Monday, November 18, 2019


© MMXIX V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

Julian Assange is the victim of a Show Trial in the United Kingdom reminiscent of Stalin's purges. 

Rudolph Hess flew to Scotland during WW II; He wanted peace between Nazi Germany and the British. Hitler probably sent Hess, his deputy. No one ever heard from Hess again, so no one really knows his purpose, except his capturers. Hess spent the rest of his life in solitary confinement, completely silenced. 

Churchill and the Allies did not want peace. They wanted victory with an unconditional surrender at any cost

The person who appeared as a defendant at the Nuremberg trials may not have been Hess but a double. Herman Goering thought so. Goering personally knew Hess. Goering also knew what the Nuremberg trials were. Rudolph Hess died in solitary confinement — at 93 — as the last prisoner in Spandau Prison. Hess was the last Nazi, except for fiction where Nazis are alive, well, and dangerous. Nazis are always very dangerous.

Julian Assange committed the unforgivable crime of exposing the Empire for what it is by making public what its most influential people have said with their own unedited words. Hillary Clinton might have been elected President of the United States, she thinks, had Julien Assange not exposed her corruption and that of the Democratic National Committee. Mass-murderer Hillary should be in prison, or worse, along with her hubby, Slick Willie. But politics ain't beanbag. Politics is war.

The Democrats and their presstitutes diverted attention from what they actually said by claiming, "The Russians interfered with the election and Julian Assange helped them." They have arranged to have Assange tried as a spy. Forensic investigation has proven that the emails were not purloined by the Russians. They were copied directly onto external drives by someone onsite. The most likely suspect would be a Democratic insider who was a whistleblower. A former CIA agent claims the Agency did it and then gave Hillary's and the DNC files to Wikileaks. He claims the Agency also released the Panama Papers to Wikileaks. Someone broke into a bank in Panama to get those. How would Julian do that?

Refusing to accept responsibility for losing the Presidential election in 2016 to "the buffoon" Donald J. Trump, the Democrats would have people believe that Trump is Putin's stooge! The Democrats are saying the President is a traitor who is a Russian agent. That is sedition. The Democrats are playing a dangerous game. Julian Assange is trapped in the Democrat's scheme.

Julian Assange was accused of sexual misconduct in Sweden. Charges were dropped for lack of evidence. His supposed victims withdrew their claims, saying their allegations were coerced. Assange is in prison where he had been held for violating bail. He has served time for that trumped-up charge; There are no charges today.

Stalin at least had charges and evidence. Stalin had confessions. So what if he made them up? The Empire has nothing.

Zionists have run out of Nazis; Their continued good fortunes rely on there being Nazis. We can expect Julian Assange to replace Rudolph Hess. They'll just paint him with their black Nazi brush and repeat charges ad nauseam. They may choose me next, or you


Years ago, a Zionist with connections painted me with his black Nazi brush to exculpate his son of charges of aggravated assault. I know how it works. I didn't know then. I was twenty years old and I still believed we had a justice system. We don't. The Zionist managed to reverse events and culpability, co-opt the police — who destroyed evidence, the court, my parents, and my lawyer. My lawyer went on to become a judge. He was rewarded for his service to the government. He was a lousy lawyer. He would have been a worse judge. He's dead now, along with the Zionist. Goodbye and good riddance. My assailant disappeared. He was nothing; a two-bit jerk. He may have suffered the fate of his hero Bugsy Siegel, a big-time Jewish crook. Someone may have squashed my assailant like a bug. Maybe he drives a garbage truck. He is old now if he's still alive. That episode was terrible, but it wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me. I survived those things too.

This is what John Pilger thinks of this farce with Julian Assange. 

Here's a report from South Africa.

Doctors are concerned that

You must care! Your ass is on the line too.


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