Sunday, February 9, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

SEO means "Search Engine Optimization". The goal is to get one's Webpage on the first page of a Google search. I do much better than that.

Not only does my HomePage come up on the first page of a Google search, but it is also the first choice. One must scroll down to find others with "Morley" and/or "Evans". Morley Safer, the Canadian/American journalist/broadcaster on CBS is very famous of course. There was a Canadian geologist whose name was "Morley Evans". But I'm nobody and I'm there too.

This Google works in North America. It also works in any country in the world. You can find Google in any country by searching for "Google and the name of a country". The searching there is the same as it would be if you were in that country searching with Google.

It actually gets better. If one Googles "Morley Evans followed by the exact name of a Page on my Blog" that page appears at the top of the first page. Try it! Google Japan. Then in Japan, Google "Morley Evans INVESTIGATIONS". You will get my business card and a list of my investigations.

Why would anyone in Argentina or Thailand do this? They might search for something else, of course. That's where keywords come in. I'm working on that.

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