Wednesday, November 8, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

FORGET CNN, this is what has really been happening.

Libya, Syria, Ukraine
Same Playbook, Same Puppet Masters

By Chris Kanthan

November 07, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  Geopolitics becomes a lot easier if we can discern repeating patterns. For example, the common thread through the crises in Ukraine, Libya and Syria is a clever but ruthless playbook of regime-change. This stratagem of toppling governments while appearing noble should perhaps be called the “geopolitics of crocodile tears.”

There were times in history when a powerful country would simply invade the weaker ones. Now the elites resort to elaborate Hollywood-style scripts brimming with inspiring heroes, sob stories and altruistic efforts.

Here are the simple facts: Libya and Syria were a tad bit too independent and successful, and thus have been targeted by globalists for a long time. Ukraine, which borders Russia, is a treasured piece on the geopolitical chessboard – get Ukraine and Crimea, you weaken Russia immensely.

The fundamental ploy in Libya, Syria and Ukraine was the same: rile up the population and then stage a coup in the midst of chaos, while claiming to liberate the people.

The coup is carried out in many stages.

Stage 1: Planned Protests

Stage 2: Protesters killed, leading to outrage and UN resolutions/sanctions

Stage 3: Armed mutiny and attempts to force the government out

Stage 4: If Stage 3 fails, sponsor a full-fledged civil war to overthrow the government

Simple enough? Let’s hop on the time machine back to 2011.


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