Tuesday, May 5, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

"Little Tony" has become the most powerful man in the world IN HISTORY. Move over Alexander, Stalin, and all the Caesars. Lucky Luciano was big, but he didn't even come close. Big Pharma is a really big-time criminal organization — even more powerful than the U.S. government and the military-industrial complex combined. Remember World War II? This is bigger than that.

Just wait, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Did you do what your doctor ordered you to do? Fill those prescriptions! Get vaccinated! "Stay home and save lives." More is coming! Big Pharma is big; It has more money than anybody. It owns all the "regulatory" organizations; the U.S. Congress; the President and most, if not all, of the world's legislators and politicians. It owns the world's propaganda system that controls what you think; all the doctors and what they do; and the world's "justice" systems and the lawyers. What about the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO)? They own that too. You are cooked. Your fate is sealed.

Medicine is now called HEALTH. Medicine used to do its best to treat disease. It's bigger than that now. Medicine is nothing less than the new world religion. It's BIG. Will Fauci and Gates change human life forever? 

Will humans stop shaking hands and kissing? Will humans stop enjoying sex? Probably not. "Social distancing" is not practical and it doesn't work anyway. Marxism-Leninism lasted only 70 years. They really tried to make it work. True religions have lasted thousands of years because they are true. 

Fauci-Gates will be gone soon, along with Fauci and Gates. Medicine will be reformed. What is useful will be saved. The criminals will be gone along with their quackery. The medical establishment will be deconstructed and rebuilt. Freud and his psychoanalysis are out of favour. A few millionaires in New York City keep therapists in clover. When they die, psychotherapy will be gone. 

Psychiatry is under attack. It is the domain of truly dangerous monsters who prescribe dangerous drugs to children. The anti-cholesterol empire is doomed. Goodbye: Statins and fat-free food. Did you know there are three (3) food groups? Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat. Sugar is why people are diabetic and obese. We may need to wait until Ancel Keys' devotées die. 

Can the world be made perfect? NO. The world is the devil's playground.

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