Saturday, October 24, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Hi Morley,

In my last newsletter, I discussed common misconceptions about the PCR tests and how they are being misused to diagnose COVID-19. One of the things I said was that the popular claim that SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated is wrong: the virus has been isolated and its whole genome sequenced by scientists all over the world.

As I anticipated, I got numerous pushback emails from readers for saying that. Most were respectful, fortunately, although at least one was rather nasty.

This is not a topic that I really want to get into because I view it as a total distraction from real issues. But I had to say it, and because there are readers who respectfully shared their genuine confusion, I do feel compelled to address it more substantively. 

There is so much misinformation about this that I could not possibly take the time to fully address all the claims being widely shared about it. So, in the interests of time, I'm just going to address one source that several readers mentioned in their emails to me. It is representative of the nature of these popular claims about the virus never having been proven to exist.

It's an article that I've seen spread very widely on social media in recent weeks. Actually, it's a series of articles, written by Jon Rappoport of They all rely on the same underlying claim, so let's look briefly at the one titled "The fake coronavirus and the missing study: the secret in plain sight".

In it, Rappoport begins by noting some pushback he'd received himself:
I have also been sent a CDC document that claims the COVID virus has been isolated. However, that document is dated two months earlier [May 5] than the CDC document that admits they do not have the virus [July 13]. So it means nothing.

Last week, I wrote and published two articles (here and here) exposing the root of the poisonous tree: the CDC admits it does not have an isolated COVID virus.
The central claim he's making here is false. The CDC did not admit in July that it did not have an isolate of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. (COVID-19 is not the name of the virus, although it's frequently misused that way.)

The CDC rather said that back in February. What Rappoport noticed was that version 5 of the document, in which the CDC states "no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available", is dated July 13. That's because there was an update in July. The original version was back in February.

The context was that the CDC was developing a PCR test for detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA. At the time its test was under development, as it stated back in February, it had no isolated virus in its possession.

Soon thereafter, though, CDC researchers did isolate the virus, as discussed in the May 5 document.

So, the CDC document dated May 5 does not mean "nothing". The CDC did not claim to have isolated the virus only to admit two months later that it had not done so. This is totally wrong.

You can see that this PCR document was published on February 4 -- not July 13 -- right here.

Later versions of the document were not intended to revise its original contents. Notice, for example, that version 5 still refers to the virus as "2019-nCoV" even though it was subsequently named "SARS-CoV-2". It would make no sense to alter that original content, such as the statement about the CDC not having the virus in its possession. That statement is specifically relevant to that moment in time back in February.

The purpose of the update is rather stated by the CDC right here: "Additionally, FDA approved an amendment on July 13, 2020, to add the Promega Maxwell® RSC 48 as an authorized extraction instrument for use with the CDC 2019-nCoV RRT-PCR Diagnostic Panel."

In sum, the CDC's statement that it did not have the virus in its possession was true not in July but in February. The CDC did not say that it still had not obtained an isolate of the virus in July. The CDC document discussing its isolation of the virus in May is not contradicted by the July update of its PCR document. The claim that version 5 of the PCR document proves that the virus has not been isolated is completely false.

This is precisely the kind of misinformation I was alluding to when I wrote in my prior newsletter that the virus has been isolated. Claims to the contrary are of this nature, which is to say that they are not grounded in fact or science, but in dismissals of science -- such as the many studies in which scientists from all over the world describe isolating and whole-genome sequencing SARS-CoV-2, or this international database of genome sequences.

I find it regrettable that Rappoport has made this claim. I'd much rather be debunking propaganda from the New York Times or other mainstream media, like usual, than addressing such errors by fellow independent journalists.

However, I'm compelled to do so since such claims are being so readily accepted by so many people and being so widely spread on social media. The one reason I feel it is worthwhile to address it briefly in this newsletter is I want to emphasize that such claims are distractive and do not help to advance our cause. 

Specifically, these claims do not help effectively combat the authoritarian lockdown regimes and their mass vaccination endgame. On the contrary, they serve to legitimize lockdown advocates' dismissals of lockdown opponents as "conspiracy theorists" spreading "misinformation". We in the health freedom movement must do better.

So, I hope you will join me in setting aside the belief that the virus isn't real but some elaborate hoax and instead focusing on ways to effectively counter the mainstream lies and propaganda about SARS-CoV-2 that serve to manufacture consent for increasing authoritarianism.
With Respect and In Solidarity,

P.S. -- As I just mentioned, the explicitly stated endgame of the authoritarian "lockdown" measures is mass vaccination, with much talk already about forcing a COVID-19 vaccine on us by one means or another (such as talk of having to have an "immunity passport" to exercise basic freedoms).

Additionally, lockdown advocates ignore the massive harms of these measures. The economy was already in bad shape before the outbreak, and deliberately shutting down economic activity has pushed millions of people around the globe toward financial ruin and poverty. And the economic costs are measurable not just in dollars but also in health and lives.

If the situation has made you consider the need for greater independence financially, there's a documentary series coming soon that you'll definitely want to check out. 

If you saw the docu-series Vaccines Revealed, this one is by the same team.

It's called Money Revealed, and it features many people who've forged their own path, sharing their knowledge about how to create and preserve wealth. Whether you're interested in starting your own online business, investing in real estate or stocks, avoiding government theft (i.e., "taxation"), or building a nest egg for retirement, it promises to provide valuable and actionable information:

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