Tuesday, July 7, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

WHAT IS AN EPIDEMIC? Here are some examples.


WHO COVID-19 Timeline

We do not have a COVID-19 epidemic in Saskatchewan. The Regina Leader-Post reports what we do have on the front page. They have been doing this for weeks, since the beginning. Fourteen deaths in a population of one million in about 25 weeks IS NOT AN EPIDEMIC. The Leader-Post doesn't make this up. It reports data it gets from the Saskatchewan "health" authorities.

What is going on?

Fear-mongering is going on. Why? 

The News industry sells space to advertisers based on the size of its audience. Newspapers learned over a hundred years ago that people are most interested in alarming stories. The adage "If a story bleeds, it leads." is a staple of the industry that informs most people. Today, the News industry includes newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the World Wide Web on the Internet.

People spread their opinions world-wide with Websites, Blogs, email, and social media such as Facebook and Instagram.

Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and "health" bureaucracies benefit too. They make money when people are sick. The more the better. The pharmaceutical industry which includes doctors, pharmaceutical companies, drug stores, and government bureaucracies which include the regulatory administrations that include the CDC, NIH, FDA, and WHO, is the largest and most profitable industry in the world. It rests on the widespread belief that it saves lives. People trust doctors. They believe what they are told.

Some people relish POWER. They enjoy bossing other people around. Power can be a stronger motive than sex and money.

For example, people are told everyone should get the flu shot every year. They line up for the jab. Pharmaceutical companies make billions. Are people getting the benefit they believe they are getting? Some don't believe they are. Those people are crushed – which discredits those who crush them.

People who won't answer their critics discredit themselves.

Propaganda informed the world that a previously unknown virus emerged in Wuhan that would kill millions of people around the world. The News reported people were dropping dead on the street in China. They weren't. CNN employs the biggest liars since Hearst and Pulitzer invented yellow journalism and made billions telling lies.

During crises, calm, rational thinking is required. Dr Scott Atlas, MD, is one such thinker. We do not need people creating panic.

In fact, yelling, "FIRE" in a crowded theatre is illegal. So are the Lockdown orders. People like Anthony Fauci and the politicians and bureaucrats who have followed his advice are liable to compensate millions for destroying their businesses and their lives. Governments that hand out cheques as compensation are not solving the problem. Where are they getting the money? Taxpayers are not liable. They didn't order the Lockdowns. The people who caused the harm are directly responsible for wrecking the world's economy. 

Fauci and Bill Gates have lots of money. They can give it to the people they have harmed. Big Pharma has even more.

People are arguing about the virus. It doesn't matter if the virus is real or not. Lockdowns have serious consequences that are being ignored. If your doctor tells you you can cure your headache with a 45 magnum bullet, he's right but you need a new doctor.

People need to re-examine who they trust.

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