Monday, October 19, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
 by Morley Evans

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Thanks to Professor Chossudovsky for this beautiful graphic.

    When using PCR to determine SARS CoV-2 infection, quite a few things could go wrong, actually.

    Firstly, testing millions around the world has enormous logistical and quality-control problems. Carefully controlled conditions are required. The Chinese tested ten million residents of Wuhan in a few days. Professor Chossudovsky doesn't know what test was used. Do you? Was it PCR? Did Third World countries conform to rigid uniform standards? Could they? 

    The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) needed to reduce fear and get everyone back to work. They found 300 infected people and ZERO with symptoms after testing everyone (ten million). People went back to work, and services were reopened. Everyone was assured that they were safe. The opposite incentives exist outside China.

    Local public "health" bureaucracies all have political motives, not least of which are enhancing their own budgets. The test is the Polymerase Chain Reaction. The Fear Campaign requires scary numbers, and every bureaucrat's paycheque requires scary numbers. Here in Saskatchewan, the official reports indicate THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC, yet the Fear Campaign continues unabated. Everyone is wearing masks and "social distancing". Churches are obediently closed.

    The Fear Campaign is based on ICR. The information chain reaction, which is also known as gossip, stirs up hysteria. The Fear Campaign is in full-swing 24/7 on every channel throughout the world. Its purpose is to create panic. Panic permits millions to accept Lockdowns and their own destruction. Of course, police threats are helpful. I correspond regularly with people in Ukraine, Russia, Argentina, and Australia. They know all about the Virus panic.

    Secondly, every sample will contain myriad bits of viral and bacterial genetic material and who knows what else. Let's suppose the process can separate the SARS CoV-2 from everything else in the soup. But that is not what it does. The virus being tested must be isolated first.

    Thirdly, specifically engineered primers, must be added to the soup. They must be custom-designed for a previously unknown virus. Some say the existence of the virus has not been proven. They say it has not been isolated. How can primers be created, one wonders? If so, the whole matter would be dead on arrival along with the promoters of the Fear Campaign. That's DOA, for those people who are fond of initialisms.

    As planned, primers attach to the SARS CoV-2 genetic material if it is present. The "amplified" genetic material can be detected. From where did the specifically engineered primers come? Were they created by the wise old men at the top of the pyramid of medical science and money?

    Could the wise old men distribute primers for a known virus and say they are for SARS CoV-2? Medical researchers could be getting positive results for seasonal flu, the common cold, or some other wide-spread contagion. They would report SARS CoV-2 and not know the difference. Something like that could be proven. Physical evidence would exist. Courts love physical evidence. 

    Did the PRC create the Virus to attack the West? Some say the nefarious Chinese Commies did evil. "We hate them." Did the NIH fund that research? Some say it did. They say Tony Fauci's fingerprints are on it. "We hate him." These possibilities are not relevant to the question of safety. The PRC did the right thing. So should we. Reduce the fear; deal with the problem; get back to work, and get on with life.

    Is SARS CoV-2 and COVID-19 disease an existential threat as broadcast by the Fear Campaign? No.

    The current medical establishment — everything from pharmaceutical companies and their medical doctor salesforce to the government agencies (including public "health" bureaucracies) that were supposedly created to protect us — needs to be deconstructed and examined piece-by-piece along with the blind faith people have in the magical powers of medicine. 

    Medicine is not Healthcare. Repeat that a thousand times. Beat your head with a board, if necessary.

    The mainstream media that created this disaster needs to disappear. The broadcasters and their owners need to go to prison. "Heads on Pikes" may be too much to hope for but it is a nice thought. Bill Gates can give his billions to his victims.

    EDIT: Contamination is a problem. The sample cannot be mixed up with many different viruses and bacteria. Isolating the "SARS CoV-2" would not be necessary if the researchers were actually testing for a known virus, like flu, but thought they were testing for SARS CoV-2. They know how to isolate the flu. Everyone says the killer virus (Grr) has similar symptoms to flu and the common cold. The wise old men at the top of the pyramid of medical science and money could easily fool everyone. 

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