Friday, March 23, 2018


© MMXVIII V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

From Quora
Dima Vorobiev
Dima Vorobiev, I worked for Soviet propaganda
Updated 21h ago

According to the Russian loyalist propaganda, the active core of Ukrainian nationalists is Nazi and Fascists.

These two terms are used in Russia interchangeably since the time of WWII to denote some players who proclaim themselves to be active adversaries of the Soviet, and now Russian, international policy. Depending on the level of confrontation, the “Nazi” label sometimes may be extended to anyone, including the “aggressive Israeli Zionists”.

The combination of propaganda tools and active measures for the promotion of the “Nazi” label was effectively tried in the USSR. One of the most successful cases was a KGB operation in West Germany during the winter of 1959-60, planned and lead by the legendary veteran of Soviet intelligence Ivan Agayants. Starting around Christmas, East German agents went around West-German towns desecrating Jewish monuments, synagogues, shops, and leaving anti-Semitic graffiti on the walls. The action achieved a very broad coverage in the Western press as an act of local hooligans and neo-Nazis, and was one of the early steps in preparation for building the “Anti-Fascist Wall”.

Ukrainian nationalists were labelled “Nazis” ever since the start of the clean-up operations of NKVD in Western Ukraine after WWII and disruption of their emigrant organizations in Europe. The Soviet cartoon below shows a member of the anti-Soviet resistance organization OUN-UPA with a German sidearm and swastika adornments on the shirt. He drags the carriage of the Cold War together with an Israeli Zionists in orthodox Hebraic clothes. The Cold War creature holds a hydrogen bomb, with broadcasting equipment from the American radio stations Voice of America and Radio Liberty visible behind it. The carriage is signed “Anti-Sovietism”. The yoke is adorned with Ukrainian and Jewish national symbols, as well as dollar coins.

Olga Novikova
Thu · 1 upvote from Dima Vorobiev
I remember this picture in popular humorous magazine “Perez” (pepper) published in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. In late 1970s I suppose.

This is my Reply to the article above.

THE PUTSCHIST GOVERNMENT IN KIEV was installed by the CIA in February 2014 following the Orange Revolutions when democratically-elected President Viktor Yanukovych had to run for his life. He escaped by helicopter to Kharkov and from there to Russia. Gunmen were waiting to assassinate him in the motorcade he dispatched as a diversion. The Quisling, Petro Poroshenko, works for the CIA, George Soros (the ultra-Zionist Jewish billionaire) and the neo-Nazi Right Sector. This follows the pattern Washington successfully used in Georgia (the Rose Revolution) to overthrow Eduard Shevardnadze and install CIA asset Mikheil Saakasvilli. Washington tried regime change unsuccessfully in Chechnya, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The so-called rebels in the Donbass refuse to recognize the illegal government in Kiev. Without Russian military help, the “rebels” have consistently defeated the Ukrainian army when they have been attacked. Kiev tries to claim Russia is the “aggressor”. 

That works well in the Western media which lies to everyone in the West. Almost 100% of the people in Crimea (who are Russians) voted to join Russia. SURPRISE! The Donbass has established its own government and has effectively become part of the Russian Federation thanks to Kiev which has, by its own actions to set up a defensive border, recognized the secession of Lugansk and Donetsk. All of South-east Ukraine (including Odessa) is ethnic Russian. Ukraine has had wandering borders for centuries. Part of Poland used to be part of Ukraine. Give us a break, Dima. Washington wants to start WWIII. Do you? Surely not! The cartoon is accurate. The “Ukrainian nationalists” are Nazis. They have swastikas on their uniforms. One of them has a giant swastika tattooed on top of his bald head. Their fathers joined the Nazis to fight Stalin and they continued to fight Stalin (who was a Georgian) and Khrushchev (who was a Ukrainian) after 1945. The Nazis want an ethnically pure Ukraine. They hate Jews. Soros hates Jews too, but he uses "anti-Semitism" to conceale his crimes. He's proud to say he worked for Nazis when he was a boy in Hungary. Soros helped to round up Jews and steal their property. He said so on the American TV show 60 Minutes. The Hungarian government has disavowed and disowned George Soros. So should everyone else. By the way, Leonid Brezhnev was a Ukrainian too. Stalin called the Donbass the “heart of the Soviet Union.” So Kiev has cut out its own heart. My friend Olga asks, "The Donbass can live without Kiev. Can Kiev live without the Donbass?" It probably can. Olga is 22 years old. Kiev is over 1500 years old. Kiev will still be there long after Petro Poroshenko and his friends are long gone and Ukrainians are welcomed back into the Slavic family which Ukrainians have never actually left.

The Soviet cartoon above was true in 1981 and it is still true today. Brezhnev's Soviet Union is not Putin's Russian Federation. What has not changed in 37 years is the Cold War creature, driving the Zionist and Ukrainian Nazi. The creature is Washington and the American Deep State. Zionism was illegal in the Soviet Union. The Soviets recognized the alliance between Zionism and Naziism. There is a Jewish Homeland, but it is not in Palestine. It is the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. It was established by the Soviet Union. Bet you didn't know that.

In five minutes, Russia's military would roll over the "defensive" border Kiev has set up. The main effect of the border is to keep Ukrainians from escaping. Russia would snuff out the missile instalations the Americans have set up on Russia's border. But Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine or anyone else. Instead Putin has worked with Germany, France and Kiev to broker a peaceful arrangement to satisfy everyone. Washington cannot be satified, of course. Washington was not invited. A federal state like Switzerland or the Russian Federation or the British Commonwealth would be implemented. Ukraine was a founding member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Kiev has failed to implement what it agreed to do in Minsk I and Minsk II. The Ukrainian economy continues to sink along with the former Warsaw Pact countries that were bribed to join NATO "to become free of Russian tyranny and get rich just like West Germany." Poland is the EU's biggest welfare case. It's all bullshit.

The West is at war with Russia today. Along with provocations like the WADA doping conspiracy at Sochi, the Malaysian airliner that somebody shot down over the Donbass and the poisoning of the former Russian double-agent in England, the United States and its allies, like Canada, train and equip "commandos" to infiltrate the Crimea, the Donbass and Russia itself to assassinate Russian leaders. They have killed dozens of people and detonated many bombs. The authorities deal with them as criminals. Police investigate. When aprehended these criminals are charged and tried as criminals. The Russian airforce is not dispatched to bomb Kiev. That is what Israelis and Americans do. 

Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov, the current President of Chechnya was a terrorist when he was a teenager. He switched sides. Our leaders were not Chechnyan he says. They were very professional. They were trained by someone who was an expert. This is the pattern in Syria and the former Yugoslavia where Mujihadeen were imported from Aghanistan to create conflict to destroy the country. The U.S. army was used to destroy Iraq which has been turned into a slaughterhouse of internecine warfare. NATO destroyed Lybia with the help of terrorists. And on and on ...

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