Thursday, February 4, 2010


© MMX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

"You say my evidence is "anecdotal"?

Don't worry, I won't try to sell you something, but I must object to your use of "anecdotal". This term is commonly used by people who base their own claim on "argument from authority" — which is, itself, completely worthless.

For example, Urologists can, and do, dismiss Bell Ezeeflow Tea as having no value. Thousands of men, like me, can tell them their prostate problem disappeared when they started drinking Bell Tea. A Urologist can counter with, "You have only provided "anecdotal" evidence. I, on the other hand, graduated from a prestigious medical school, wear a white lab coat over my thousand-dollar suit and wear a stethoscope around my neck. I have the legal right to prescribe drugs to men suffering from prostate disease and you don't. Therefore, I know what I'm talking about. I make a million dollars a year, live in a big house, have a beautiful wife and children and golf at the Prestigious Country Club with other doctors, lawyers and judges. I am a doctor."

It doesn't matter to the unwary that the Urologist has only third-hand knowledge (at best) of the research that supports his treatment or that the Urologist's treatment does not work and that Bell Tea does work. It does not matter that Bell Tea results are replicated every day in "anecdotal" experiments. What does matter is that if men suffering from prostate disease all drank Bell Ezeeflow tea, the Urologist would be out of business.

So it really comes down to selling stuff. I'd rather get well than help pay for the Urologist's membership at the golf club and die. Over 60% of men over fifty have prostate disease. It's your choice.

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