Friday, September 4, 2009


© MMIX v.1.0.8

The official explanation has only one thing going for it: it is the official explanation of the officials. Otherwise, it has nothing going for it. It is a pack of lies. Something else happened.

Consider these points (that means think about them):

• the same organizations did "9/11" that assassinated JFK: elements inside the U.S. military, inside U.S. intelligence, and inside the U.S. government, particularly inside the White House
• the Israelis helped. The Israelis are always helpful. Some of them think they run the Empire because their lobby, AIPAC, owns America's elected officials, with but few exceptions
• there were no Arabs
• no planes crashed into buildings in New York City and Washington, DC
• United Airlines Flight 93 did not crash in a field in Pennsylvania.
• all four planes were hijacked electronically and flown out over the Atlantic where they were detonated
• some explosives were used to enhance "special effects" for the TV shows which millions watched over and over and over
• people running for their lives may have been there, but they would have been too busy to be reliable witnesses of what was going on. They were running for their lives. They were pumped full of panic adrenalin
• eye-witnesses could not see the big picture. TV viewers saw what they were supposed to see and were told what to think
• various "man in the street" video footage was set up for the special effects department to doctor and feed to the TV networks
• Ted Olson, the U.S. Solicitor General, did not talk on a cell phone to his wife, Barbara, before she met her doom at the Pentagon
• the "plane crash" at the Pentagon was a shaped charge placed against the wall of the building (inside). Assorted airplane parts in the "crash area" inside the building were planted there before the incident. None of them match the plane that supposedly was involved
• the lawn outside the Pentagon was as perfect as a putting green — after the "crash", then it was covered with sand and fire-fighting equipment
• symbolically, a giant U.S. flag was hung over the collapsed area of the Pentagon to demonstrate patriotism and to conceal from TV audiences what had happened — but early photographs were already on the Internet for all to see
• no plane could get through the tiny hole in the Pentagon wall. A missile was unnecessary when a bomb would do the job
• private video surveillance footage showing the Pentagon was confiscated by intelligence agents and never seen again
• the Pentagon area that was "attacked" was vacant and being renovated. There was lots of time to set things up without being disturbed
• three pineapple-sized 4th generation tritium bombs with vertical foci were set up in the basements to vaporize WTC 1, 2 and 7 — more than 85% of these huge buildings simply floated off on the breezes to settle all over Lower Manhattan
• photographs and videos confirm that a very powerful focused explosive event destroyed WTC 1 and another destroyed WTC 2
• WTC 7, which had been especially reinforced during construction, collapsed identically to WTC 1 and 2 as it was vaporized —most of WTC 7 vanished with its collapse too
• seismic recorders confirm earth-shaking disturbances in the area at the time
• pools of molten steel were discovered in the sub-basements of the WTC buildings weeks after 9/11
• the WTC buildings were stuffed with asbestos which had to be removed by public health order
• Larry Silverstein, the new owner of the WTC (which had been "privatized" and taken out of the hands of the Port Authority), saved the cost of renovation or demolition and removal of his WTC buildings while collecting a huge insurance payoff
• George W. Bush's brother, Marvin, was in charge of WTC security before 9/11 — "security officers" had access to everything
• most of the WTC workers weren't working that day, Tuesday 11 September 2001 although it was a regular business day
• the WTC crime scene was destroyed before it could be examined. The evidence was shipped off to places in India and Africa where it was melted down as scrap metal
• the Pentagon crime scene was destroyed by the direct order of Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense. The fire there burned for days and days. Why, as fires go, it wasn't a very big fire?
• very large numbers of WTC first responders are dying or have already died of lung cancer caused by radiation
• the masterminds behind "9/11" were George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney who are recommended to us as the prime suspects by their other crimes and by the indubitable fact that they are the only ones who could have done what was done. There are no other suspects — certainly not "the usual suspects"
• the motive was to keep the U.S. Empire in business: A new enemy had to be found to replace the Soviet Union. The Russians were not going to play this stupid game any longer — they had run outta money
• War has always been "The Health of the State." Governments love war, especially the U.S. government
• Pearl Harbor worked so well the last time. It kept everything going for over 60 years.

Bin Laden died years ago. The CIA stopped looking for him years ago. There is no "Al Qaeda". The shadow war that George W. Bush told us would be waged forever was made up by the buffoons in Washington for the bozos on Main Street.

These people pose a real and present danger to everyone world-wide. The only way to get rid of them is to stop giving them money. The world-wide financial meltdown and globalization are looking after that for us — I hope. Washington, like the Soviet Union, has run outta money. I'm going to bed. Good night.

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