Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH)

© MMX V.1.0.5
by Morley Evans

My cholesterol is 9.4 mmol/L (362.82 mg/dL). Do I have FH? Doctors think 5 mmol/L is "normal". The anti-cholesterol industry, A.K.A. Big Pharma, thinks everyone should be taking Statins to lower cholesterol to less than 2 mmol/L (which would certainly reduce the world's population significantly).

A New York Times article states:
In rare cases, a child may inherit the gene from both parents. Individuals who inherit both genes are considered "homozygous." Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia is much more severe. Cholesterol levels may exceed 600mg/dL (15.55 mmol/L), greatly increasing the risk for heart attacks and heart disease.

The doctor who prescribed Lipitor for me (which almost ended my life) told me that there is no way to find out if I have arteriosclerosis until they do an autopsy and examine my arteries.

Fine then, doc, you would kill me with Lipitor, then examine my arteries in an autopsy. Do you know what I think you would find? Nothing! I think I'll just let you take Lipitor yourself. When I die you can examine my arteries, if you are still around.

Apparently my doctor (Annandale) did not know about vascular imaging which they have been doing for years in hospitals in Regina. There are so many things he didn't know. But, in Canada, ignorance is no reason for the College of Physicians and Surgeons to revoke a doctor's license. Annandale is still charming patients and practicing medicine.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as "serum cholesterol" because there is no cholesterol floating around in the blood. None. Zero. What are they measuring when they report "total cholesterol" in the blood? Very strange. Cholesterol and fat are moved around the body in the blood stream inside various kinds of lipoproteins. LDL, HDL and triglycerides are three kinds of lipoprotein. Lipoproteins are like moving vans.

Cholesterol does not glue itself to the lumen walls, pile up and plug the arteries as animated cartoons illustrate the imaginary process on TV Statin commercials. So what exactly are these people talking about? Ask your doctor some questions. If he gives you the standard drug company explanation, which he will have learned from a drug salesman, your doctor is an ignoramus.

Ignore what he tells you. Go somewhere else. Better yet, forget about cholesterol. Such a doctor can do you a lot of serious harm if you follow his advice. It took me eighteen years to recover from what Dr. John N. Alport started with Zocor in 1992 and Dr. François Christo Annandale continued with Lipitor in 2000.

But, what the heck? What's eighteen years thrown away by doctors? That's less than 20%, if I live a century. I have my health back. I'm not complaining. God Forbid! Others I know personally have been maimed for life and killed by their doctors.

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