Tuesday, August 18, 2020


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Spooky Virus

by Morley Evans

Mila writes from Kiev:

Hello, my dear Morley. How's your day? What is the best man in the world doing today? I suspect that you are as searching today as I am? Dear Morley, did any of your friends have COVID? Nika has strange symptoms, and now I panic that it hasn't been an ordinary cold. It's so hard for us right now, and we're ready to be in your hands and, for you to hold our asses, he-he-he. I hope Nika gets better. Today the doctor came and took her blood for tests. You have to be very careful these days. Your beloved Mila

I reply from Regina:

Dear Mila,

I hope Nika is feeling better. As a result of the constant fear-mongering, everyone is needlessly concerned about COVID-19. They report every positive test as if the person were sick and is going to die. That is a lie. Ninety-nine per cent of the people who test positive don't even have any symptoms. Ninety-nine per cent of the people who do get sick, recover. All of the people who have died in any country were comorbid; They were old, and already had one or more life-threatening diseases. Most of the people who have been killed were killed by tuberculosis, and some also had cancer.

The people who died of the 1918 "Spanish flu", had tuberculosis recent studies indicate. The Black Death of the Middle Ages came and went without a vaccine — as have all epidemics.

The usual quarantine measures were not used to protect the people who have died of COVID-19. Instead, all the healthy people were quarantined by order of "health" experts who wrecked the world's economy. That was the plan all along. They are going to pay for this. I hope!

You are living with Nika. Are you sick? You go out. Do you infect others? Did any of them get sick? What did the doctor say about Nika? This treatment below works. It is being suppressed because if a remedy exists for the disease, and it is inexpensive, schemes to make fortunes with a new vaccine go up in smoke. HCQ is the drug that kills their scheme.

"It is a proven undeniable fact that if given early, hydroxychloroqine (HCQ) given with azithromycin and zinc will cure coronavirus.  It is a proven undeniable fact that hydroxychloroquine is safe.  It is approved medicine and has been in use for 65 years with an outstanding safety record."

China tested 10,000,000 (ten million) people in Wuhan, the supposed epicentre of COVID-19. Three hundred people tested positive. ZERO had symptoms. This supposedly unstoppable disease will kill everyone on the planet, according to the fear-mongers and "health" experts.

- Morley

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