Tuesday, November 26, 2019


© MMXIX V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

Masquerading as defenders of the underclass, Democrats and their ilk have always taken their places in the upper-class. Napoleon I is one prominent example. Remember him? 

Napoleon highjacked the French Revolution and crowned himself Emperor of the French. Napoleon launched a World War (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) in an effort to make himself Emperor of the World. That is 52 years of war, Americans! 

The U.S.A. was Napoleon's only ally outside Europe. The United States of America would keep its cards close to the vest and play them to win the big poker game in 1945 when it declared itself "Leader of the Free World."

Few people realize that the people who are or would become, Democrats were, or are, behind all the world's most serious problems. Starting with Thomas Jefferson (Democrat) who bought Louisiana from Napoleon to start the US continental empire, James Polk (Democrat) secured the Oregon Territory and acquired California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, through war with Mexico, the Spanish American War which started the U.S. world empire (Theodore Roosevelt, Republican?); World War I ( Woodrow Wilson, Democrat); World War II (Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat); The Cold War and the Korean War (Harry S Truman, Democrat); Truman also created the CIA and the National Security State which subverted the U.S. Constitution; The War in Vietnam (Lyndon B Johnson); the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia (Bill Clinton); the destruction of Iraq and the murder of Sadaam Husein (Bill Clinton); the destruction of Lybia and the murder of Muammar Gadafi along with the disappearance of the Lybian gold horde (Obama and Hillary Clinton); collusion with Ukrainian oligarchs to interfere with the 2016 U.S. Presidential election (Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton). 

FDR built the U.S. Navy to replace the Royal Navy as the world's preeminent military force. Admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of the nuclear U.S. Navy was a Democrat. Looking back on history, it isn't possible to conclude that Democrats in any way were, or are, interested in peace. Democrats are up to their necks in war. The modern information system which includes the "mainstream media" and the education system was created and is controlled by Democrats who believe they stand for peace, goodness, and truth. 

Jewish Americans historically supported communism. Jewish Americans are a block of Democratic support. Until the Soviet Union made its pact with Nazi Germany in August 1939, they supported Stalin. After that, most supported Trotsky. The neocons who control the Republican Party today used to be Democrats. Jews have always been predominant leaders of the information system and bolshevism found a safe place to fester and infect the world. 

The former Confederate States were "The Safe South" because they could be counted on to elect Democrats every time. The former planter slave-owning class were Democrats. Democrats blocked Civil Rights at every turn. As the "king of the Senate" Lyndon Bains Johnson (Texas) blocked Civil Rights until he became President; then he rammed through Civil Rights legislation. 

LBJ was the best friend the State of Israel ever had. He engineered the Six-Day War and gave Israelis the bomb. "Israel" was firmly attached to the U.S. Treasury and was treated like the fifty-first State.

LBJ turned the War in Vietnam into the colossal bloodbath it became. 

"Scoop" Jackson, Democratic U.S. Senator and Representative from Washington State was a prominent warmonger and supporter of the State of Israel. "Scoop" is the reason Boeing aircraft in Seattle is a leading American war industrialist and why the Trident nuclear submarines are based in Puget Sound. 

We should remember that Andrew Jackson (Democrat) hated the British. He founded the Democratic Party. Jackson adopted the jackass as his personal emblem. It was adopted by the Democratic Party. Jackson added Florida to the Union. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was a Democrat. He added Alaska to the Union to prevent the British from acquiring it from Russia. As mentioned above, Polk (Democrat) added California to the Union to keep it out of British hands. Mexico was prepared to cede California to the British. War was needed. Half of Mexico was added to the Union.

Curiously, Republicans are perceived as warmongers, mostly because everything people see tells them Republicans are warmongers. Incidentally, Winston S. Churchill, the leader of British conservatives throughout the twentieth century, allied himself with American Democrats. 

A cursory look at American history does not support Churchill's sentiment of a "special relationship" with the United States. Instead, one clearly sees that the United States was always competing with Great Britain to replace it as the world hegemon. Democrats throughout American history were the leaders of those aspirations. They pursued American aspirations by war and corrupt practices that combined financial colonialism with military operations. 

Dear Winston: The United States is NOT Britain's friend and never was. Forget that your mother was an American and your finances were ensured by Americans. Those benefits are your personal benefits. 

Mussolini and Hitler attempted to copy the successful American model which followed the British example.

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