Friday, December 29, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

Alina (Алина)

NEW YEAR'S EVE (DEC 31ST) IS THE NIGHT I want to take you to a gala ball, my love. 

Dining tables surround the dance floor of the Grand Ballroom. There is an orchestra playing romantic Stauss waltzes. Liveried waiters serve a sumptuous repast. Wine stewards pour French champaign. Men wear white tie and tails. The ball is very formal. Women are wearing gorgeous evening gowns. They are beautifully coiffed. You are dripping with sexuality. I will enjoy your delights when we return to our hotel room. You are in heaven. We dine and dance. I am happier than any man deserves to be.

As the hour nears midnight, everyone counts down to zero. At the stroke of midnight, a bell rings. Everyone cheers. The evil, worn-out 2017 is gone. Good riddance! The New Year is a fresh babe, pure and good. Fireworks explode in the black sky outside. We, very privileged revellers, watch the night sky light up from the large balcony outside the ballroom. 

The balcony floor is heated and snow-free even on the coldest winter nights. It is cold tonight. We are warm in our wraps. Every church bell in the city rings. People can be heard singing everywhere. Every person of every faith is at peace on this blessed night. Spirits soar. We embrace. We kiss. We pray this will not end. It might, of course. We know about Karma.

After a few more dances, we retire to our hotel room. I slowly undress you, delicately handling your expensive gown. You undress me. We kiss and sleep in each other's arms between crisp cotton sheets under a thick feather tick. In the morning, our celebration continues to inaugurate the New Year 2018. 

Coffee and breakfast are served in our room when we call.


Saturday, December 16, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.1.4
by Morley Evans

One drop in each eye.

VISION IS OUR MOST VALUABLE SENSE. Most people would do almost anything to avoid losing their eyes. This is how eye doctors looked after my eyes.

I do not think Dr Ryan Eidsness, MD, intentionally caused the Adverse Drug Reaction I suffered from Lumigan®, though I am suspicious. I think this because I got the same reaction from the tiny bottle Eidsness gave me (which he could have adulterated) as well as from the bottle I purchased from Shoppers Drug Mart (which he could not have adulterated). What he did do was sweep me under the carpet after he screwed up my eyes. The other eye doctors I've seen here in Regina are all his accomplices. They all covered for their colleague, Dr Ryan Eidsness, MD. Even Dr Garcia who helped me and my family several times did this. That is very disappointing, but not surprising. Doctors are a caste. Doctors are a criminal cabal.

What was the Adverse Drug Reaction? In the morning after putting one drop into each eye before retiring, there were large round black disks where my eyes should be. I saw them when I looked in the bathroom mirror. These round disks were about as large as each lens in a pair of round black sunglasses would be. I could see them when I looked in a mirror. I could see through them but I could not see my eyes in the mirror. They were big opaque black disks. The edges of these disks were fuzzy. The fuzz wiggled slightly as if it was alive. It was quite bizarre. There were no frames, of course. This phenomenon was not dilated pupils. Doctors I've told about this had never heard of anything like this before. This effect gradually went away in a few days after I discontinued Lumigan®. It would return again whenever I put one drop in each eye before bedtime as Dr Eidsness recommended.

I did this several times. There is no doubt that Lumigan® was responsible. No one will ever know about it, except you, dear reader. Nothing will ever be done about it. Eye doctors will keep prescribing Lumigan®. Drug stores will keep selling it. Allergan will keep making it. NO ONE CARES. They are all legally-bound to care. It is a condition of their business. 

This is what Allergan says about side effects of Lumigan®. I read this very carefully before putting one drop in each eye before bedtime. I WAS NOT WARNED.

Besides this bizarre effect, Lumigan® caused severe cataracts and did something to my left eye that made it much weaker than my right eye. It now requires a much stronger lens than before. None of the eye doctors noticed or commented upon that.

I phoned Dr Eidsness’ office the first morning. The receptionist told me the doctor was “out of town.” She laughed off my report and told me that “People who don’t take their drops go blind.” Ho ho ho. She recommended moisturising eye drops "five or ten times a day." Dr Eidsness was unconcerned. He didn't answer my calls. He didn’t even show up a couple of weeks later for the examination he had scheduled a week before Christmas 2013. I never saw or spoke to Eidsness again. I went to Dr Gaucher, my sister’s friend, in January. Dr Gaucher told me I had cataracts of the fast-growing kind. He thought I might have glaucoma. Glaucoma is hard to diagnose, he said. Dr Gaucher examined my eyes several times throughout 2014 to see if there was any change in my condition. Then I went to the Mayo clinic.

Eidsness’ “treatment plan” was for me to put one drop in each eye before bedtime every night for the next six months and then see him for another examination. That’s what he does. He tells everyone to do this. That's his standard treatment. Anyone could do this. I could do this. Eidsness sends a bill to the government twice a year for each patient whether they need anything or not. I’m sure I would have been blind in six months if I had continued doing what Dr Ryan Eidsness, MD, recommended.

Since April 2007 I have seen Dr Giocoli; Dr Eidsness; Dr Gaucher; Dr Bakouris; Dr Mervitz; Dr Patel (Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale); and Dr Robertson. There was nothing wrong with my eyes before Dr Ryan Eidsness, MD, prescribed Lumigan®. Eidsness prescribed Lumigan® to treat glaucoma. He knew I had low intraocular pressure. I still do. I always did. Eidsness f*ck*d up my eyes. THAT IS VERY SERIOUS. Dr Garcia replaced my damaged lenses with intraocular lens transplantation (Jun 2016). NO ONE CARES what Eidsness did or what he will continue to do. They all got paid. The cabal is safe.

For now.

Dr Bates thought most people do not need glasses. Was he right? I'm sure he was. It wouldn't cost someone anything to find out. There would be no risk. Someone's myopia could be cured by doing exercises for a few minutes a few times a week. Children should try this first, before glasses. Of course, it would cost ophthalmologists and optometrists a great deal. On the other hand, they could actually change what they do. What a radical idea! They would do just fine and people would be better served. Eye exercises won't help me now that I have plastic lenses that cannot change shape like real lenses. Eye exercises might have helped my near-sightedness before I saw Dr Ryan Eidsness. Too bad I discovered Dr Bates only after I followed Dr Eidsness' advice. Too bad my parents didn't know about Dr Bates when I was six years old.

Dr Gaucher told my sister that Lumigan® didn’t cause my glaucoma. I NEVER SAID IT DID. Lumigan® caused cataracts, sir. Lumigan® also did something more to my left eye besides damaging the lens. What? How? What is the prognosis for my eyes now that eye doctors have screwed them up? I would like to know. What do you know, Doc? Nothing?

The very first time I saw him, Dr Eidsness said, "I'm surprised you came to see me, knowing what you think of doctors." I should have asked him then what he thinks I think of doctors and why I have that opinion. I should have left and never gone back. Well Doc, I can thank you now for confirming my opinion, you asshole.

Dr Garcia and Dr Roberson both referred me to Dr Coupal who is supposed to be a glaucoma expert, according to them. COUPAL IS EIDSNESS' PARTNER I discovered when I phoned his office. Well, well. Eidsness runs a “glaucoma screening" racket. I didn’t go to see Coupal. I think these whores have done quite enough. If I never see another doctor it will be too soon. I have given instructions to call an ambulance if I'm going to die anyway.

Dr Patel at the Mayo Clinic (Jan 2015) told me that "no one in the world knows anything about 'low-pressure' glaucoma," including him. An honest man. I believe him. I have learned that glaucoma is a multifactorial disease. Intraocular pressure explains glaucoma most of the time. Eye doctors have no idea what causes glaucoma when their theory does not work. They just pretend, ignore the results, protect themselves and their caste and make money. Money Money Money, burp.

Glaucoma affects about 1% of Americans. "Low-pressure" glaucoma affects about 1% of them. Glaucoma is not a public health emergency. Yet Dr Eidsness would run everyone through his clinic and send the government a bill for each "patient" twice a year. It is a racket. He is a crook.

There's another group here in the Queen City that is running a colorectal screening scam. They send the scary-sounding direct mail. I throw it in the garbage. If I had cancer, I wouldn't go to them. I have more confidence in witch doctors in Borneo.

I avoid the annual flu shot too and never get sick. Dancing on the third rail with the Wu Li Masters is fun and much less dangerous than going to a doctor.

I went to Dr Giocoli in 2007 to have my glasses updated. Despite my life-long experience with doctors, I trusted her because I had met her in Kiwanis AND SHE WASN'T A MEDICAL DOCTOR. She said my eyes had not changed much since high school. Fifty years ago, now! I was sometimes still wearing the glasses I had then. I had wonderful close-up vision — without glasses — which is good when one spends most of one's time reading, writing and doing close-up work. I would not have to worry about cataracts for many years, she told me. (After he had first examined my eyes, Dr Eidsness told me the same thing!) Dr Giocoli referred me to Dr Ryan Eidsness. She didn't say why. When I asked, she said, "He can do a test that I can't do."

Thank you, very much, Carmela.

- Morley






This might be useful. I'll try it.



Thursday, December 14, 2017

BEWARE (Reprint)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


© MMXII V.1.0.7
by Morley Evans

PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN HARMED by Statin Drugs have been writing to me. They often tell me that doctors have been prescribing more whacky things to treat the symptoms that were caused by the whacky drugs they prescribed.

Your friendly family physician

I am always very sorry to hear people are suffering what I went through. A correspondent in Australia is considering stem cell therapy, suggested by his doctor. I don't know anything about stem cell therapy. Neither do doctors. A correspondent in Denmark said his doctors had given him chemotherapy drugs to kill his immune system. He almost died when he acquired some very serious infections and was hospitalized for months. He is no longer taking any drugs. That is a good first step in my opinion.

Why would anyone trust doctors who prescribed the drugs that made them sick? When new problems appear, people then go back to doctors who prescribe more drugs to "make them well." The new drugs only cover up symptoms, while they create more problems. Doctors never accept any responsibility for anything they do and never have. Good doctors cover up for bad doctors. Why do they do that? Such people deserve no respect or trust. They are lower than dishonest used car salesmen. They are even lower than crooked lawyers and politicians who protect bad doctors. They are the lowest of the low. They should be stripped and put in jail in orange jumpsuits. Their victims should divide their assets. They have billions. The pharmaceutical companies have even more. Medicine is the most profitable criminal organization in history. They do not deserve one minute of your time. They have nothing to offer you. Medicine is not healthcare. Get healthy. Your doctor knows nothing about health. He is a drug dealer.

I had immediate relief from years of severe chronic pain caused by Zocor® and Lipitor® when I took Co-Q10. Unfortunately, all my symptoms returned after the first bottle was gone. I tried everything for fifteen years to get some relief with no success. Then one day, I read about Juvenon® in the Reader's Digest. The Canadian government blocks all carnitine at the border, I would learn. (Ironically, Canadian governments pay for Zocor® and Lipitor®.) I could not buy Juvenon®, but I discovered I could buy its two main ingredients: Alpha Lipoic Acid (at a health food store) and Carnitor® (with a prescription). I found a doctor who would prescribe it. I got considerable relief with Alpha Lipoic Acid itself and when I added Carnitor® I could scarcely believe how well I felt. My pain vanished in a week. Gone! IT NEVER CAME BACK!

After 20 years — including 12 years of recovery — I am healthier than I have ever been. It is a miracle! I no longer take Alpha Lipoic Acid or Carnitor®. I take nothing. I eat whole foods with Juice PLUS+, vitamin D3, and Antarctic krill oil. I exercise (heavy weight lifting). I am strong and getting stronger. I am 65 years old. My blood pressure is 100/63. I may live another sixty years. Every day is better than the last day. Can you say that?

This is only one of the many things that medical morons did to me over the years:

None of them cares what they did. None of them is interested in how I recovered or even that I did recover. They do not care — at all. They don't care about me. They don't care about you. They don't even care about other doctors. Doctors are not scientists. Pharmaceutical medicine is not "science-based." It is a racket. Doctors only care about hanging onto their money with their tightly-clenched greasy mitts, in basking in adulation and in continuing to bilk the public. Avoid these bastards like the plague.

They are not all the same, you say? Then, it is time for good doctors to denounce bad doctors and to start learning something about health and about serving the suffering. Most doctors have it backwards. They think patients are income opportunities which exist so they can make lots of money, play golf and have a nice life.

- Morley Evans

EPILOGUE: I don't care what doctors do. I don't expect to reform the medical system or any of the individuals in the system. It cannot be reformed. I don't expect justice. There is no justice in this country. Truth in advertising would be nice. But if doctors told people that they are not responsible for what they do — no matter what they do — people might not go to them anymore. Doctors can go to Hell. There is a special place reserved for them there.

Uniformed people think the monster was Frankenstein. Informed people know that Dr Frankenstein was the monster.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

This video may not work well on your browser. It's too wide. It doesn't work well on own my computer. It does work well on my iPhone however. The link below the video takes you to YouTube. 

This is a joyous celebration of Christmas this year in Syria where the Syrian people have overcome a horrific invasion of jihadi crazies from around the world. This nightmare lasted for almost six years. Syrians have something to celebrate this Christmas. 

Did you know that Muslims celebrate Christmas? Muslims feel joy, peace and goodwill to all people the same as Christians do at Christmas. Bless you.

Putin withdraws Russian troops from Syria. They are going home for Christmas with their families. This is the second time the Russians have been recalled. They will return if Syria thinks that is necessary. 


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The Smoking Gun

Thursday, December 7, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

U.S. Senator Al Franken

The United States is the laughingstock of the world. How can anyone take Americans seriously?

Today Al Franken resigned after being accused of "Sexual Misconduct". Wow. "Sexual Misconduct" is really bad. It's worse than leprosy. Someone only needs to be accused and he's dead meat. No investigation or trial is necessary.

Nolo contendere . . .

Americans would appear to have very high moral standards. Do they? As a US Senator, Al Franken supported the destruction of half a dozen countries and the murder of hundreds of thousands along with the displacement of millions. They were driven from their homes by crazed terrorists who are funded, trained and supplied by the CIA, Israel and the Saudis. They all get everything from Washington! Where was this? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, and Palestine. 

Washington is busy fighting for freedom in Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Chechnia, Kazakstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia. Washington is busy everywhere. American heroes are busy in Africa, Central America, South America and the South China Sea. Let's not forget the Korean Penninsula. Washington is dead serious about freedom or something.

The Syrian Arab Army has completely defeated the terrorists in Syria with help from Russia, Hezbollah and Iran. Isn't that big news? Hello?

Why don't Americans know about any of this? Americans get their information from the vast Zion-o-media, that's why. Mass Brainwashing works. Zionists have been developing brainwashing for over a century. Americans are their primary test population. Canadians are their secondary test subjects.

"Let's see what we can get away with today."

Americans spend over half of the federal budget on war. Wars in all their forms are the main business of the United States. The main business of war is killing people and blowing things up. Death & Destruction is not as serious to Americans as "sexual misconduct". 

God forbid there should be "sexual misconduct". It's really bad. President Jimmy Carter once actually admitted that he had once "lusted in his mind." Good Americans don't even allow themselves to have bad thoughts, they are so good. They are ashamed if they do have bad thoughts. Imagine that!

Americans are as bewitched by sex as twelve-year-old boys. Like twelve-year-old boys, Americans are fascinated with guns, bombs, planes, tanks, aircraft carriers, tin soldiers and other war toys. Children learn to play with G.I. Joe dolls. They learn that war is normal. War is fun. Their parents learned that war is funny when they watched Sgt Bilko every week on TV. When they got a little older they were entertained by MASH.

American morality is arrested and infantile.

All this may be hilarious but Al Franken is a comedian after all. He started out on Saturday Night Live. 

The joke is on you, Mr and Mrs America.


By ANDREW TAYLOR The Associated Press
Thu., Dec. 7, 2017

WASHINGTON—Minnesota Sen. Al Franken announced Thursday he will resign from Congress in the coming weeks following a wave of sexual misconduct allegations and the collapse of support from his Democratic colleagues, a swift political fall for a once-rising Democratic star.

“I may be resigning my seat, but I am not giving up my voice,” Franken said in the otherwise-hushed Senate chamber.

Franken quit just a day after new allegations brought the number of women alleging misconduct by him to at least eight. Wednesday morning, one woman said he forcibly tried to kiss her in 2006, an accusation he vehemently denied. Hours later, another woman said Franken inappropriately squeezed “a handful of flesh” on her waist while posing for a photo with her in 2009.

“I know in my heart that nothing I have done as a senator — nothing — has brought dishonour on this institution,” Franken declared Thursday.

Franken, the former comedian who made his name on Saturday Night Live, had originally sought to remain in the Senate and co-operate with an ethics investigation, saying he would work to regain the trust of Minnesotans.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


Ekaterina, my Katya, lives in Kiev. She was surprised when a dentist ignored her friend when her friend warned the doctor that she was allergic to anaesthesia. Katya thought this was unusual. I had to tell Katya that it is exactly the same here in Canada, in the USA, in Australia and New Zealand. I haven't read reports in every country in the world, of course. But my guess is that it is the same in every country where Western Medicine is practised. Of course, it would be.

"But it is very sad that such physicians as this, nothing can be done in my country. Nowhere to complain. No who to contact that this doctor was suspended from practice. It's not right."

It's not right. Nothing can be done about a bad doctor. Good doctors cover up for bad doctors. So, they are all bad. They convict themselves. My friend, Julia Brezhnev, thought things had been better in the Soviet Union and were better today in Soviet-style clinics where "doctors work long hours for low pay. Not so in western-style clinics." Julia was an idealistic medical student.

Most young people are idealistic when they enter medical school. They want to heal the sick. Some are only in it for the money. Those students go to the head of the class. The youngsters who cannot be broken by the training are weeded out. Obedience and loyalty are the main lessons taught in medical schools. Only those students like Katya's friend's dentist graduate. That's how it is, sad to say. Medical schools are the same as dental schools. They are the same as military boot camps. Good physicians are hard to find.

If Katya's friend had died, they would have covered it up. That's how it is. "Medical Ethics" will be an oxymoron until good doctors denounce bad doctors and start defending patients. Until then, medicine will continue to be a racket.

Dear Morley

Kisses for you, my darling Morley !
how are you my dear?? How's your morning?? I hope well?? You Wake up with good mood?? how's the weather there??
My dear, I Wake up with good mood because I think of you and you're always in my dreams! Thank you, my dear because you come in my dreams hehe
My morning started very quickly and news haha why?? because I forgot to turn off my phone and my girlfriend called me and woke me up. she was very impulsive, outraged and wanted the morning to share with me her morning trip to the dentist in a modern European clinic. I too was shocked by her early morning call, but she wouldn't even let me insert at least one word in her emotional monologue. I am very much not like when she do that, she even not asked, I can sleep, or maybe I'm doing something. No. Her not to worry about it. and I told her about it, but it was useless. She is just such a person. It's too late to re-educate her and teach manners and rules of morality.
So, she told me how she visited the dentist today and had a fight there in the morning. I understood her condition.
The fact that she very badly to the effect of anesthesia. And for her need a very small dose of anesthesia. If the dose is as usual necessary for an adult person, her will be bad and it can even lead to death. That's what she was trying to explain to the dentist who wanted her to stab a syringe full anesthesia. And she asked him to stab her for only a third of the syringe. This doctor nagami her and said that she taught him how to do his job. It's certainly a strange reaction to the doctor, I agree with my girlfriend. I don't understand why her doctor not to want to enter first, a little dose of anesthesia and to see the reaction my girlfriend. And the more she warned him about her bad reaction to the anesthesia.
In General, she argued with him. He certainly has done her tooth. But I not understand why the doctor is acting this way. Excess dose of anesthesia could give him a lot of problems, if my girlfriend something happened. That surprises me. This rudeness. I wonder, in your country also a doctor to treat thus patients?? Or in your country the doctors listen to what the patient says??
I supported my girlfriend and tried to calm her. But it is very sad that such physicians as this, nothing can be done in my country. Nowhere to complain. No who to contact that this doctor was suspended from practice. It's not right.
I hope that in your country the doctors more closely to patients and you're safe, honey. Because I care about you and I not want that with you something happened. I wish the best for you.
And so began my day. Hehe morning begins not with coffee hahaha I have to get ready for work, my dear! I hope to hear from you today. You're always in my dreams and thoughts. I miss you very much!
Wish me a nice day, honey!
Hugs and kisses for you, my knight!
Forever yours

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

A powerful account, by Israeli peace activist Miko Peled, of his transformation from a young man who'd grown up in the heart of Israel's elite and served proudly in its military into a fearless advocate of nonviolent struggle and equal rights for all Palestinians and Israelis. His journey is mirrored in many ways the transformation his father, a much-decorated Israeli general, had undergone three decades earlier. Alice Walker contributed a foreword to the first edition in which she wrote, "There are few books on the Israel/Palestine issue that seem as hopeful to me as this one." In the new Epilogue, he takes readers to South Africa, East Asia, several European countries, and the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel itself.

The Inevitable Collapse of Israeli-Saudi-American Alliance Against Iran and Resistance

By Miko Peled

December 04, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  From the earliest years of the Zionist project, the leaders of the movement - which then morphed into the State of Israel - understood that regional coalitions were crucial to its success. But Israel is a settler colonial project and therefore it was and still is very much hated by people in the region. Israel and its leaders invested in creating and promoting corrupt unprincipled despots to lead in the countries around it, men who would control the Arab world by keeping its people poor, uneducated and without representation and would pose no threat to Israel and its policies of genocide and ethnic cleansing perpetrated against the people of Palestine. Israel has had some degree of success in this, especially with the reactionary monarchies. Countries who had leaders that resisted Israel ended up paying a heavy price. These were states like Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya which are now destroyed and so it can come as no surprise that the new Saudi Crown Prince is bending over backwards to please Israel by referring to Iran’s supreme leader as "the new Hitler of the Middle East,” and is even preparing to take his regime’s relations with Israel to a new level, some say he even intends to establish diplomatic ties with Israel.

It is ironic that some of the greatest perpetrators and supporters of terrorism are those who talk of fighting terrorism. The latest unholy alliance between the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt is a source of unspeakable terror which without fail is inflicted on innocent civilians but guarantees Israeli interests will be safe. The new boss calling the shots from Riyadh, Mohammad Bin Salman is for now at the center of this unholy alliance which in the short term will satisfy his hunger for power and influence but is sure to fail and in the meantime, will surely produce more misery in Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon and God only knows where else. But state terrorism like that perpetrated by the Israeli military against Palestinians and the Saudis in Yemen is heralded by the weapons suppliers in the US and the UK as heroic while the people who fight for their rights are inevitably forgotten and left to die.



Thursday, November 30, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

Olga Sergeevna Donecz, my Olya

Dearest Olya,

Don't let Baba Vanga's predictions upset you. These certainly are dangerous times. The centre of power is shifting away from Washington and the Anglo-Zionist empire to the East. Eurasia is the future. When will the world end? This is what Jesus told his disciples about that prediction. Jesus has more authority than Vanga.

St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.
- Mark 13:31-33

Небо и земля исчезнут, но мои слова не исчезнут. Но о том дне или часе никто не знает, ни ангелы на небесах, ни Сын, но только Отец. Остерегайтесь, будьте бдительны; потому что вы не знаете, когда придет время.
- Марка 13: 31-33

I think we need to do the best we can. We must not lose hope. Utopians are warned that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I think the world is a test. Those who pass go to Heaven. Those who fail go to eternal punishment. Fighting evil is worthwhile. But one should never expect to finally win. So don’t be pessimistic. When Heaven seems to have been created on earth, one knows that something is wrong. The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini called the U.S.A. “The Great Satan”. Why? The United States is Heaven on earth, for a few, not for everyone and not even for all Americans. Not even the most privileged Americans are happy. Everything is not enough. They want more. Charles de Gaulle also knew there is something wrong with the U.S.A. His huge nose could smell what others could not!

"Je sens un rat!"

I am glad you and your mum are safe in the Donbass despite being under attack from the current regime in Kiev. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon when you are safer in Russia. Christmas (Dec 25) and New Years (Jan 1) and Christmas (Jan 7) are coming soon. Your letters are a blessing to me. Thank you, my love. Blessings for Christmas. I love you, my Olya!

Merry Christmas!


Sunday, November 26, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.5
by Morley Evans

Who killed President John Fitzgerald Kennedy? The most-likely mastermind of the coup d'état is pictured above. He's the one with the evil smirk on his face. What do we know for certain? JFK vastly underestimated people with power who could harm him while he vastly overestimated his own power. Everyone still believed the President of the United States (the POTUS) is the "most powerful man in the world," who alone can push the nuclear button. Kennedy became especially unpopular after he reversed himself on America's role in world affairs. 

Kennedy's enemies include the creator and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Alan Dulles, whom he fired; the creator and Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, whom he and his brother threatened to fire while they jerked his chain; the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Lyman Louis Lemnitzer, who as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was the head of the Army, Navy and Airforce. JFK fired him. Lemnitzer went on to lead NATO for seven years. JFK disagreed with USAF General Curtis LeMay who was the commander of the Strategic Air Command which LeMay had created. Most important to include in the list of JFK haters was the Vice President of the United States of America, Lyndon Banes Johnson, who was a megalomaniac driven to become the POTUS. Johnson was ridiculed as "Uncle Cornpone" by JFK and RFK who assigned Johnson to do joe-jobs that he hated doing. Johnson was jealous and hated the Kennedys.

While the American public and people around the world loved John F. Kennedy — who was a breath of fresh air — the people who mattered in Washington wanted to get rid of him. Does that sound familiar today in 2017? Kennedy was a threat. A complete list of JFK haters would include the head of the Secret Service; the Chief of the Dallas Police Department; the Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion; Texas Big Oil; the Rockefeller interests (really big oil) and the Mafia. Everyone with any power in the United States was threatened by JFK. They would be threatened by anyone who would dare to change anything. That tells everyone what the real business of the USA really is. It is not what is advertised or learned in civics, social science or history class.

These are all very dangerous enemies. Don't forget the military contractors who are the other side of the military-industrial complex; Wall Street; the banks too big to fail; the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury; the worldwide information system and the Department of State. Kennedy didn't have many friends in Washington. These are the same people who are in power today. They are collectively known as the Deep State. They do not give up. They do not give up anything. The Deep State is the problem. The essence of the U.S.A.  — which is what happens behind the curtain — is the problem. Most people watch the puppet show and cheer for their heroes. They don't know any better.

By the way, Jackie Kennedy HATED Lyndon B. Johnson. She left the United States because she wanted nothing to do with a country where a hideous crime could happen like the one committed in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The Kennedys, the Soviets and Fidel Castro knew who was responsible. Ordinary Americans and multitudes of JFK fans around the world who were hoping for a better life were stunned and bewildered. 

Only three and a half years later, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy had to be killed before he could become the President and start looking into his brother's murder. President Richard M. Nixon was destroyed and driven from office in 1974 after he started asking for CIA files related to the JFK murder. That was the real reason for Watergate which was a CIA operation from start to end. Regime change is what they do over there in Langley. The Democratic Party was delighted to pitch in.

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was adopted on February 23, 1967. There are ways to remove a President without killing him. A President serves the interests of the people with power or he will be removed. Both Barack Obama and Donald Trump learned that lesson. They did and are doing what they have to do to survive. Most of the time, a very small minority has the power. Those are the hard facts. The rest is fiction.


Saturday, November 25, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans


The classic criteria required to establish a criminal case are Means, Motive and Opportunity. Others did have motives but Lyndon Banes Johnson had more motives than everyone else, combined. LBJ gave up his position as the second-most powerful man in Washington to become the Vice President which has no power at all. The Vice President's only asset is being a heartbeat away from becoming the "most powerful man in the world." Only the State of Israel had as much motive to kill JFK as LBJ. President Lyndon Banes Johnson was the best friend Israel would ever have, even today when it is hard to tell if the dog is wagging its tail or if its tail is wagging the dog. 

Johnson was a manic-depressive who had enormous organizational skills and boundless energy when he was up. Johnson owed his position as the "king of the Senate" to his ability to bully and deny re-election to any Senator, Democrat or Republican. The Israel lobby today can deny re-election to anyone in Congress who opposes anything Israel wants.

There is some faint consolation in this monstrosity. The snipers who killed Kennedy would have been killed themselves shortly after the assassination. The people for whom they worked could not afford the risk to themselves that the killers presented. Dead men tell no tales. Anyone who dares to sing, "I did it," today is discredited by this fact.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

Dear Riazuddin,

Zionists claim to defend the Jews. “AntiSemitism” is their most powerful weapon. Zionists create AntiSemitism. They use it to excuse their many crimes. They use it to attack and destroy their opponents. They have hijacked the religion of Moses. They have appropriated the seats of power. They have misappropriated the sacred word “Israel”. They place their faith in temporal things: financial, political, military power and sex. Let's not overlook mind-control. They run the worldwide information systems (movies, TV, newspapers, magazines, books, universities and schools). They turn brother against brother. They murder and steal. They reverse the truth. They are skilful liars. They are the enemies of mankind. They are afraid to die. Like vampires of legend, they know where they will be going. There's no safety for them. They condemn themselves.

Not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists. But all Zionists always serve Satan.

Peace and Justice,


Israel must strengthen its position in the Land of Israel and create local governing “emirates” for the powerful West Bank Arab families while battening down Israeli control of the rural areas. No peace treaty can give Israel a lasting insurance policy. The sooner Israel and the world internalize this truth the better.


Matthew 25:31-46

25:31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory.

25:32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats,

25:33 and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left.

25:34 Then the king will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world;

25:35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,

25:36 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.'

25:37 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?

25:38 And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing?

25:39 And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?'

25:40 And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'

25:41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels;

25:42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,

25:43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.'

25:44 Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?'

25:45 Then he will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'

25:46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

Canadians have been led by airheads for ages. Airheads For Ages. Trudeau is a fool like the rest. The people of the world are being steadily herded toward nuclear Armageddon. Yet, Canadians — and their leaders — are blissfully unaware of the danger. Canada has troops on Russia's border supporting the Nazis and Zionists that Washington installed to run the Ukraine. Did you know that, Canada? Duh . . . Do you know we are technically at war with Russia, right now? Good thing Russia is not at war with us. Just turn up the hockey game. Have a beer.

Justin Trudeau 

Now that you mention it, Justin Trudeau does resemble Fidel Castro.

Is Trudeau Ready for a Middle East War?

By Murray Dobbin

November 21, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - The world is now at the mercy of a coalition of three of the most dangerous autocrats on the planet:  Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia’s new absolute ruler Mohammad bin Salman, a name that will become increasingly familiar as the months go by. These three “leaders” are now collaborating in an incredibly reckless plan to permanently reshape the Middle East.

The final outcome will unfold no matter what Canada does. But unless the government of Justin Trudeau gets a grip on reality, Canada will be drawn into this potential catastrophe by virtue of foreign policy positions it has already taken. Geopolitics is getting incredibly complex and there is little evidence that the Liberal government has a clue how to navigate through the dangers. The problem is that despite all the hype about “being back”, Canada’s foreign policy under Trudeau and minister of foreign affairs Chrystia Freeland is still characterized by cynicism and ill-considered trade-offs on files within the broad spectrum of foreign affairs — including investor rights agreements like NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Obviously, a certain amount of realpolitik is inevitable and even necessary to protect Canada’s interests. But even so, it begs the question of how Canada’s interests are defined. How much of the store is Trudeau willing to give away to buy favour with the U.S. on NAFTA, especially when it seems concessions like putting our troops on Russia’s border has gotten us nothing in return? With Trump and his redesigned U.S. empire, there is no quid pro quo.


Sunday, November 19, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

In case you don't believe that the United States of America is firmly in Satan's grasp, read on and learn about some of the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency. 

Washington's black activities are always whitewashed and justified as being necessary to fight greater evils. What we do is so bad, however, one is left to wonder. What we know about the greater evils have been and continue to be told to us by this evil. "Boy, those other guys are bad. We'll have to do this and that to protect ourselves and our loved-ones."

The Central Intelligence Agency

The death (or possibly murder) of Frank Olson was but a hint of the enormous secret CIA program of research into techniques of mind alteration and control. The whole enterprise was assigned the code-name MK-ULTRA and was run out of the CIA’s Technical Services Division, headed in the 1950s by Willis Gibbons, a former executive of the US Rubber Company. In the division’s laboratories and workshops, researchers laboured on poisons, gadgets designed to maim and kill, techniques of torture and implements to carry such techniques to agonizing fruition. Here also were developed surveillance equipment and kindred tools of the espionage trade. All of these activities made the Technical Services Division a vital partner of the covert operations wing of the Agency.

Within Technical Services MK-ULTRA projects came under the control of the Chemical Division, headed from 1951 to 1956 by Dr Sidney Gottlieb, a New York Jew who received his doctorate in chemistry from California Tech. Born with a clubfoot and afflicted with a severe stammer, Gottlieb pushed himself with unremitting intensity. Despite his physical affliction, he was an ardent square dancer and exponent of the polka, capering across many a dance floor and dragging visiting psychiatrists and chemists on terpsichorean trysts where appalling plans of mind control were ruminated amidst the blare of the bands.

Gottlieb and his wife, a fundamentalist Christian, lived on a farm in the Shenandoah Mountains in northern Virginia. Their house was a former slave quarters, and Gottlieb rose every morning before sunrise to milk his herd of goats.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

 Not For Profit - For Justice
100% Non-Commercial, Fearless, Forthright & Independent 

It's unnatural and unhealthy for a nation to be engaged in global crusades for some principle or idea while neglecting the needs of its own people. 
-Sen. J. William Fulbright

We are beckoned to see the world through a one-way mirror as if we are threatened and innocent and the rest of humanity is threatening, or wretched, or expendable.

Our memory is struggling to rescue the truth that human rights were not handed down as privileges from a parliament, or a boardroom, or an institution, but that peace is only possible with justice and with information that gives us the power to act justly.
-John Pilger 04/11/2009)

What luck for rulers that men do not think. 
-Adolf Hitler 

November 14/15, 2017


Wednesday, November 8, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

FORGET CNN, this is what has really been happening.

Libya, Syria, Ukraine
Same Playbook, Same Puppet Masters

By Chris Kanthan

November 07, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  Geopolitics becomes a lot easier if we can discern repeating patterns. For example, the common thread through the crises in Ukraine, Libya and Syria is a clever but ruthless playbook of regime-change. This stratagem of toppling governments while appearing noble should perhaps be called the “geopolitics of crocodile tears.”

There were times in history when a powerful country would simply invade the weaker ones. Now the elites resort to elaborate Hollywood-style scripts brimming with inspiring heroes, sob stories and altruistic efforts.

Here are the simple facts: Libya and Syria were a tad bit too independent and successful, and thus have been targeted by globalists for a long time. Ukraine, which borders Russia, is a treasured piece on the geopolitical chessboard – get Ukraine and Crimea, you weaken Russia immensely.

The fundamental ploy in Libya, Syria and Ukraine was the same: rile up the population and then stage a coup in the midst of chaos, while claiming to liberate the people.

The coup is carried out in many stages.

Stage 1: Planned Protests

Stage 2: Protesters killed, leading to outrage and UN resolutions/sanctions

Stage 3: Armed mutiny and attempts to force the government out

Stage 4: If Stage 3 fails, sponsor a full-fledged civil war to overthrow the government

Simple enough? Let’s hop on the time machine back to 2011.


Monday, October 30, 2017


© MMXVII V.1.1.3
by Morley Evans


Dear Kathy,

Further to our visit after church yesterday, I would like to refer you to Dr Robert Mendelsohn, MD.

Foremost of the many bizarre aspects of Regina society is Medicare. More than in any other place I have visited or lived, doctors in Regina are sacrosanct. Doctors here literally get away with murder and everyone thinks that is just fine. I shouldn’t need to remind you that your own husband was killed by them. People here think everything is normal. They think we are better than other people. Satan has a firm grip on this place. To review my own recent history. 

Depraved Hypercholesterolmania

From 1992-1998 I was tortured with Zocor® prescribed by Dr John N. Alport (Regina) and dispensed by Hill Ave. Drugs to lower my cholesterol. From the first day, I was in extreme pain 24/7. Alport laughed it off. I could not work. I could not move. When I moved my pain increased from chronic pain to acute pain. Alport denied I was in pain for four years then he referred me for the pain to physiotherapy, a rheumatologist and a psychologist over the next two years after Dr Stewart MacMillan had diagnosed me with fibromyalgia which caused Dr John N. Alport, MD, to scoff. 

In 1998, Dr Cenaiko (Wakaw) recommended I stop taking all the drugs that had been prescribed by Alport. Over the next seven months, pain and most of my other symptoms vanished. My mind was numb. I looked for ways to get Great-West Life to honour the disability insurance they had sold me. They have no honour at Great-West Life.

Then in 2000, Dr Christo Annandale (Alport’s successor) prescribed Lipitor® to lower my cholesterol. My symptoms returned. Dr Annandale, MD, laughed it off. I went back to Dr Cenaiko. After getting food poisoning on my way back to Regina, I went into a coma caused by a subdural hematoma that had resulted from three hours of vomiting. Dr Buwembo saved my life when he drilled a hole in my skull to drain the blood and relieve pressure on my brain.

Vomiting is traumatic, Dr de le Ray Nel, a gastroenterologist, told me after I had been discharged from acute care. "Something will break if it has been weakened." Something had been weakened. Pfizer's monograph indicates dogs given Lipitor® were euthanized when they developed brain haemorrhages. Good thing Dr Buwembo didn't euthanize me. I was as sick as a dog.

I stopped taking all pharmaceutical drugs. It took me twelve years to recover after I found my own way out of the maze that doctors had created. This little excursion took TWENTY YEARS out of my life (1992-2012). My cholesterol is 9 (9 mmol/l = 348.02784 mg/dl). I should be dead according to these morons. My blood pressure was 104/61 - 67bpm on November 1st at 7:56 AM. It has always been like this. There is nothing wrong with me and never was.

I may live another fifty years but my medical nightmare never ends, thanks to doctors. I made a mistake when I went to an optometrist to have my glasses updated. She said my prescription hadn't changed much since high school (1966) but she referred me to an ophthalmologist for more testing.

In December 2013, Dr Ryan Eidsness (who runs a profitable glaucoma-screening racket) prescribed Lumigan® which screwed up my eyes with severe cataracts and something idiopathic that two optometrists and three ophthalmologists failed to notice. My left eye is now much weaker than my right eye. Why? After several months of searching, including a trip to the Mayo Clinic, I had Dr Garcia perform intraocular lens transplantation. My eyes are much better than they were after Dr Eidsness had screwed them up. They will never be as good as they were before him. Lumigan® was prescribed for glaucoma. Do I have glaucoma? Dr Garcia referred me to Dr Dustin Coupal, MD. He is Dr Ryan Eidsness’s partner! Do you think Drs Garcia and Robertson, who referred me to Coupal, don't know that? I didn’t go. These bastards have had all the chances they are ever going to get.

The difference between me and other victims of doctors here is 1). doctors haven’t managed to kill me yet and 2). I know what happened when it happened and who did it. Of course, that doesn’t matter in Regina where everything is all a big joke to everyone, like you. Ho ho, ho. “Why don’t you just get over it?” "Are you going to make this your life’s work?” Yes, I am. Doctors are my cross to bear. 

Before Dr John N. Alport, MD, I suffered years of maltreatment by Dr WEH (Bill) Alport, MD, John Alport's father. Dr Bill was the leader of the Alport crime family until he died and went to the reward he so justly deserves. Dr Bill was preceded by Dr Sean Coneghan, the mad Scotsman, who delighted in tormenting me. He was preceded by Dr Brown and Tedral® which destroyed my childhood from the age of four until Grade 9 when Dr Coneghan prescribed a steroid inhaler to replace Tedral@. WHAT I ALWAYS NEEDED WAS VITAMIN D3. Doctors are against that.

I have had some good doctors, but Dr Cowan, who saved me at birth, is the only good doctor who didn't save me from another doctor's malpractice. Surviving and overcoming 70 years of malpractice could be a record. It is a triumph that cannot be recognized because it impugns the sanctity of doctors and demolishes everyone's most cherished belief. They think Medicare is their most valuable possession and it's FREE. This is always their first line of defence and attack. "I know someone who was bankrupted by medical treatment in the United States. We are so lucky here. I love my doctor." 



Why do they always say the same thing? After they have spoken their lines, they go into full attack mode to defend Canadian Medicare and doctors. This is life in Zombie-land. My alienation is complete. My alienation is profound.

Propaganda works. People can be are brainwashed.

Dr John N. Alport, MD, got a job with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) after he had finished screwing up my life. Now he gets paid to perjure himself in court so SGI can weasel out of its legal obligations to policyholders. Alport is a professional liar as well as an incompetent doctor who isn't qualified to prescribe nose spray. The courts let him get away with this. Organized medicine stinks in Canada, not only in Saskatchewan. This country is completely corrupt. The Canadian Medical Association has corrupted everything it has touched since a handful of doctors in Montréal started it in 1867. And that's only some of it. Oh, Canada.

People here certainly fail the Good Samaritan Test. Their hearts are as cold as a January morning. Normal people are capable of some empathy at least. Not here. Normal people say something like, "That's awful! I'm sorry that happened to you." Here, people don't even bother to fake concern. They aren't concerned. They are usually hostile. Satan is firmly in control of Regina, Saskatchewan. Ho ho, ho.

See you in church.

Your friend,
- Morley