Tuesday, November 5, 2019


© MMXIX V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans


Dear Folks,

Linked below is a PDF file to Voices from Syria. You may find it hard to read. Cognitive dissonance may start blocking what you read. Many thanks to the author Mark Taliano.

The bad news, generally, is that reality has been reversed for most people. That is because the information they receive has been reversed. What they believe is false and what they don’t believe is true. The good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. Unless you specialize in looking under the rocks, and holding your nose, what you believe will have been inverted like everyone else's opinions.

"Trump distemper" has been created by years of non-stop anti-Trump propaganda in the NYTimes, CNN, CNBC, Washington Post, the CBA, BBC, et al. People infected with Trump distemper manage to turn every conversation about anything into an anti-Trump diatribe after a few sentences. It is the best evidence that propaganda works and mass minds control has been achieved. It isn't perfect yet because, despite all efforts made by the Deep State, Trump is the President. Tough nuts.

Broadly speaking, the media is where we get our information about the world. The media includes newspapers, magazines, TV, movies, textbooks, popular books, word-of-mouth hearsay and rumours. This content has been integrated. Information that disagrees with the intended message is redacted. How is this possible? The concentration of ownership is one important feature of the information system we have. The piper plays what the master wants to hear. Alternative media will only temporarily provide the truth. That will end when the Empire has figured out how to better control the Internet. The U.S. military (DARPA) created the Internet. They made it invulnerable so the U.S. command and control system would survive a nuclear attack. They had no idea how it would be used.

Newspapers not long ago printed information that disagreed with Imperial messages. That has been overcome. Most newspapers now are owned by a handful of people. The Agency controls what the presstitutes write. A leading journalist in Germany self-published a book in which he disclosed that he and most journalists in Europe are paid by the CIA. Not only did they pay him, but they also gave him articles that had been written by CIA staffers for him to sign. He died under mysterious circumstances. (Udo Ulfkotte (20 January 1960 – 13 January 2017) was a German journalist who maintained that journalists (including himself) and leading newspapers published material that had been fed to them, or bought, by the CIA and other Western intelligence and propaganda agencies. You can buy his book on Amazon.) More on this from Paul Craig Roberts. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/11/paul-craig-roberts/there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-free-press/

Voices from Syria was written by Mark Taliano. I recommend you buy his book. You can get it at www.globalresearch.com.  Or you can download it FREE here

I recommend you read everything that was written by William Blum. Bill died last year. Bill coined the phrase, “Freeing the World to Death”. You can start with his book by that title. Bill's body was found in his apartment. Bill had been dead for a few days. The cause of death was determined to be a fall. Really? Bill had broken ribs and bruises consistent with being beaten to death. Bill was ninety-something. It wouldn’t have taken much to kill him. Bill had been a State Department staffer until, one day during the War in Vietnam, he had seen enough. He opened his eyes and started writing. Noam Chomsky recommends Bill as THE expert on U.S. foreign affairs after 1945. 

Edward Snowden used to work for the NSA. He absconded to Russia where he is safe. Julian Assange and Bradly/Chelsea Manning should have gone to Russia where they would be protected by the evil Putin who has nuclear weapons and knows how to use them.

What does this mean for the Anglican Church of Canada? “Conspiracy Theories” won’t fill the pews. That very term was coined by the CIA to dismiss anyone who disagreed with the Warren Commission report. Hundreds have disagreed with it. I do. You should read their books. You can find them with Google. Search for "JFK Assassination conspiracy theory". You'll find dozens if you look. Many of the authors have been snuffed but their works live on proving the pen is mightier than the sword. Without a shadow of a doubt, the JFK assassination was a coup d'état. LBJ was its Chief Executive Officer and chief beneficiary.

Millions of people are being displaced and killed, right now. You can read Margaret Griffis at www.AntiWar.com.  Margaret keeps track of the hundreds of people killed in Iraq each month. Don't take your vacation in Iraq. The Anglican Church of Canada should at least be aware of these crimes. It might decry what’s going on, but opinion leaders should at least know about them.

A humongous evil is rising among us. Religious leaders used to be thought leaders. They have lost their position. No one listens to them anymore. The pews are empty. People like Pastor John Hagee, in Houston, are doing fine, though. He has bags of money. His pews are full. He is a third-generation Bible-puncher. He has a national mega-church. Why? Do lies sell better than truth? Hagee is a “Christian Zionist”. His flock elects like-minded people to Congress. “Israel” takes them to the Holy Land where they can visit the Holy Sites that “Israel” hasn’t demolished yet and where Hagee can lecture them on “End Times prophesy”. U.S. Congressmen send money and weapons to “Israel”. They give the Israeli Prime Minister non-stop standing ovations when he comes to address the United States Congress. Money and power buy Congressional love.

The United States supports the State of Israel which is the Zionist project on the Mediterranean. Everything “Israel” does and has done is ILLEGAL. Zionists are criminals. Every synagogue in the world has always had the Decalogue nailed to a wall. Zionists break every Commandment. Zionists are atheists. Zionism and its racist-paranoiac ideology are well-established as part of the élite in every country, including Canada. Zionism is a disease that has infected everyone. Zionism has nothing to do with Jews or their religion. Zionism is the opposite of Judaism.

Along with Zionism, the United States and its vassals support Saudi Arabia which uses much of its billions in oil revenues to promote Wahhabism around the world and to finance jihadis who chop heads and destroy unbelievers and their history. Beginning with oil riches discovered in 1950, Wahhabi wild men have risen up in the Arabian Desert to attack and destroy the birthplace of man, the Levant and Mesopotamia. They chop heads of Christians, Jews, along with Shia and Suni Muslims who lived peacefully together for centuries in the Ottoman empire.

U.S. weapons manufacturers make billions to make the world a dangerous place. American foreign policy is a past master of turning brother against brother and sowing discord, hatred, and violence while it pretends to be spreading Liberation, Human Rights and Democracy. The U.S. military provides a solid career path to riches for some. The American military-industrial complex sheds crocodile tears while it banks billions.  

The underclass of the world continues to be crushed. The Yemeni are being slaughtered by MbS with Canadian help. Canada isn't really the nice place everyone thinks it is. I'll leave that for later. Who cares about Yemen? Most Canadians could not find Yemen on a map. Canadians are smug about their righteousness. A catharsis is needed. Mark Taliano the author of Voices from Syria is a Canadian. He may light the fuse. Read his book.

Oh, what'll you do now, my blue-eyed son?
Oh, what'll you do now, my darling young one?
I'm a-goin' back out 'fore the rain starts a-fallin'
I'll walk to the depths of the deepest black forest
Where the people are many and their hands are all empty
Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters
Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
Where the executioner's face is always well-hidden
Where hunger is ugly, where souls are forgotten
Where black is the color, where none is the number
And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it
Then I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinkin'
But I'll know my song well before I start singin'
And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard
It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
- Bob Dylan

There is a whole lot to do. This essay doesn't even include Modern Medicine which is totally corrupt. EVIL IS RISING. The Anglican Church of Canada should get started. It's your job.

Thank you for your time. If you want to fire me, you can.

Morley Evans

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