Wednesday, June 17, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

By F. William Engdahl

Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs and other groups since the 1980s. They were used in crude form to bring down the Polish communist regime in the late 1980s. From there the techniques were refined and used, along with heavy bribes, to topple the Gorbachev regime in the Soviet Union. For anyone who has studied those models closely, it is clear that the protests against police violence led by amorphous organizations with names like Black Lives Matter or Antifa are more than purely spontaneous moral outrage. Hundreds of thousands of young Americans are being used as a battering ram to not only topple a US President but in the process, the very structures of the US Constitutional order.



Nancy, Chuckie, and the DNC have tried everything to defeat Donald Trump. This campaign began even before Trump announced he would seek the Republican nomination to run for President. The DNC wanted Trump to be the Republican nominee. They thought Trump would easily be defeated. They were surprised when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. 

Since he was elected, Democrats have done everything to sabotage the Trump Presidency. They have blocked Trump's cabinet nominees, allowing only people who would harm Trump, like John Bolton. They have driven from office anyone who would help Trump.

The list of what has been tried is long. It includes Russiagate which sought to prove that Trump is a stooge of Putin. The Democratic-favouring media engaged in an unprecedented campaign of character assassination 24/7/365. When everything failed to destroy Trump, Impeachment was tried. When that failed, the COVID Lockdown destroyed the U.S. economy, thanks to Tony Fauci. For whom is Fauci working? Bankrupcies, unemployment surpassing the Great Depression, race riots and murder followed the national Lockdown.

As far as the universally-recognized problems with American police departments go, Senator Tom Cotton wonders why Obama, who was the (black) President for eight years, did nothing about it. (Before becoming the POTUS, Obama was a "community organizer" — whatever that is — in Chicago.) Nothing was done about the police or the lawlessness in poor black communities. Race riots have made everything worse. Black-owned businesses were looted and destroyed by organized looters. Who organized them? National chains like Walmart stayed closed after being sacked. Inner-city poor blacks are forced now to go to the suburbs to buy food if they can get there.

One wonders, don't Democrats care anything about black people, or do Democrats use blacks to get elected? BINGO!

Nancy, Chuckie, and the DNC may finally defeat Donald Trump in November — at the cost of destroying the United States. What will they have won? - ed

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