Tuesday, June 27, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

SAUDI ARABIA BECAME IMPORTANT when oil started being developed in 1950. (I was three years old then.) Before that, Arabia was a worthless sandbox. It was not part of the Ottoman Empire. They didn't want it. Sharif Hussein bin Ali fought with the British in WW I, supporting General Allenby in Cairo and T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) in Sinai and the Levant. Unlike the movie, which does not differentiate, the Arabians in Nejd were not fighting for their independence. They were already independent. The Arabians in Hejaz were fighting for Sharif Hussein bin Ali who proclaimed himself king of Hejaz at the end of WW I. Hashemites became the kings of Jordan and Iraq when those were created by the British after WW I. The Saudis still had little power at the time. Ibn Saud, the chief rival for the rule of Arabia, annexed Hejaz in 1925. (Hejaz borders the eastern shore of the Red Sea. Mecca and Medina are located in Hejaz.)

Some essential background is in order. What we have today is the Third Saudi kingdom — founded by Ibn Saud in 1902, keeping the same, previous [ob]noxious alliance with troglodyte Wahhabi clerics. Ibn Saud only ruled Najd in the beginning; then, in 1913, he annexed Shi’ite Eastern Arabia (that’s where the oil is), and up to 1926 Hejaz, on the Red Sea coast. A “United” Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was proclaimed only in 1932. 

In case you missed it, Saudi oil started being developed in 1950!

Everyone confuses money with wisdom. They tell themselves, "He's rich so he must be smart. Smarter than I am, at least. He's richer than I ever will be." 


© MMXVII V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

The "most powerful military the world has ever known" will be worthless when its soldiers and contractors can no longer be paid. They are currently being paid with money that has been worth less and less for decades. The most "powerful military" is in reality merely the most expensive military the word has ever known, not the best, but that is another story that will be told another time.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Lincoln

The End of the (Petro) Dollar: 
What the Federal Reserve Doesn’t Want You to Know

By Shaun Bradley

June 26, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - The United States’ ability to maintain its influence over the rest of the world has been slowly diminishing. Since the petrodollar was established in 1971, U.S. currency has monopolised international trade through oil deals with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and continuous military interventions. There is, however, growing opposition to the American standard, and it gained more support recently when several Gulf states suddenly blockaded Qatar, which they accused of funding terrorism.

Despite the mainstream narrative, there are several other reasons why Qatar is in the crosshairs. Over the past two years, it conducted over $86 billion worth of transactions in Chinese yuan and has signed other agreements with China that encourage further economic cooperation. Qatar also shares the world’s largest natural gas field with Iran, giving the two countries significant regional influence to expand their own trade deals.

Meanwhile, uncontrollable debt and political divisions in the United States are clear signs of vulnerability. The Chinese and Russians proactively set up alternative financial systems for countries looking to distance themselves from the Federal Reserve.  After the IMF accepted the yuan into its basket of reserve currencies in October of last year, investors and economists finally started to pay attention. The economic power held by the Federal Reserve has been key in financing the American empire, but geopolitical changes are happening fast. The United States’ reputation has been tarnished by decades of undeclared wars, mass surveillance, and catastrophic foreign policy.

One of America’s best [and last] remaining assets is its military strength, but it’s useless without a strong economy to fund it. Rival coalitions like the BRICS nations aren’t challenging the established order head on and are instead opting to undermine its financial support. Qatar is just the latest country to take steps to bypass the U.S. dollar. Russia made headlines in 2016 when they started accepting payments in yuan and took over as China’s largest oil partner, stealing a huge market share from Saudi Arabia in the process. Iran also dropped the dollar earlier this year in response to President Trump’s travel ban. As the tide continues to turn against the petrodollar, eventually even our allies will start to question what best serves their own interests.

Many E.U. member states are clashing with the unelected leadership in Brussels over immigration, terrorism, and austerity measures. If no solutions are found and things deteriorate, other countries could potentially follow the U.K.’s lead and vote to leave, as well. It is starting to become obvious that countries in Eastern Europe will look to the East to get the resources their economies need.

China, Russia, and India are all ahead of the curve and started stockpiling gold years ago. They recognise that hard assets will be the measure of true wealth in the near future — not fiat money. The historic hyperinflation that has occurred in these countries solidified the importance of precious metals in their monetary systems. Unfortunately, most Americans are ignorant of the past and will likely embrace more government bailouts and money printing when faced with the next recession. Even Fed officials have admitted that more quantitative easing is likely the only path going forward.


Saturday, June 24, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Understanding Russia:
The Continuum of History

By Yameen Khan
(edited by Pepe Escobar)

June 22, 2017 "Information Clearing House"

The United States is actively committed to bringing Russia into submission via encirclement and a two-pronged attack.

NATO’s expansion of bases in vassal states right up to Russia’s borders, coupled with an attempt at encroachment in Syria, should allow The Hegemon to undermine Russia’s underbelly from the Caucasus to Central Asia.

To understand how Russians usually respond to Western power a little time travel, starting 1219 AD, is more than useful.

This was a time when a cataclysmic event left deep scars on the Russian character; an abiding fear of encirclement, whether by nomadic hordes then or by nuclear missile bases today.

Russia then was not a single state but consisted of a dozen principalities frequently at war with each other. Between 1219 and 1240 all these fell to the Genghis Khan hurricane, whose lightning-speed cavalry with his horse-borne archers, employing brilliant tactics unfamiliar to Europeans, caught army after army off guard and forced them into submission.

For more than 200 years Russians suffered under the Golden Horde of the Mongol – named after their great tent with golden poles. They left the Russian economy in ruins, brought commerce and industry to a halt, and reduced Russians to serfdom. Asiatic ways of administration and customs were superimposed on the existing Byzantine system.

Taking full advantage of its military weakness and of its reduced circumstances, Russia’s European neighbours started to help themselves to its territory, starting with German principalities, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden. The Mongols couldn’t care less so long as they received their tribute. They were more concerned with their Asiatic dominions.

European cities did not match the riches of Samarkand and Bukhara, Herat and Baghdad, whose incomparable wealth and splendour outshone wooden-built Russian cities.

Russia’s greatest fear begins here – crushed between their European foes to the West and the Mongols to the East. Russians were to develop a paranoid dread of invasion and encirclement which has tormented their foreign relations ever since. Hardly ever has an experience left such deep and everlasting scars on a nation’s psyche as this cataclysm did on Russians. This explains, among other things, their stoical acceptance of harsh rule at home.

And then came Ivan III – the man who freed the Russians from the Golden Horde.


Monday, June 19, 2017


© MMXVI V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE RANCH, the wheels are falling off the stagecoach that calls itself the "Leader of the Free World". The greatest con-job in history continues to unravel as lie after lie is exposed by patriotic Americans to wake up insouciant idiots. What a ride! It's bumpy, but we are making a good time!

Friday, June 16, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Chateau d'If

RETIREMENT? I don't think about retirement. Golf? Canasta? I don't think so. I have better things to do.

I was tortured with Statin Drugs from 1992 until 2000 when I went into a coma. My recovery took from 2000 to 2012. Does that sound like I'm owed a massive malpractice settlement? Not in Canada it doesn't. 

It took Jesus three days to rise from the dead. It took me 12 years. Jesus had advantages I don't have. 

Notwithstanding that, I do have my health! I am very healthy. I am actually 17 years old now. This was my blood pressure at 7:35 this morning, 103/58 — 68! I take no drugs. I learned my lesson about drugs and doctors. 

I was born in 1947, but I'm just starting my life again now. I know more things than I knew when I was 17 years old before. If that sounds fantastic, it is. 

I won't say more because you wouldn't believe it. I won't mention my beautiful girlfriends. They all speak Russian. They make life worth living! 

I could live another sixty years! I certainly want to.

I feel like the Count of Monte Christo. I'm not rich yet. I will be!

You'll have to read my next book!


Thursday, June 8, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

Riazuddin Ahmed, my guest today, has made a return visit to answer some questions about the Middle East and Arabia. Qatar has been denounced "for supporting terrorism" by Saudi Arabia and others in the Arab League. Could this be an effort by Saudi Arabia to divert responsibility for terrorism from itself? Of course, Washington will blame Russia.

Here’s one explanation from "CounterPunch" of the attack on Qatar by its Arab neighbours this week.

Now onto our guest.

Good afternoon, Riaz. It's good to see you again. Thank you for accepting my invitation. My questions are displayed below in black. Your answers are red.

Why would Yemen join in the attack on Qatar? The saudi backed Mansour Hadi regime of Yemen is supporting not the Houthi supported government.
Saudi Arabia is massacring Yemenis. Is it the rulers of Yemen who are at war with the Yemenis who are being massacred by Saudi Arabia? No. Houthis belong to branch of Shia Islam - The Zaidis. They are a minority (40%-45%) and demand a bigger role in the central government and they have rebelled against the Saudi supported government of Mansour Hadi, and the expanding influence of the Wahabi Islam in Yemen. 

Because of the strategic Red Sea location of Yemen both US and Russia wants to have influence in the country. The current civil war is a US / Russia proxy war through their proxies Saudis and Iran through their proxies Sunni yemenis and Houthi Shia Yemenis. 

The US merchants of war and Israel now want to start a broader Sunni-Shia war in the ME between Saudis and Iran - Trump agreed to sell $110 billion worth of Arms to SA, assuring Israel that these weapons will not disturb its military superiority. The wars and conflicts in the ME has double benefit to the US. It sells weapons for protracted civil wars, and later obtain contracts to rebuild the destroyed military infrastructure thus recycling the petrodollars back into its coffers.

The grounds for this broader religious conflict in the ME were laid in the 2003 invasion of Iraq to replace the minority Sunni Muslim power with the Shia majority. This opened the door for Iranian influence in Iraq. 

To balance the Iranian Shia influence, the Sunnis Iraqis occupied Mosul and created the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The US initially supported the Sunni majority uprising against the minority Shia Alawite ruling elite of Bashar Al Assad in Syria as part of this balancing act. But Russia has its only warm water naval base in Latakia Syria that supports its fleet in the mediterranean Sea. So it was not going to allow the defeat of Al-Assad in the hands of the US backed Sunni rebels. (Russian taking of Crimea in Ukraine is also part of their need for naval warm water bases)

But the Sunni rebels were being supported by the Wahhabi backed elements (Al-Qaeda, ISIS) and they were winning. So the Shia Iran sent in its proxies the Hizbullah fighters from Lebanon to support Shia Al-Assad regime, while the US backed off because of the rising influence of the terrorist organization among the Sunni rebels.

In all these conflicts and US invasions of Iraq, the focal point is the zionist expansive state of Israel. It is not a coincidence that the three countries that were challenging the US hegemony in the ME through its proxy Israel have been destroyed - Iraq, Syria and Libya. The beneficiary has been Israel for now it can do whatever it wants in the occupied territories. 

Remember that the US Neocons cabal that started all these conflicts in the name of democracy and regime change in the ME was dominated by the elements of Zionist lobby the "American Enterprise Institute" and the AIPAC.

When the ruling strongmen were removed or weakened Iran filled the regional and local power vacuum in Iraq and Syria. Now Israel finds itself surrounded by an arc of pro Iran regimes or militias surrounding it. Hamas in the East, Shia Iraq in the North, and now the Hezbollah / Iran dominated Syria and Lebanon in the West. How to weaken it? Start a Sunni Saudi-Shia Iran conflict. This is the game plan.

The ruling class Muslim IDIOTS always fall for this divide and conquer game plan of colonial powers!!!! This is how the Brits occupied India in 1857, and the Brits and the French created their client states in the ME after the WW1. 

The Saudis helped oust the Turks from the ME in exchange for their rule. The two sons Faisal and Abdullah of the Amir Shareef Hussein of Hejaz (Arabian peninsula) who revolted against the Turks with the help of the Brits - remember Lawrence of Arabia exploits - were later installed by the Brits as the king Faisal of Iraq, and King Abdullah of Jordan - the grandfather of the present King Abdullah of Jordan. While King Faisal of Iraq was overthrown by a military coup in 1958. 

Is Qatar, that owns the alternative "Al Jazeera" news network, somewhat better than the rest? Qatar crisis should be seen in the context of the Sunni vs Shia Muslim context in the ME. 

Why does the UAE support the Saudis. They have no oil. Or do they?  They have oil, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and Qatar all have oil and Gas, not Dubia. They are pro Wahabi sunni regimes.

Why is Oman operating quietly outside the Arab cabal? China gets much of its oil from Oman. Omanis are not Wahabi, are separated by distance and oil has come lately. So they are minding their own business.

Thank you, Riaz

NOTE: King Abdullah I, the grandfather of Abdullah II, the current king of Jordan, was assassinated by a Palestinian because Abdullah I had betrayed the Palestinians in a secret deal he had made with the Zionists to sell out the Palestinians. King Fiesal of Iraq was overthrown by a military coup d'etat that brought Abd al-Kasim Qaasim to power. Qaasim was overthrown and executed in 1963 after he tried to nationalize the Anglo-American Iraq Oil Company. (Mohammad Mosaddegh of Iran was overthrown by a CIA coup d'etat in 1953 when he tried to nationalise the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.) Saadam Hussein came fully to power in Iraq in 1979. Saddam was a useful American asset until Washington chose to destroy him — and his country, Iraq — in 2001 when it was decided that would be useful. There is more. There is lots more. But, that's enough for now.

Oh, one more thing!

It is worth knowing that the United States gets next-to-no oil from the Middle East and it never did. Americans get their imported oil from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela and they always have. This is all about POWER and selling weapons. War is big business. War makes people feel good too. People love war. As "Country Joe" sang in the sixties, "Kill, Kill, Kill for peace. Killing will give you a big release." Of course the United States profits greatly from petro dollars because the U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency. Alas for Washington, that is coming to an end. Saddam and Ghadafi had to be destroyed because they were planning to sell oil without using the U.S. dollar to complete transactions. Ghadafi even planned to launch the African Gold Dinar. Saddam and Gadafi opposed Israel too. They were killed and their countries were destroyed. Syria today is fighting for its life. Syria is the last Arab country that is not dominated and controlled by the United States and Israel. Israel is not surrounded by hundreds of millions of hostile Arabs lusting to destroy the "Jewish State". That is a lie. That is the BIG LIE that nearly everyone believes. Do you? 

The Arabs are controlled the same way you are controlled. Zionists control their leaders. Zionists control your leaders. Zionists control what you think too. They own the Mainstream Media (MSM) where you get your ideas. The best informed are the worst informed. They are the most brainwashed.



© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Remember this?

Uploaded on Apr 3, 2010

Wikileaks has obtained and decrypted this previously unreleased video footage from a US Apache helicopter in 2007. It shows Reuters journalist Namir Noor-Eldeen, driver Saeed Chmagh, and several others as the Apache shoots and kills them in a public square in Eastern Baghdad. They are apparently assumed to be insurgents. After the initial shooting, an unarmed group of adults and children in a minivan arrives on the scene and attempts to transport the wounded. They are fired upon as well. The official statement on this incident initially listed all adults as insurgents and claimed the US military did not know how the deaths ocurred. Wikileaks released this video with transcripts and a package of supporting documents on April 5th 2010 on http://collateralmurder.com

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans


I am offended. Armed robbery offends me. I am VERY offended. I was robbed of $214 by the Regina Municipal Police Officer Unit Number 5308 under the TRAFFIC SAFETY ACT, Section 200(2).

The picture below clearly shows that I was driving on a deserted street, minding my own business, not endangering anyone's life or property BECAUSE NO ONE WAS THERE! I was driving at a prudent speed (52 kph), legal in the next block, but not legal in this block because this particular block is a SPEED TRAP which all school zones are everywhere.

To add insult to injury, I was forced (At gunpoint — the State has lots of guns and other things.) to plead guilty and say I am a criminal. That is supposed to absolve the real criminal, Police Officer Unit Number 5308, whoever or whatever that may be, and the entire "justice" system that supports this racket. The "perps" run the system.

Notice of Offence? Thanks. I AM OFFENDED. 

Too bad Police Officer Unit Number 5308 didn't show his face so I could vent my rage and dress him down. Maybe Unit Number 5308 would pull a gun and prove my point that this is armed robbery. Perhaps Unit Number 5308 would shoot me. Police do that in other jurisdictions. The police are a menace. Their contribution to a decent society is zero.

Too bad "Columbo" with Peter Falk was only a TV show. Frank Serpico gave us a glimpse into the dark side of real-life police work. On a bright note, Regina did have its own Deputy Chief of Police, Denis Chisholm. Back to the dark side, Robocop and his camera are on the force today. Hello, Unit 5308! You prick.

This is where we are going. Canada follows the leader. Don't kid yourself. We are not different.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

June 6, 2017, Regina

WHAT COULD BE SAFER than the pain reliever in your medicine cabinet? The Food and Drug Authority has strengthened the current warnings about Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Naproxen

WebMD says: 

NSAIDs — or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — are among the most common pain relief medicines in the world. Every day more than 30 million Americans use them to soothe headaches, sprains, arthritis symptoms, and other daily discomforts, according to the American Gastroenterological Association. And as if that wasn't enough, in addition to dulling pain NSAIDs also lower fever and reduce swelling.

The FDA says:

The labels for both prescription NSAIDs and OTC NSAIDs already have information on heart attack and stroke risk. In the coming months, FDA will require manufacturers of prescription NSAIDs to update their labels with more specific information about heart attack and stroke risks. FDA will also request that the manufacturers of OTC NSAIDs update the heart attack and stroke risk information in Drug Facts labels.

FDA added a boxed warning to prescription drug labels for this risk in 2005. More recent data and information are prompting FDA to update NSAID labelling. Today we know that the risk of heart attack and stroke may occur early in treatment, even in the first weeks.

“There is no period of use shown to be without risk,” says Judy Racoosin, M.D., M.P.H., deputy director of FDA’s Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Addiction Products.

People who have cardiovascular disease, particularly those who recently had a heart attack or cardiac bypass surgery, are at the greatest risk for cardiovascular adverse events associated with NSAIDs.

FDA is adding information in the drug label for people who already have had a heart attack. This vulnerable population is at an increased risk of having another heart attack or dying of heart attack-related causes if they’re treated with NSAIDs, according to studies.

But the risk is also present in people without cardiovascular disease. “Everyone may be at risk – even people without an underlying risk for cardiovascular disease,” Racoosin adds.

That should be clear enough.


Along with the century-old known risk of bleeding ulcers and death caused by Aspirin, doctors and TV ads prescribe Aspirin for preventing secondary heart attack and as post heart surgery "therapy", believe it or not. Surgeons perform cardiac by-pass surgery and install stents despite knowing these do not extend life. Why would they do that? The American Gastroenterological Association cited above by WebMD is interested in NSAIDs because they cause bleeding ulcers and death which, by the way, killed a doctor I knew! It took her a long time to die. Nothing that was done, month after month, could save her. But no one learned a lesson from this, not even her family, her (late) husband and two of her sons, who were and are all doctors. Amazing, isn't it?


Friday, June 2, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.6
by Morley Evans

These links to casualties suffered in World Wars I and II reverse what most people — especially Americans — believe. Most people believe Washington's official line that the United States saved the world from slavery and destruction at great expense to Americans in blood and treasure. That is a complete lie. We are taught that the Nazi Joseph Goebbels was the master of propaganda. That is a lie. He was learning his craft from the true masters of propaganda, the Americans, who learned the craft from the British. Modern public relations and propaganda were invented by Edward Bernays who wrote that history is a weapon. 

Controlling what masses believe is the key to power because masses are always in control. "What if war were declared and no one came?"

World War II

World War I

Great Britain, world hegemon for centuries, spent a million dollars a minute for four years to fight the Great War. A million dollars then was worth much much more than now. It was a fortune. Great Britain never recovered. The British Empire was doomed. In 1914, there were twelve empires that ruled the world. (British, French, German, Russian, Austrian-Hungarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Belgian, American, Italian, and Japanese. The Chinese Empire had ceased to exist in 1911 when the Emperor abdicated. In 1918 there was only one, de facto, Washington's empire.

Qui Bono? 

World War I was a master-stroke of divide and rule. The empires formed two groups and set to work destroying each other (largely using American-invented and developed weapons including aeroplanes, submarines, repeating rifles, trenches, barbed wire, modern artillery, and, most importantly, machine guns).

Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun and they have not.

At the last minute, after both sides were exhausted, Washington stepped in to declare victory and take control of the peace. It would take one more World War — following the same pattern — to consolidate power in Washington with The Great Victory of 1945

Washington's rise began with the American Civil War which set two groups of Americans against each other to rewrite the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution. In 1944 Breton Woods made the U.S. dollar the world reserve currency. In 1947, the National Security Act was passed and the United States proclaimed itself the "leader of the free world." 

Though impossible for mortals to detect at the time, the demise of Washington's empire began in 1945. It was all for nought. Hundreds of millions had been slaughtered for nothing.

The best-laid plans of mice and men / Go oft awry

Satan is laughing.


Thursday, June 1, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

The "Gay" flag

I have been reminded all morning that June is LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) month. Everyone is invited (no, everyone is compelled) to celebrate and embrace "diversity". They must put aside any feelings they may have of revulsion. Tolerance is not good enough. Practices God condemned in Sodom and Gomorrah shall no longer be reviled. After all, God is Dead. Lucifer Rules!

Old-fashioned morals are no longer acceptable in the 21st century. "Choice" and "Diversity" are required in the Secular Era. The "traditional" family is old-fashioned. One day soon, we can expect babies to be born in bottles in state laboratories. Women will be free of the role biology dictated. FREEDOM! These new and improved creatures will be GMOs (genetically modified organisms). They will be bigger, stronger, more beautiful, and very long-lived. Humanity will be ruled by "artificial intelligence", not God. God is already obsolete. Élite men know better. They decide for everyone. Soon a computer will dictate.

A Brave New World is dawning. The human herd is busy fighting "bullying" and "global warming". Everyone is so busy promoting "democracy" and "human rights" they have no time to notice the Israeli abominations in Palestine and the Saudi abominations in Arabia. The information people are fed excludes what people shouldn't know so they can't come to undesired conclusions. The herd is kept busy. People who are busy don't have time to notice the crimes against humanity that are being committed every day by Washington and its vassals. Those crimes would make Nazis gasp!

Does this sound like Bolshevism? Does anyone remember the "Sexual Revolution"? "Women's Rights"? "Animal rights"? "Non-smokers Rights"? Everyone and all things have "rights" EXCEPT anyone who does not agree with the program. They have no rights. Majorities are mere cattle being led to slaughter.

Who is promoting this? Can you guess?
