Sunday, April 5, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Before the advent of modern medicine with antibiotics and vaccines in the 1950s, diseases such as tuberculosis were treated with fresh air and sunshine — even in the winter. Patients did get better! Now people are treated with "sheltering in place" and watching propaganda on TV. The underlying message is: Buy your Drugs. Some generously want the government to buy the drugs and dispense them for free!

Nation In Coronavirus Turmoil:
Is There No Way Out?

By Bill Sardi
April 4, 2020

Fearmongers show the body bags and caskets, display the obituaries; feature news reports of a newborn baby with coronavirus.  News media and government propagandists display a world with virtually no defence against a deadly viral pathogen.  No masks (nearly useless anyway) and a shortage of ventilators (70-90% die if they get to this point).

Now mayors (not health authorities) mandate masks and really whip up more fear.  Every politician wants to hang his political hat on his handling of the coronavirus outbreak.  Wear a mask or otherwise, you won’t be allowed to stand in line to get food at the grocery store, or at least others in line will chase you away, being fearful of transmission of infectious disease themselves.

With the population feeling defenceless because there is no vaccine, the last gasp measure is to quarantine and socially space (isolate) people, which is obviously not working in Italy (see chart below), didn’t work on an ocean liner, and didn’t work on an aircraft carrier.

The masses follow instructions/orders by their overseers, with no awareness that lack of sunshine vitamin D is what triggers these seasonal infectious disease outbreaks in the first place.

News media is to blame.

A report published at Foreign Policy magazine states: “We should recognize that news media is overwhelmingly incentivized to produce negative and alarmist headlines without accompanying historical context and analytical expertise for the average person to evaluate the severity of those headlines.”  Author Micah Zenko goes so far as to say: “Fear is a national security crisis” in itself.

Another report published in Psychiatry Research says: “Fear seems more certainly a consequence of mass quarantine.”

Even anti-government news media like Infowars stoke the coals of fear and panic (headline: “coronavirus is now the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.” (totally false).  Yellow journalism reigns.

The term “killer virus” is used for effect and is frequently found in news reports.

You can’t go online without some real-time tabulator of COVID-19 cases and deaths being displayed.  These real-time death charts have literally replaced baseball scores.  It’s the political drama in America now.  Counting deaths related to a virus instead of home runs.

Reporting each and every case of the common cold

COVID-19 coronavirus was a common cold virus.  Now it is a deadly pathogen.  Imagine doing this in prior years, running around counting the number of people with colds and reporting them on the TV weather report.

What does TV news resort to now to capture viewers?  Individual reports of people’s ordeal with a head cold.  “Molly Johnson tells her personal story about her ordeal with her diarrhoea, fever and sore throat – on the news report at six.”  The TV cameras will soon be following ambulances to cover sensationalist cases of bleeding haemorrhoids (“if it bleeds, it leads” is an old saying in journalism).

Modern medicine employs fear.

Modern medicine has repeatedly used the fear of not taking drugs, [such as] not taking statins to lower cholesterol, for a long time.  This is despite as many people have mortal heart attacks with low as high cholesterol.

Attempts to convince people to change health habits with facts against fear is an uphill and often fruitless battle.

Only a few will need to be hospitalized.  But “what if?” is the question in the back of the public’s mind.  That is how vaccination is sold.  Few parents have the time to examine the (lack of) science behind vaccination.  Scientific information is not often examined when making a decision to vaccinate.  There are social pressures and the fear of making the wrong decision and being blamed for “my kid getting chickenpox.”  Better not be a bad mother [mothers think].


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