Saturday, December 19, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


People presented by the mainstream media as medical experts and whose counsel politicians use to create laws are not what they are represented to be. They are administrators of organizations. They are not experts on health and science. Their principal skill is political. Rising to the top of large bureaucracies requires political skill. All of the people in charge of the COVID-19 hoax are such people. They control vast sums of money and staff. They control the politicians who control YOU. They are:

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984

Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the current administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

The World Health Organization is led by a Director-General, who is appointed by, and responsible to the World Health Assembly.

Christian Heinrich Maria Drosten is a German virologist whose research focus is on novel viruses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Drosten came to national prominence as an expert on the implications and actions required to combat the outbreak in Germany.

Neil Morris Ferguson OBE FMedSci is a British epidemiologist and professor of mathematical biology, who specialises in the patterns of spread of infectious disease in humans and animals.

These people, and a few others, have managed to perpetuate the most successful hoax in history. They have harmed more people in less time than Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin combined. People need to beware of who they trust.

In a duhmockricy, bumpkins vote bumpkins into power from their midst to govern them. Why do people imagine they must be ruled by someone? Perhaps they really want someone they control to control someone else. Everyone, especially the elected, believes the position itself somehow endows the holder with magical powers he didn't have before. These people know less than the bureaucrats who supposedly work for them. The bumpkins think they are in control. They are not. Watch Yes, Minister to see how this works.

We don't want to overlook Bill Gates. Gates has used his billions to indulge his megalomania by financing much of the mischief. Bill knows what's best for everyone. He's rich so he must be smart. Right?

Megalomania is a severe problem. Psychopaths like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Greta Thunberg, and the Rockefeller cabal, have plans for YOU. They are a much more serious danger to you than any virus. 

Local public "health" administrators, throughout the world, are part of this fraud along with innumerable medical doctors (They are the front-line salesmen for the big pharmaceutical conglomerates.), and "News" organizations with their presstitutes.

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