Saturday, February 22, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

Doctors, their organizations, lawyers and judges, family and friends, and the general public cannot hear the anguished cries of patients who have been harmed by modern medicine. No one can hear me. 

"Oh shut up! Is that all you can think about?"

The following testimony is from another victim of modern medicine. She is American. I have another friend in Australia. She was gutted like a trout at a teaching hospital when they did a hysterectomy she didn't want or need. 

I lost 20 years thanks to Statin Drugs that were prescribed by my friendly "family doctor". I was in a coma after being tortured for 8 years. It took 12 years to recover after I stopped taking Lipitor®. No one gives a damn.

Listen to Vickie. Open your ears. Listen:

All I keep saying in my mind is "Why?"  

It's really hard to get over knowing that you were a victim of crime in medicine.  Especially when you suffer physical injuries that cause discomfort and disfigurement.   It's so hard to just think "There is nothing I can do about it."  

They should have been prosecuted and on record for what they did to me and who knows how many others. I know for a fact that Helman injured more than just me because my good oral surgeon told me he treated five or six more after me. 

It's so hard because they knew what they were doing and my life was in grave danger with a non-union of the maxilla, an abscess, and screws and plates bent up inside my face.

They knew and because they all work together and we don't have an FAA in medicine, there is little a person can do except hope that they don't die as a result of the injuries. There is nowhere to turn because even the good guys can't speak up or they might get destroyed.  

(It's the AAOMS) American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. (insurance carrier for members)

Having a moment because I was searching for cases for a homework assignment on Westlaw and decided to try putting in Helman's name again to see if anything comes up and the only thing that comes up is that he is a paid "EXPERT WITNESS."  I cannot believe this stuff.  Dr Helman was an Expert Witness as was Dr Gary Wolford and both of them ignored my life-threatening conditions.  

It's mind-blowing!  They have quite a system there between these "go-to oral surgeons," dentists (Dr Ernst) Yes, Dr Ernst deliberately led me to an expert witness,  Dr Gary Wolford AFTER I was damaged by Helman because he said, "Gary Wolford could handle cases like yours." Yes, and Gary Wolford pretended to help, and not once disclosed to me that he was an expert witness.  He endangered my life even further with his antics. 

So they have dentists, oral surgeons, and they have one big fat attorney that works both sides and doesn't tell the clients who he represents on the defence side:  Robert Gittleman. I'm afraid of Gittleman. 

Oh, I shouldn't forget, there was also Dr Cleymen.  He grabbed pre-surgery pano out of my hand and said: " I'll take that to the dental school and make a copy."

Stay away from any of these people if you are in the Ann Arbor area:

This is the bottom line for the University of Michigan in my opinion:  They squeezed everything they could get out of using a bad actor like Helman and keeping him from prosecution.  This is what these teaching hospitals do. 

It's all about the money and I don't think the really good doctors want to become employed by a teaching hospital.   I'm of the mind that it's the weaklings who can't handle running their own business and/or do not know how to stay out of trouble ie liability situations who end up becoming permanent fixtures at teaching hospitals.

I had a correspondent who went to the School of Dentistry, University of British Columbia. He went for a filling. The student-dentist botched a root canal which the patient had not authorized or even known about. The patient was left with unending pain for years. He was unable to get any help. UBC denied he had ever been there. The University of Alberta refused to see him. He was an immigrant from Azerbaijan. He could not believe something like this could happen in a country like Canada. Oh yes, it can. Don't be fooled. - ed

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