Saturday, May 16, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans


Hi Mike,

I don’t believe anything that the herd and its leaders believe. My father used to say, 

“Sonny, you think the army is out of step with you.” 

I would reply, “It is.” 

A herd follows its leaders. 

North American plains Indian tribes figured out how to harvest the Walmart-on-the-hoof by stampeding the leader towards a cliff. When he went over, others followed. The great beasts would be killed by the fall and the Indians would harvest meat, horns, and hides. Such sites were called “heads smashed in” and similar names. The Indians were doing this before they had horses and guns. Indians were on foot. A buffalo weights over a ton and it can run 45 miles an hour. Buffalo charge. A man can not outrun a charging buffalo (bison). Horses can barely outrun them. Buffaloes are very big and very dangerous.

Humans are a herd species too. People follow their leaders. Experience has taught me not to follow leaders and do what the herd does. Why? Doing what they do has harmed me. Nearly 73 years of giving them the benefit of the doubt has ALWAYS been harmful. 

I believe Kary Mullis knew what he was talking about. He thought for himself. He didn’t get paid for his opinions, unlike everyone else. I know Uffe Ravnskov is right about saturated fat and cholesterol from my personal experience. Uffe doesn’t make a dime from his work, unlike everyone who supports the cholesterol-is-evil theory. I was saved from life-long asthma and illness by Dr. Carl Reich who prescribed Vitamins D & A along with digestive enzymes. He paid the price for thinking for himself. I was saved from pharmaceutical medicine — especially from Statin Drugs — by Dr. Frederick Cenaiko. Had I not seen Cenaiko, I would be dead now. I know that the doctors in Regina, Saskatchewan, and across Canada are protected by the legislatures, the judges, and the lawyers.

Patrick Moore specializes in environmentalism. He stands alone. David Suzuki has enjoyed tenure at the CBC for most of his life. Canadian taxpayers have made Suzuki a millionaire so he can propagandize his views. The CBC buys programs for The Nature of Things that Suzuki overdubs word-for-word as if he were the author. Most environmentalists, like Suzuki, see the human species as the enemy of the environment — not as part of it. Opposing Suzuki, Japanese Buddhism views Man as an integral part of Nature.

I have been going to school for almost 73 years. I’ve learned a few things from very smart people during that time.

If one follows the money, one will solve many problems. Kary Mullis correctly said scientists produce research that yields results that will win government grants. Science is corrupt. Medicine has been completely corrupted by money. The pharmaceutical companies are organized crime. Period. Big Pharma selects, trains, and owns the doctors. Big Pharma owns the world-wide propaganda industry as well as the legislatures, judges, and lawyers. Big Pharma has captured the agencies that were created to protect the public. Agencies like the FDA and CDC now work for big pharmaceutical companies to bamboozle the public.

I don’t watch TV or read newspapers and magazines. I don’t take any drugs. I don’t believe in Global Warming. I don’t believe cholesterol and saturated fats are bad. I take nutritional supplements which cost me a fortune. The most important is Vitamin D3 which the medical establishment discouraged taking for most of the years I have been alive. Now they are promoting sun-blockers. Doctors are the primary salesmen for pharmaceutical drugs. I learned just the other day that doctors do get a kick-back when a patient has his prescription filled. If we had a legal system — which we don’t — bank records would be subpoenaed and records would be impounded for forensic examination.

The promoters of the current pandemic would pay for the harm they have done. Bill Gates has lots of money. Gates can give it to the people whose lives he has destroyed. Tony Fauci should pay too, along with Erin Burnett, the owners of CNN, and the rest of the propaganda industry who aided and abetted the panic. Everyone who yells, "Fire" in a crowded theatre is guilty of a crime.  

Big things need to happen. The medical industry needs to be deconstructed. What is harmful would be thrown into the fire. Some people would go to jail. Fortunes would be seized and distributed to millions of victims of malpractice. Medicine would be rebuilt with what is useful.

I thought it was amazing that HIV and AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa vastly outnumber the Black Death in Europe during the Middle Ages until I learned that the United Nations was paying a bounty for deaths that were identified as having been caused by AIDS that had mostly resulted from famine and other things.

Medicine is one example of corruption. There are many.

Researchers have uncovered such hidden facts as the poison gas that was reported as having been used by the Government of Syria was actually used by the terrorists who are trained, equipped, and funded by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the CIA. It is one more example of the kind of world we live in.

How is data collected? Heart attacks in Great Britain and the United States are far more frequent, I have read, than they are in France. They eat rich foods full of evil, but delicious, saturated fat in France. This was known as the French conundrum. Death certificates in Great Britain and the United States have a check-box for the cause of death. That box says "heart attack". French death certificates don't have that box. If it said "unknown" or wasn't there at all the statistics would look completely different. Is this true? Possibly, but I couldn't find an example in the ten minutes I looked for one!

A preponderance of the evidence may not be enough to convict but it is enough to indict. Habitual lying reverses the dictum "innocent until proven guilty" to "guilty until proven innocent." CNN and the New York Times are far beyond the pale. Presstitutes pander to the people who pay them while pretending to report the truth. News readers who present lies are as guilty as the people who write their scripts. 

Nowadays, the actual death certificates completed by a doctor are not used as data. Computer models are preferred. "This is great! The herd will believe anything we tell them when it is produced by artificial intelligence!"

The world is the devil's playground. You can look it up if you don't believe me.

Wikipedia has an excellent essay on the movie Gladiator. Read what it says about how the movie differs from what really happened. The U.S.A. thinks it is the Roman Empire. So did others, including the British Empire and the Russian Empire.

Money — and how it is acquired — is the root of evil.

Here’s a thought.

I may live another thirty years. I hope I do.

"For every thousand hacking at the branches of evil, one is chopping the root."

Best to you and Sati,
- Morley

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