Monday, July 1, 2019


© MMXIX V.1.0.8
by Morley Evans

As a survivor of almost seventy years of malpractice at the hands of the medical coterie here in Regina, Saskatchewan, I can add this generalization:

Medicine does a surprisingly good job dealing with catastrophic injuries as one finds in war zones, some Third World countries and Indian reserves and reservations that are like Third World countries. 

Some doctors volunteer their services to help sick and injured people. However, medicine in large urban centres in countries like Canada, Australia, and the United States is miserable. Doctors in urban centres tend to put money, prestige, and power, ahead of their patients who are mere income opportunities for doctors. The pharmaceutical industry is the most extensive criminal organization yet devised by man. Doctors prescribe drugs. In Canada, doctors are high-class dope pushers conveniently located next to pharmaceutical drug stores. I have heard things are better in the United Kingdom, Germany and France. Doctors in former East Bloc countries are learning tricks from Americans. Cuba and Panama are good, some say. I had a friend who was saved in Panama by TPA therapy. They still don't have it here, 20 years later.

So if you are run over by a train or have your legs and arms blown off by an IED in Afghanistan, you may survive thanks to modern medicine. On the other hand, in "civilization", doctors' waiting rooms are filled with people doctors cannot cure because they don't know what is wrong with them and don't know what to do about it if they did know.

Here and everywhere, most of the patients waiting in the doctor's waiting room will be suffering from what the doctor prescribed during their visit to his office last week. The doctor will prescribe some tests, another x-ray, and more drugs. In Regina, his receptionist will send the doctor's bill to the Government of Saskatchewan after she books the patient in for another appointment next week.

Canadian Medicare is a RACKET. No, it isn't free. It is the single largest expense of any Provincial government across Canada. Doctors are doing well. They are coming from around the world to cash in! Dr Cenaiko told me he was replaced by a doctor the government recruited in South Africa. "They pay him $1,000 a day," he moaned. Dr Annandale, who poisoned me with Lipitor® is a fugitive from South African justice. He was convicted of fraud there; Annandale can hide out in Canada where the medical system protects him and other criminals. Doctors from the subcontinent live like maharajahs in Regina. Lucky them.

Specifically, I can say that the only good doctor I have had who didn't fix what some other doctor did to me was the doctor who delivered me. I was a breach birth with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck; Dr Cowan knew what to do. He saved my life. I was a twin; Our mother was preeclampsial. He rescued all three of us. That's one good doctor in a list of doctors who harmed me throughout my life. Incompetent, abusive, doctors were and are protected by a corrupt medical system and a corrupt legislative/legal system. Doctors are absolved of all wrong-doing here by the Medicare worshipping public. 

Brainwashing does work! It is a success here in Regina, the proud home of Canadian Medicare. Thank you very much, TC Douglas and the CCF/NDP. The Tories who replaced them figured out how to take the Medicare issue away from the people who created it. The Tories discovered they could keep rats quiet by pouring money down their rat hole. I, myself, will never let doctors have another chance to harm me. I will continue to rely on exercise, clean living, and nutrition. I'll dance on their graves. No doctors, thank you.

Here's me waiting to be born! There is so much to do!

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