Thursday, July 23, 2009


© MMIX v.1.0.6

Will music ever be popular again? Whatever happened to it? Music is the language of love. Is love dead too?

Someone has kept Bosa Nova alive on YouTube. So love is not dead and hope does live on.

When I was growing up, something happened. I was in Grade 5 in 1956. I was 9 years old. Music changed then and the world changed with it. Elvis's "Heartbreak Hotel" was #1 on Billboard. Radio was in turmoil. Rock 'n Roll would take over. Playboy Magazine became mainstream when Hugh Hefner published "The Playboy Philosophy" when I was in Grade 9.

A new myth was introduced then: Youth are smart. Grownups are dumb. It didn't matter what anyone had to say, or what their case was. The verdict was in. Since youth don't have any ideas of their own, their case was whatever somebody else said it was.

That "somebody else" was the one with the megaphone — they were and are the Masters of Media.

Since I was in Grade 5, we have had "Lolita", "Splendor in the Grass", "Butterfield 8", "James Bond", the Civil Rights revolution, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the War in Vietnam, the Kennedy Assassination, "Never trust anyone over thirty", "Grease", "Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll" and so much more. The Pill demolished the walls that had sheltered morality before.

Had those walls been a fortress or had they been a prison? Whatever they had been, they were gone now.

There has been a tsunami of media reprogramming of our culture and our people since World War II. It has had an effect. American women are reputed outside the United States to have no morals whatsoever. Women and men are constantly under attack as they are urged to embrace the "sexual revolution." Homosexuality is stridently promoted. Every second or third marriage today ends in divorce. Abortion is rampant and single moms have become the norm.

Andy Williams is gone (and so is Michael Jackson) and music has become a tool of menticide. Take a look at M-TV and Much Music. This is not music. This noise celebrates sadism, lust, and hate in Bedlam. It is designed to eviscerate our value's and beliefs. That is what happened to Britney Spears when she was only 21, had lived three lifetimes, she shaved her head and went off the rails. But now Britney is back and making a comeback.

We won't recover until we turn her off.

menticide - 3 dictionary results
men⋅ti⋅cide  [men-tuh-sahyd] Show IPA
the systematic effort to undermine and destroy a person's values and beliefs, as by the use of prolonged interrogation, drugs, torture, etc., and to induce radically different ideas.
1950–55; < L ment- (s. of mēns) mind + -i- + -cide Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.
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- Morley

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