Thursday, April 9, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

COVID-19 is a psyop (psychological operation). It is not the Black Death but that is how it is being promoted. I’m sorry when anyone suffers. It is a tragedy when anyone dies. Although it is not a surprise, we even grieve when a centenarian dies. Even elephants grieve when one of their own passes away. 

Boris Johnson has been denigrated as “BoJo” by his detractors. If he dies, all of them will shed crocodile tears. But his death will be good news for the mainstream narrative that COVID-19 is the Black Death. Johnson was slow to accept the alleged fact that a scourge had descended on the world from God. We deserve what we get, they say. If he dies, people will decide Johnson got what he deserved. BoJo’s pregnant girlfriend was diagnosed with COVID-19, they reported. We were told she is recovering. That’s not good news for the psyop. We haven’t heard more about her.

FLASH! BoJo is out of the ICU! It's another triumph of Modern Medicine!

Prince Charles was diagnosed with COVID-19 too. Nothing more has been said that I have heard. Buckingham Palace reported that the Queen hadn’t seen the Prince for some time so she couldn’t have been infected. The Queen made a speech the other evening to address the COVID-19 pandemic. I haven’t seen it. Maybe YouTube made a copy.

What is this all about anyway? Many different groups are benefitting in many different ways. Here are two important things that are happening.

1). The hegemony of the United States of America is ending. COVID-19 may be used to explain “the reason” it ended. There is no “unipolar world” anymore — sorry neo-conservatives. You failed. Maybe you can start WW III and kill everyone that way.
2). The hegemony of so-called “modern medicine” is ending. It began in 1945 with the introduction of penicillin and the advent of pharmaceutical medicine. "Modern Medicine", which is pharmaceutical medicine, is a big part of the American hegemony.

Alternatives to “modern medicine” can no longer be crushed. Chiropractors and Osteopaths, like Dr Mercola, are here to stay. Renegades like Dr Jack Wolfson,  "the paleo cardiologist", and Dr Gundry, who was a cardiac surgeon, have abandoned prominent and lucrative positions in “modern medicine”. Dr Wolfson even married a chiropractor, gasp! They are raising a healthy family in sunny Arizona. The AMA would certainly disapprove.

Bill Sardi has written a new article that may curl your hair. He is billed as an independent journalist. He isn’t selling products as far as I know. I didn't buy any.

I grew up in the Age of “modern medicine”. It did me no favours. Quite the contrary. In 72 years, the four doctors who did help me each corrected the damage done by other doctors. They were punished for providing alternative therapies. The fifth doctor, Dr Cowan, saved me when I was born, according to my mother. 

Saskatchewan was the dictatorship of Tommy Douglas and the CCF throughout my formative years. They did me no favours either. Saint Tommy, the blessed man (his worshippers still wonder if he was really a man), is credited as being the “father of Canadian Medicare”. Actually, Woodrow S. Lloyd delivered Medicare, not Douglas. Then Ross Thatcher (whose name must not be spoken, even today) put a sword to them. 

Douglas worshippers want to put his picture on a Canadian bill. I think he should be on the Canadian three-dollar bill. I'd support that!

Somehow, I survived the brainwashing provided by CCF public education, the CBC, Hockey Night in Canada, Don Messer's Jubilee, and Canadian "mainstream medicine". A pox on them.

Politics is a blood sport.

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