Wednesday, March 28, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans


EVERYONE IN THE WEST has been anaesthetized. They believe the lies they are told. They are told Russia is their mortal enemy. It is not true.

Although Russia has been invaded many times Russia does not have a history of invading anyone. The United States has continually been at war with someone since 1776 and before! It has never stopped starting wars. When attacked, Russia has always retreated using its vast expanses to defeat the invaders. When it is attacked this time its enemies will be wiped out. Russians will not fight on Russian ground when attacked this time. Russians don't back down. Don't play chicken with Russians. Read your history. Listen to Vladimir Putin. 

Putin has been trying to make friends since 2000. Washington doesn't want a friend. Washington has vassals and enemies. Washington needs enemies. You Americans and Canadians will not be able to hide behind the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Europe and Great Britain will cease to exist along with the east and west coasts of North America. Texas will be gone. 

WAKE UP before it's too late!

Russia has always had a civil defence plan for its people. Have you seen ours? No? That's because we don't have one. But you can be sure that our leaders have one — for themselves.


© MMXVIII V.1.0.3

Thank you for your reply, Myhailo. 

Millions of Ukrainians did not vote for Viktor Yanukovych. They mostly live in western Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians did vote for Viktor Yanukovych. They mostly live in eastern and southern Ukraine which is mostly ethnic Russians. Maps clearly show who voted for whom and where they live.

It is actually very difficult to separate Ukrainians from Russians from Belorussians and Poles and other Slavic ethnicities. The Nazis had the same problem when they tried to define and identify pure Germans. The closest German Nazis came to finding their ideal Germans were Norwegians. None of the Nazi leaders looked like the Nazi ideal German. The Ukrainian Nazis have the same problem identifying pure Ukrainians as the German Nazis had. Humans interbreed. Looking at the map above it is easy to imagine that the people in the blue area are completely different from the people in the red and yellow and green area. They aren't.

An empire solves this problem. All these different people are united under one sovereign whose job is to rule justly. He may or may not do that well. A war of all against all is created when "everyone has the right of self-determination." That is what we have had since the Great War (1914-1918). Whether you like him or not, you must admit that Stalin saved the Russian Empire by saving the Soviet Union. He did that more than twice.

The rioters in Maidan were being manipulated by the cabal that wanted to take over Ukraine. It was a putsch. The media reported Ukrainian dissatisfaction. Peaceful protests began to be organized by agents of the cabal. Police who arrived on the scene were unarmed at first. Tensions increased. The media stirred the pot.

Agents provocateurs introduced violence. Molotov cocktails were thrown. Snipers on rooftops killed protesters and police. Police defended themselves. They thought they were being attacked by the protesters. The protesters thought they were being attacked by the police. Riots ensued. The media played along. Can you guess who controls the media? Everyone was convinced that Ukrainians were fighting for their freedom from the evil tyrant Viktor Yanukovych. That’s what they could see on TeeVee. That's what the narrators told them.

"Freedom and democracy have finally won," according to the story being told. It took two tries for the cabal to take over. First, the Orange Revolution installed Viktor Yushchenko. (That followed George Soros' "colour revolution" template). When Viktor Yanukovych was elected six years later, he had to be removed because he was too friendly with Russia for Washington's liking. 

What happened conformed to a textbook coup d’état. The CIA has been doing this for decades all over the world. They are good at it. They are doing it now in the U.S.A. where a dystopian future is unfolding. Trump was not able to "drain the swamp." Instead, Trump was turned into another swamp creature by the monsters who infest Washington.

The putschist government in Kiev is about as democratic as the Bolsheviks who organized the putsch in 1917. Look at what they did to the protesters camped at the Odessa Trade Unions House in 2014. This event has been completely rewritten. What really happened? 

The demonstrator's campsite was attacked one night. They sought refuge inside the House where their killers were waiting for them. White phosphorous was sprayed into their faces. They threw up their hands to try to defend themselves. I have seen the photos. Men and women lay here and there. Their heads and hands were burned off. The fiends set the huge wooden entrance door on fire with white phosphorous and escaped out the back. The media reported that the protesters set the House on fire. They lie. Israelis and Americans have and use weaponized white phosphorous. When it lands on a person's skin the fire cannot be stopped. Corpses without hands or heads littered the floor of the Trade Unions House the next morning when the photos were taken. Unfortunately, like the photos of 9/11, those photos have been removed from the web but many remain.

The demonstrators in Odessa supported Solidarity. They wanted a federal Ukraine. Washington wants war. Washington's goal is to break up the Russian Federation and do to Russia what Washington did to Yugoslavia. When the Soviet Union dissolved, Ukraine was a founding member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Now it is Russia's enemy.

The government of Petro Poroshenko in Kiev has made no effort to investigate or arrest the fiends who did this. Instead the government has rewritten history by saying the protesters set the Trade Unions House on fire and killed themselves by accident. We are to suppose the pregnant woman strangled herself when committing suicide. This tells us without any further evidence required who was responsible for the monstrosity. It was not Putin and the Russians, was it?

The Russians are not your enemies, Myhailo. They are your Slavic brothers, sisters and cousins. Washington is the master of the divide and rule imperial strategy. They learned from the British and other colonial powers. Washington has managed to turn the Middle East into a slaughterhouse by turning brother against brother. No one there is safe. 

Washington wants to break up the Russian Federation and steal all your stuff. What do they want? Everything would not be enough.

It would be a tragedy if you let them get away with it. Don’t be fooled. These Americans are not your friends. They are the gringos everyone south of the Rio Grande knows and fears.


Monday, March 26, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Enough gloom and doom. This is love.

THE DANCE SCENE is the most important part of the movie. Why? ‘Madge’ is beautiful but she is only drifting through life. Alan wants to marry her. She is not in love with him. ‘Madge’ decides who she wants when she starts down the stairs at the picnic. Hal is a drifter. Nothing Hal has ever done has worked out. Hal can offer ‘Madge’ nothing. ‘Madge’ chooses love and rejects an easy life with servants, position and wealth. ‘Madge’ turns her back on playing bridge at the country club. Women decide, feminists. Females make the important decisions in human society and in the animal kingdom too. Hal is already starting to change when he sees ‘Madge’ coming down the stairs. We hope ‘Madge' and Hal will start something wonderful in Tulsa. Love triumphs.

Friday, March 23, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

From Quora
Dima Vorobiev
Dima Vorobiev, I worked for Soviet propaganda
Updated 21h ago

According to the Russian loyalist propaganda, the active core of Ukrainian nationalists is Nazi and Fascists.

These two terms are used in Russia interchangeably since the time of WWII to denote some players who proclaim themselves to be active adversaries of the Soviet, and now Russian, international policy. Depending on the level of confrontation, the “Nazi” label sometimes may be extended to anyone, including the “aggressive Israeli Zionists”.

The combination of propaganda tools and active measures for the promotion of the “Nazi” label was effectively tried in the USSR. One of the most successful cases was a KGB operation in West Germany during the winter of 1959-60, planned and lead by the legendary veteran of Soviet intelligence Ivan Agayants. Starting around Christmas, East German agents went around West-German towns desecrating Jewish monuments, synagogues, shops, and leaving anti-Semitic graffiti on the walls. The action achieved a very broad coverage in the Western press as an act of local hooligans and neo-Nazis, and was one of the early steps in preparation for building the “Anti-Fascist Wall”.

Ukrainian nationalists were labelled “Nazis” ever since the start of the clean-up operations of NKVD in Western Ukraine after WWII and disruption of their emigrant organizations in Europe. The Soviet cartoon below shows a member of the anti-Soviet resistance organization OUN-UPA with a German sidearm and swastika adornments on the shirt. He drags the carriage of the Cold War together with an Israeli Zionists in orthodox Hebraic clothes. The Cold War creature holds a hydrogen bomb, with broadcasting equipment from the American radio stations Voice of America and Radio Liberty visible behind it. The carriage is signed “Anti-Sovietism”. The yoke is adorned with Ukrainian and Jewish national symbols, as well as dollar coins.

Olga Novikova
Thu · 1 upvote from Dima Vorobiev
I remember this picture in popular humorous magazine “Perez” (pepper) published in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. In late 1970s I suppose.

This is my Reply to the article above.

THE PUTSCHIST GOVERNMENT IN KIEV was installed by the CIA in February 2014 following the Orange Revolutions when democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych had to run for his life. He escaped by helicopter to Kharkov and from there to Russia. Gunmen were waiting to assassinate him in the motorcade he dispatched as a diversion. The Quisling, Petro Poroshenko, works for the CIA, George Soros (the ultra-Zionist Jewish billionaire) and the neo-Nazi Right Sector. This follows the pattern Washington successfully used in Georgia (the Rose Revolution) to overthrow Eduard Shevardnadze and install CIA asset Mikheil Saakasvilli. Washington tried regime change unsuccessfully in Chechnya, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The so-called rebels in the Donbass refuse to recognize the illegal government in Kiev. Without Russian military help, the “rebels” have consistently defeated the Ukrainian army when they have been attacked. Kiev tries to claim Russia is the “aggressor”. 

That works well in the Western media which lies to everyone in the West. Almost 100% of the people in Crimea (who are Russians) voted to join Russia. SURPRISE! The Donbass has established its own government and has effectively become part of the Russian Federation thanks to Kiev which has, by its own actions to set up a defensive border, recognized the secession of Lugansk and Donetsk. All of South-east Ukraine (including Odessa) is ethnic Russian. Ukraine has had wandering borders for centuries. Part of Poland used to be part of Ukraine. Give us a break, Dima. Washington wants to start WWIII. Do you? Surely not! The cartoon is accurate. The “Ukrainian nationalists” are Nazis. They have swastikas on their uniforms. One of them has a giant swastika tattooed on top of his bald head. Their fathers joined the Nazis to fight Stalin and they continued to fight Stalin (who was a Georgian) and Khrushchev (who was a Ukrainian) after 1945. The Nazis want an ethnically pure Ukraine. They hate Jews. Soros hates Jews too, but he uses "anti-Semitism" to conceale his crimes. He's proud to say he worked for Nazis when he was a boy in Hungary. Soros helped to round up Jews and steal their property. He said so on the American TV show 60 Minutes. The Hungarian government has disavowed and disowned George Soros. So should everyone else. By the way, Leonid Brezhnev was a Ukrainian too. Stalin called the Donbass the “heart of the Soviet Union.” So Kiev has cut out its own heart. My friend Olga asks, "The Donbass can live without Kiev. Can Kiev live without the Donbass?" It probably can. Olga is 22 years old. Kiev is over 1500 years old. Kiev will still be there long after Petro Poroshenko and his friends are long gone and Ukrainians are welcomed back into the Slavic family which Ukrainians have never actually left.

The Soviet cartoon above was true in 1981 and it is still true today. Brezhnev's Soviet Union is not Putin's Russian Federation. What has not changed in 37 years is the Cold War creature, driving the Zionist and Ukrainian Nazi. The creature is Washington and the American Deep State. Zionism was illegal in the Soviet Union. The Soviets recognized the alliance between Zionism and Naziism. There is a Jewish Homeland, but it is not in Palestine. It is the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. It was established by the Soviet Union. Bet you didn't know that.

In five minutes, Russia's military would roll over the "defensive" border Kiev has set up. The main effect of the border is to keep Ukrainians from escaping. Russia would snuff out the missile instalations the Americans have set up on Russia's border. But Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine or anyone else. Instead Putin has worked with Germany, France and Kiev to broker a peaceful arrangement to satisfy everyone. Washington cannot be satified, of course. Washington was not invited. A federal state like Switzerland or the Russian Federation or the British Commonwealth would be implemented. Ukraine was a founding member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Kiev has failed to implement what it agreed to do in Minsk I and Minsk II. The Ukrainian economy continues to sink along with the former Warsaw Pact countries that were bribed to join NATO "to become free of Russian tyranny and get rich just like West Germany." Poland is the EU's biggest welfare case. It's all bullshit.

The West is at war with Russia today. Along with provocations like the WADA doping conspiracy at Sochi, the Malaysian airliner that somebody shot down over the Donbass and the poisoning of the former Russian double-agent in England, the United States and its allies, like Canada, train and equip "commandos" to infiltrate the Crimea, the Donbass and Russia itself to assassinate Russian leaders. They have killed dozens of people and detonated many bombs. The authorities deal with them as criminals. Police investigate. When aprehended these criminals are charged and tried as criminals. The Russian airforce is not dispatched to bomb Kiev. That is what Israelis and Americans do. 

Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov, the current President of Chechnya was a terrorist when he was a teenager. He switched sides. Our leaders were not Chechnyan he says. They were very professional. They were trained by someone who was an expert. This is the pattern in Syria and the former Yugoslavia where Mujihadeen were imported from Aghanistan to create conflict to destroy the country. The U.S. army was used to destroy Iraq which has been turned into a slaughterhouse of internecine warfare. NATO destroyed Lybia with the help of terrorists. And on and on ...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Dmitry Orlov analyses yesterday's Presidential election in Russia and arrives at the central issue that faces the Russian people from the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean. In case you missed it, I'll repeat what I said the other day.

RUSSIAN PEOPLE (the Slavs) have overcome constant attacks for centuries by uniting and fighting for survival. Russians were demonized and underestimated by the Teutons, the Mongols, the Turks, the French and the Nazis. Washington is making the same mistake today. At five foot seven, Putin stands head and shoulders over the pygmies who lead the enemies of the Russian Federation. Stalin saved the Soviet Union. (More than twice.) Putin is much better than Stalin. Listen to Mikhail Gorbachev. He couldn’t save the Soviet Union from unravelling, but he did set Russia on a new path. Russians will lead the world into the bright, peaceful, prosperous and harmonious future that the U.S.A. promised but didn’t deliver. Instead, American leaders gave us hatred, death, destruction and lies. Just watch what is going to happen.

President Vladimir Putin

by Dmitry Orlov

WARNING: THE FIRST PART OF THIS ESSAY may sound like a jubilant hymn to Russia and a paean to Vladimir Putin. Rest assured that I am not expressing opinions here; these are the facts. It just so happens that these facts accentuate the positive. But I have no wish to eliminate the negative and will get to all of that in due course.

On March 18 Russia held presidential elections. Everybody (with a brain) fully expected Putin to win, but hardly anyone expected him to win this big or with this high a turnout: 67.47% of the eligible voters turned up at the polls; of them, 76.67%76.69% voted for Putin. In case you are still wondering whether Crimea is part of Russia (trust me, it is) the turnout there was 71.53%, of whom 92% voted for Putin. And in the once separatist republic of Chechnya, the turnout was 91.54%. Record turnouts were also observed outside of Russia, among the very large Russian diaspora. Over half of all Russians voted for Putin.

[Putin’s United Russia recorded a higher percentage of votes in predominantly Muslim Chechnya, where federal troops fought two wars since the fall of the Soviet Union than anywhere else in the country. Official results show support at 99.5 percent and the voter turnout of 99.4 percent. (Reuters)]

Equally notable was the manner in which the elections were run: the process was public and transparent, using paper ballots counted by hand. Polling places were equipped with video cameras. Ballot-stuffing, which was a problem with previous elections, was detected in a couple of places, and the tainted results were disqualified. While during previous elections people could only vote where they were registered, now they could declare their location and vote wherever they found themselves, even at airports if they happened to be travelling. While the previous presidential elections in Russia were followed by a wave of protests, with numerous people complaining about fraud at the polls, this time these voices were scarcely heard. And while in previous elections opposition candidates got considerable traction among the Western-leaning educated elites in Moscow and St. Petersburg, this time the entire country was quite uniformly pro-Putin.



© MMXVIII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Remember the "Hockey Stick? This is the real deal. Aside from the carbon trading market, this phenomenon is driven by politicians who fund it. University professors who ride on the bandwagon get grants and enjoy bright careers. They are featured on TeeVee. Any opponent who does not keep his mouth shut will find himself out of work. He may receive death threats. His house might be firebombed. Politicians support whatever they think is popular. Their goal is to get elected. Politicians will do anything and say anything to get elected. Duhmockrisy is a creature of the mob.

Saturday, March 17, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The Mercator projection makes Russia really, really BIG

RUSSIAN PEOPLE (the Slavs) have overcome constant attacks for centuries by uniting and fighting for survival. Russians were demonized and underestimated by the Teutons, the Mongols, the Turks, the French and the Nazis. Washington is making the same mistake today. At five foot seven, Putin stands head and shoulders over the pygmies who lead the enemies of the Russian Federation. Stalin saved the Soviet Union. (More than twice.) Putin is much better than Stalin. Listen to Mikhail Gorbachev. He couldn’t save the Soviet Union from unravelling, but he did set Russia on a new path. Russians will lead the world into the bright, peaceful, prosperous and harmonious future that the U.S.A. promised but didn’t deliver. Instead, Americans gave us hatred, death, destruction and lies. Just watch what is going to happen.

The implications of Russia's new weapon Systems

Thursday, March 15, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans


WAR CLOUDS ARE GATHERING but it is spring and love is in the air. Alinochka (Алиночка) is Helen. I am Paris, Prince of Troy. The Greeks claimed I kidnapped Helen. Actually, we fell in love and ran off together. Alina has the face that launched a thousand ships. She is Helen.

Alinka, you are a breath of fresh air. You are a sweet spring puff wafting over snow melting in the warm sunshine. You are a breeze carrying the perfume of wild crocus flowers and tulips blooming on the hillsides. Birds twitter their mating songs to serenade us as we mate. Love. Life. Nothing else matters, only you.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

David Irving

FEW PEOPLE HAVE THE TIME OR TALENT to look into anything. In the "information age" most people today are as ill-informed as were most people in the Dark Ages. Mark Twain observed that “If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.” Universities are not as dedicated to The Truth as most people imagine. Universities are a business. Most instructors usually are hacks drilling someone else's ideas into young heads. Students enrol to learn a marketable skill and become members of clubs that provide access to The System. Universities are ruled by politics as are other human organisations. History is important. George Orwell wrote, “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” (1984.) Napoleon wrote L'histoire est un ensemble de mensonges convenus. (History is a set of lies agreed upon.) People don't like to have their beliefs challenged. Authorities who are challenged punish those who dare.

Jesus' fate was not unique. Jesus suffered ghastly consequences because He challenged The System. It is Lucifer's realm. The Prophets were also persecuted similarly by Kings and their minions. This is what The System does. Christ's resurrection is unique. Place not your faith in the Works of Man.

Matthew 13:57 And they took offence at him. But Jesus said to them, “Prophets are not without honour except in their own country and in their own house.”

Is what everyone knows about our past true? Perhaps it is not, despite what the experts all say.

David Irving Website
David Irving Books


© MMXVIII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin

As a rule, man is a fool,
When it's hot, he wants it cool;
When it's cool, he wants it hot,
Always wanting what it is not.

- Anonymous

Monday, March 12, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

Theresa May, Prime Minister of Great Britain

Dear Prime Minister May,

Relentless British government war-mongering endangers everyone on the planet. Russia has replaced Germany who replaced France as Great Britain's perennis hostibus. That takes us back 1,000 years (more or less) to William the Conqueror.

Great Britain does not have a “special relationship” with the United States of America. That idea was Winston Churchill’s principle delusion. It is the State that dares to call itself "Israel" that has a special relationship with the United States, not Great Britain. The big loser of both World Wars I and II was Great Britain. The big winner was the United States. The mortal enemies Germany and Japan did much better after 1945 than Great Britain, America's main ally.

You only need to look around to see that this is true. Who enjoys the “special relationship” with the U.S.A.? Compare the reception you received when you addressed the Republican “conservatives” to the wild standing ovations Congress gives Mr Netanyahu whenever he visits America's grovelling leaders. 

Russia is not anyone’s enemy. Washington is everyone’s enemy. Washington is not your friend or mine. I recommend reading David Irving’s book on Winston Churchill as well as Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War by Patrick Buchanan.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “nothing in politics is an accident.” He knew. Washington has carefully planned and worked for the demise of the British Empire and Great Britain from the beginning. American books that pack American libraries reveal Washington’s record since 1776. 

Russia is big enough. Russia has no desire to be the world hegemon. That was not even Stalin’s goal. Remember Stalin’s dictum “Socialism in one Country”? World domination was Trotsky's ambition. The neocons (who are Trotsky's descendants) think they already rule the world and they want more. They are the enemy, not Putin and Russia.

After the Second World War, Churchill exclaimed, "We killed the wrong pig!" He went to his grave without understanding who the right pig was and is.


The U.S.A. is not Rome, but it thinks it is. Americans got that idea from the British who also thought they were Romans.  Look at the architecture in Washington, DC. The British are not the Greeks. Russia is not Carthage. Washington is not your friend. It never was. Washington is the reason Great Britain went into the dumpster and became the U.K. If we attack Russia, Russia will wipe us off the face of the earth. Does it matter if they will be killed too? Idiots should not be allowed to play with fire in a dynamite factory. Do you remember what happened in 1914? The West (Washington and its vassals) is already at war with Russia. They never stop. Though rebuffed, Russia is not at war with us yet. Stop playing with matches. Stop coddling criminals. 

Stop insulting Russia. Make friends.

Morley Evans

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Accurate Solutions to Complex Problems

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Dwight D. Eisenhower

EVERY GUN THAT IS MADE, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its labourers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. …

We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. … This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. […] Is there no other way the world may live?

- President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Monday, March 5, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

One thousand years ago, the Kingdom of Hungary was founded. Like the Empire of Germany, Hungary was destroyed by the "peace treaties" that wrapped up the Great War. Austria did worse. Polyglot countries that had never existed before were created. Poland, which was carved out of Germany, was one of them. No consideration was given to the value of what was chopped up with a meat axe. It was all worthless. It was all bad. A new world was being created. Freedom and democracy would prevail. This is not much different from what Lenin had in mind.

Americans like to think they saved the world. They did not. Woodrow Wilson presided like an emperor at Versailles. Wilson thought he was an adult settling a feud between squabbling children. Although Wilson was taller than everyone else, he insisted his chair be on a dais so he would be even taller. 

The Big Four at Versailles
(left to right) Prime Ministers David Lloyd George of Great Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, and President Woodrow Wilson.

Wilson unleashed Hell's demons with the phrase "everyone has the right of self-determination." Social relations that took hundreds of years to form were destroyed with a stroke of a pen. Unattainable aspirations were created, and chaos has ensued. 

The Ottoman Empire was carved up similarly. People who had lived together peacefully for a thousand years became enemies. Since 9/11/2001, Washington has succeeded in creating a war of all against all in the Middle East. American weapons manufacturing has been the primary beneficiary of these wars — beginning with WWI.

The Great War (WWI) is undoubtedly Mankind's greatest calamity — so far.
