Saturday, November 7, 2020

Letter to the Premier of Saskatchewan

© MMXX V.1.1.4
by Morley Evans

Criminals wear masks. I am not a criminal. I don’t worship The Virus, either. I wrote this to the Premier today.

Dear Premier Scott Moe,

You are being used.

The COVID-19 “pandemic” is a de facto coup d'état. Your government has imposed a “mask mandate” effective today. You have been incorrectly advised that this will curb the spread of this “pandemic”. You need to fire your advisors and rescind this nonsense. STOP! The real Pandemic is this insanity.

There is no COVID-19 epidemic in Saskatchewan. There has never been a COVID-19 epidemic in Saskatchewan. The FEAR CAMPAIGN posts its data on the front page of the Leader-Post every day. The data are a joke. How stupid do they think we are?

The FEAR CAMPAIGN changed the definition of “pandemic” with the SWINE FLU epidemic. A pandemic used to require cases of morbidity and mortality. Swine Flu didn’t work out for them. It fizzled out. So morbidity and mortality were dropped from the definition. Only the geography was retained to define a “pandemic”. They went back to the drawing board and created the COVID panic. They got it right this time!

A “case" used to mean a patient had symptoms severe enough for a sick person to go to a doctor who would send him to a hospital. Now anyone testing positive on a PCR test is considered to have COVID-19 disease (whatever that might be). Completely healthy people who test positive are considered “asymptomatic spreaders of disease.”

Jail has been established in Saskatchewan for people who are designated as infected. WHAT!

Prince Albert died of typhoid fever. Was Queen Victoria tried and convicted of being an “asymptomatic spreader” of typhoid fever? What about their children? No? Poor Mary Mallon wasn't so lucky. The Rockefellers did well. Some might have been asymptomatic spreaders. These invisible killers are secret virus agents. They are everywhere.

Asymptomatic spreaders (if real) would mean everyone must avoid all contact with all other humans, including their own children, wives, husbands, friends, lovers, and parents. 


That would certainly stop modern civilization in its tracks and kill off the human race. Bill Gates and Greta Thunberg would be delighted. (They don't seem to understand that they would be killed off with everyone else, illustrating that psychopaths are a danger to themselves as well as a danger to everyone else. 

They need to be incarcerated with the other mentally disturbed freaks, er, patients, so they don't hurt themselves, poor dears.)



The FEAR CAMPAIGN has managed to create a worldwide delusional psychosis. This is the most serious public health crisis mankind has ever faced. Promoters of the FEAR CAMPAIGN are a serious public health menace. Paranoia is a severe mental health problem.

Doctors around the world are raising their voices to condemn the hysterical reaction to COVID-19. The supposed cure is worse than the disease. AND THE CURE IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME ANYWAY. Lockdowns and masks do no more than doing nothing does. Lockdowns only wreck everyone's life. 

This report was written by Dr Pascal Sacré in Belgium.

Dr Mike Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, says that half or even “almost all” of tests for COVID are false positives.

People have a strong faith in the "magical powers of medicine" — reinforced with minute-by-minute TV propaganda — which pharmaceutical companies and their medical-doctor sales force have used to get governments to promote their schemes and to pay for their mistakes.

In The Price of Panic, William M. Briggs, et al., examines how the current COVID-19 "pandemic" was turned into a catastrophe by "medical experts", politicians, public "health" bureaucrats, and the mainstream media, with the cooperation of idiots. The truth is, Mr Premier, the average person isn't brilliant, and most people don't try very hard to get smarter.

Dr Knut M. Wittkowski, Ph.D., ScD, headed the Department of Epidemiology & Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York for 20 years.

The Great Barrington Declaration is a world-wide organization of doctors, epidemiologists, and medical scientists.

Here, the Wausau WSAU Radio Website features Doctors for Truth, America's Frontline Doctors, and Dr Yeadon.

Dr Anthony Fauci has confirmed how the PCR test is being misused. July 16, 2020, podcast, “This Week in Virology”: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Jeremy R. Hammond explains how COVID-19 deaths are exaggerated.




Of course, governments don’t actually pay for anything. Taxpayers — people — pay. I PAID WITH 20 YEARS OF MY LIFE FOR MEDICINE'S STATIN DRUGS SCAM. It was a costly lesson. My life from 45-years-old to 65-years-old was stolen by doctors. I have recovered my health, no thanks to them. I am 73 years old now. The cholesterol/saturated fat scam is still running non-stop. The COVID-19 scam has stopped the world. 

WHAT'S NEXT? Something is coming. Do something NOW. STOP!

The medical industry never pays. It is the most successful criminal organization/operation ever conceived. It uses you to collect its booty and to protect them. You work for them. 

This is an update from the CDC on Covid-19. There is more, but that's enough for now.

Saskatchewan may be the malpractice capital of the world. Some doctors build palaces for themselves, and Saskatchewan's people are fleeced. This has been going on for decades. Despite the truth, most people believe medicine is their most valuable possession. Medicine is a political football.

Medicare is the third rail of Canadian politics. "Touch it, and you die." If Medicare is not touched, Canada will die. I can touch Medicare because I have returned from the dead. Be afraid, CCF. Be very afraid.

Soon, Canadian doctors will have eaten themselves and everyone else out of house and home. What will people do when the entire Canadian system collapses (not only medicine)? GREEDY PARASITES KILL THEIR HOSTS. The Great Depression will look like it was a picnic. You can see the Provincial budgets. Bankruptcy is coming. The Lockdown is a stark warning. 


Morley Evans
Accurate Solutions to Complex Problems