Thursday, June 8, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

Riazuddin Ahmed, my guest today, has made a return visit to answer some questions about the Middle East and Arabia. Qatar has been denounced "for supporting terrorism" by Saudi Arabia and others in the Arab League. Could this be an effort by Saudi Arabia to divert responsibility for terrorism from itself? Of course, Washington will blame Russia.

Here’s one explanation from "CounterPunch" of the attack on Qatar by its Arab neighbours this week.

Now onto our guest.

Good afternoon, Riaz. It's good to see you again. Thank you for accepting my invitation. My questions are displayed below in black. Your answers are red.

Why would Yemen join in the attack on Qatar? The saudi backed Mansour Hadi regime of Yemen is supporting not the Houthi supported government.
Saudi Arabia is massacring Yemenis. Is it the rulers of Yemen who are at war with the Yemenis who are being massacred by Saudi Arabia? No. Houthis belong to branch of Shia Islam - The Zaidis. They are a minority (40%-45%) and demand a bigger role in the central government and they have rebelled against the Saudi supported government of Mansour Hadi, and the expanding influence of the Wahabi Islam in Yemen. 

Because of the strategic Red Sea location of Yemen both US and Russia wants to have influence in the country. The current civil war is a US / Russia proxy war through their proxies Saudis and Iran through their proxies Sunni yemenis and Houthi Shia Yemenis. 

The US merchants of war and Israel now want to start a broader Sunni-Shia war in the ME between Saudis and Iran - Trump agreed to sell $110 billion worth of Arms to SA, assuring Israel that these weapons will not disturb its military superiority. The wars and conflicts in the ME has double benefit to the US. It sells weapons for protracted civil wars, and later obtain contracts to rebuild the destroyed military infrastructure thus recycling the petrodollars back into its coffers.

The grounds for this broader religious conflict in the ME were laid in the 2003 invasion of Iraq to replace the minority Sunni Muslim power with the Shia majority. This opened the door for Iranian influence in Iraq. 

To balance the Iranian Shia influence, the Sunnis Iraqis occupied Mosul and created the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The US initially supported the Sunni majority uprising against the minority Shia Alawite ruling elite of Bashar Al Assad in Syria as part of this balancing act. But Russia has its only warm water naval base in Latakia Syria that supports its fleet in the mediterranean Sea. So it was not going to allow the defeat of Al-Assad in the hands of the US backed Sunni rebels. (Russian taking of Crimea in Ukraine is also part of their need for naval warm water bases)

But the Sunni rebels were being supported by the Wahhabi backed elements (Al-Qaeda, ISIS) and they were winning. So the Shia Iran sent in its proxies the Hizbullah fighters from Lebanon to support Shia Al-Assad regime, while the US backed off because of the rising influence of the terrorist organization among the Sunni rebels.

In all these conflicts and US invasions of Iraq, the focal point is the zionist expansive state of Israel. It is not a coincidence that the three countries that were challenging the US hegemony in the ME through its proxy Israel have been destroyed - Iraq, Syria and Libya. The beneficiary has been Israel for now it can do whatever it wants in the occupied territories. 

Remember that the US Neocons cabal that started all these conflicts in the name of democracy and regime change in the ME was dominated by the elements of Zionist lobby the "American Enterprise Institute" and the AIPAC.

When the ruling strongmen were removed or weakened Iran filled the regional and local power vacuum in Iraq and Syria. Now Israel finds itself surrounded by an arc of pro Iran regimes or militias surrounding it. Hamas in the East, Shia Iraq in the North, and now the Hezbollah / Iran dominated Syria and Lebanon in the West. How to weaken it? Start a Sunni Saudi-Shia Iran conflict. This is the game plan.

The ruling class Muslim IDIOTS always fall for this divide and conquer game plan of colonial powers!!!! This is how the Brits occupied India in 1857, and the Brits and the French created their client states in the ME after the WW1. 

The Saudis helped oust the Turks from the ME in exchange for their rule. The two sons Faisal and Abdullah of the Amir Shareef Hussein of Hejaz (Arabian peninsula) who revolted against the Turks with the help of the Brits - remember Lawrence of Arabia exploits - were later installed by the Brits as the king Faisal of Iraq, and King Abdullah of Jordan - the grandfather of the present King Abdullah of Jordan. While King Faisal of Iraq was overthrown by a military coup in 1958. 

Is Qatar, that owns the alternative "Al Jazeera" news network, somewhat better than the rest? Qatar crisis should be seen in the context of the Sunni vs Shia Muslim context in the ME. 

Why does the UAE support the Saudis. They have no oil. Or do they?  They have oil, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and Qatar all have oil and Gas, not Dubia. They are pro Wahabi sunni regimes.

Why is Oman operating quietly outside the Arab cabal? China gets much of its oil from Oman. Omanis are not Wahabi, are separated by distance and oil has come lately. So they are minding their own business.

Thank you, Riaz

NOTE: King Abdullah I, the grandfather of Abdullah II, the current king of Jordan, was assassinated by a Palestinian because Abdullah I had betrayed the Palestinians in a secret deal he had made with the Zionists to sell out the Palestinians. King Fiesal of Iraq was overthrown by a military coup d'etat that brought Abd al-Kasim Qaasim to power. Qaasim was overthrown and executed in 1963 after he tried to nationalize the Anglo-American Iraq Oil Company. (Mohammad Mosaddegh of Iran was overthrown by a CIA coup d'etat in 1953 when he tried to nationalise the Anglo-Persian Oil Company.) Saadam Hussein came fully to power in Iraq in 1979. Saddam was a useful American asset until Washington chose to destroy him — and his country, Iraq — in 2001 when it was decided that would be useful. There is more. There is lots more. But, that's enough for now.

Oh, one more thing!

It is worth knowing that the United States gets next-to-no oil from the Middle East and it never did. Americans get their imported oil from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela and they always have. This is all about POWER and selling weapons. War is big business. War makes people feel good too. People love war. As "Country Joe" sang in the sixties, "Kill, Kill, Kill for peace. Killing will give you a big release." Of course the United States profits greatly from petro dollars because the U.S. dollar is the world reserve currency. Alas for Washington, that is coming to an end. Saddam and Ghadafi had to be destroyed because they were planning to sell oil without using the U.S. dollar to complete transactions. Ghadafi even planned to launch the African Gold Dinar. Saddam and Gadafi opposed Israel too. They were killed and their countries were destroyed. Syria today is fighting for its life. Syria is the last Arab country that is not dominated and controlled by the United States and Israel. Israel is not surrounded by hundreds of millions of hostile Arabs lusting to destroy the "Jewish State". That is a lie. That is the BIG LIE that nearly everyone believes. Do you? 

The Arabs are controlled the same way you are controlled. Zionists control their leaders. Zionists control your leaders. Zionists control what you think too. They own the Mainstream Media (MSM) where you get your ideas. The best informed are the worst informed. They are the most brainwashed.


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