and exhaustion. They would need meals and refreshments. Don't forget the porta-potties. First aid stations would be required. Sideline cheerleaders would provide motivation with banners and balloons.
In 1066 Harold’s Anglo-Saxon army marched from the south of England to York where it slaughtered a large invading Norwegian army at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. They marched with full battle gear450 185 miles in 4 days. They took the Norwegians completely by surprise. (The Norwegians were exhausted from a previous battle, resting, and unarmed when the Anglo-Saxons attacked.) Then the Anglo-Saxons marched back to the Battle of Hastings. They lost there, not because they were tired.
Let's check that: 185 miles divided by 26 miles is seven marathons. Could anyone today run seven marathons non-stop — wearing and carrying their battle gear? Could they slaughter another army in hand-to-hand combat after they arrived and then turn around and repeat the whole thing when they were finished? The Anglo-Saxon army of Harold Godwinson didn't do the first stage in 7 days — which is the time in which most modern people could not walk to Moose Jaw from Regina. THEY DID IT IN FOUR DAYS.
What about the vaunted U.S. Navy SEALS? Don't make me laugh.
Nobody today could do these things. Olympic athletes could not do them. Unlike modern professional athletes and soldiers who train every day, Harold's army was comprised of farmers, like all medieval armies. Don’t be disappointed when you can’t lose weight, or walk to Moose Jaw. I will love you anyway.
We are completely different from our ancestors. Now, everyone can drive to Moose Jaw in an hour. Anyone can fly from Athens to Mumbai in a few hours — just buy a ticket. They won't even be tired. In a thousand years, people will be completely different from us. We are not even the same as our grandparents.
Despite this, some things do not change. Love makes the world go 'round. Love makes life worth living. Babies and children promise hope and a good future. The Decalogue will continue to be useful. Wars will be fought.
- Morley
EDIT: This is a major correction. Assuming the history is correct, the Anglo-Saxon army of King Harold managed to run seven marathons in four days. Upon arriving it slaughtered the Norwegian (Viking) army in hand to hand combat. Then it returned to fight the Norman army (they were Vikings too) at Hastings. This is probably true because the Normans won at Hastings and they wrote history to glorify themselves, not the Anglo-Saxons who were unsung heroes.
I muddled up the run to Moose Jaw from Regina by confusing my earlier fitness with what I could do now. The distance to Moose Jaw from Regina is 60 miles. A marathon is 26 miles. So, 2.3 marathons would be needed to get to Moose Jaw from Regina. Runners could have two sleep-overs. Three days would be required.
It is debatable whether anyone today would do this, but someone might. It is very unlikely that anyone would, or could, run seven marathons in four days. We must conclude that people a thousand years ago were much stronger than we are today. Over two thousand years ago, Alexander's Hellenistic Greeks were even stronger. Goodby, U.S. Navy SEALS.
Someone on Quora wondered if the U.S. Marines could defeat a Roman Legion. I don't think so. The Romans would find a way to get around modern weapons to get inside the lethal range. They would win close-quarter combat every time. They knew how to do that.
by Morley Evans
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Battle of Stamford Bridge 1066 (a melee) |
Dear Barbara,
Nature or Nurture?
I get messages with health advice every day. Most of them have to do with regrowing hair, satisfying women, and losing weight.
I have tried several things to regrow hair. I tried Rogaine®. Nothing worked until I found one that does actually regrow hair.
Most things offered to satisfy women actually would satisfy men, if they worked. They don’t. I haven’t found anything, yet, but I don’t care.
Satisfying women has almost nothing to do with satisfying men. Most men and women don’t know that. Wives who are "too tired" or who "have a headache" know they are missing something but they don't know exactly what. If they knew they would never be "too tired." Men need to learn how to satisfy women. They can learn at any age.
Losing weight is an obsession with modern people. We eat the wrong things and we are sedentary. Ansel Keys caused more harm to more people than anyone else I can name, including Hitler.
Counting calories is a complete waste of time. Reducing or eliminating saturated fat is harmful. We want to eat grass-fed red meat — beef. We want to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Our food has been tampered with by ignorant do-gooders and greedy marketers.
Like cholesterol levels, blood pressure targets are continually changed to encourage consumption of pharmaceutical drugs to “solve the problem.”
Are people today much weaker than our ancestors? They are. Genetics has nothing to do with it. A genetic change takes about a million years. Adaptation happens very quickly as we will see below.
Alexander’s army arrived in India from Greece on foot in 327 BCE. It had defeated major armies along the way. People today couldn’t walk to Moose Jaw from Regina on the paved highway in a week.
Moose Jaw is about 60 miles from Regina. Walkers would travel ten miles a day and have sleep-overs each night. Along the way, walkers would probably need a day's rest to recover from blisters, cramps, and exhaustion. They would need meals and refreshments. Don't forget the porta-potties. First aid stations would be required. Sideline cheerleaders would provide motivation with banners and balloons.
In 1066 Harold’s Anglo-Saxon army marched from the south of England to York where it slaughtered a large invading Norwegian army at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. They marched with full battle gear
Let's check that: 185 miles divided by 26 miles is seven marathons. Could anyone today run seven marathons non-stop — wearing and carrying their battle gear? Could they slaughter another army in hand-to-hand combat after they arrived and then turn around and repeat the whole thing when they were finished? The Anglo-Saxon army of Harold Godwinson didn't do the first stage in 7 days — which is the time in which most modern people could not walk to Moose Jaw from Regina. THEY DID IT IN FOUR DAYS.
What about the vaunted U.S. Navy SEALS? Don't make me laugh.
Nobody today could do these things. Olympic athletes could not do them. Unlike modern professional athletes and soldiers who train every day, Harold's army was comprised of farmers, like all medieval armies. Don’t be disappointed when you can’t lose weight, or walk to Moose Jaw. I will love you anyway.
We are completely different from our ancestors. Now, everyone can drive to Moose Jaw in an hour. Anyone can fly from Athens to Mumbai in a few hours — just buy a ticket. They won't even be tired. In a thousand years, people will be completely different from us. We are not even the same as our grandparents.
Despite this, some things do not change. Love makes the world go 'round. Love makes life worth living. Babies and children promise hope and a good future. The Decalogue will continue to be useful. Wars will be fought.
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My grand nephew at one month |
- Morley
EDIT: This is a major correction. Assuming the history is correct, the Anglo-Saxon army of King Harold managed to run seven marathons in four days. Upon arriving it slaughtered the Norwegian (Viking) army in hand to hand combat. Then it returned to fight the Norman army (they were Vikings too) at Hastings. This is probably true because the Normans won at Hastings and they wrote history to glorify themselves, not the Anglo-Saxons who were unsung heroes.
I muddled up the run to Moose Jaw from Regina by confusing my earlier fitness with what I could do now. The distance to Moose Jaw from Regina is 60 miles. A marathon is 26 miles. So, 2.3 marathons would be needed to get to Moose Jaw from Regina. Runners could have two sleep-overs. Three days would be required.
It is debatable whether anyone today would do this, but someone might. It is very unlikely that anyone would, or could, run seven marathons in four days. We must conclude that people a thousand years ago were much stronger than we are today. Over two thousand years ago, Alexander's Hellenistic Greeks were even stronger. Goodby, U.S. Navy SEALS.
Someone on Quora wondered if the U.S. Marines could defeat a Roman Legion. I don't think so. The Romans would find a way to get around modern weapons to get inside the lethal range. They would win close-quarter combat every time. They knew how to do that.
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