Saturday, December 5, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Dr Shiva's small group of three, including himself, examined the 2020 election precinct-by-precinct in four counties, the largest in Michigan. They found some alarming things that put the entire election in question.

Each American State is responsible for elections. Within the framework of the United States Constitution, election regulations may differ from state-to-state.

In Michigan, as in other states, people can identify their political allegiance. So, it is possible to see how many registered Republicans and Democrats there are in every county, by precinct. Wayne county is predominantly Democratic.

In Michigan, voters can either vote for the Party slate or choose individual candidates. Voters choosing to vote for the Republican slate would automatically choose President Trump.

On the graph, the registered Republicans precinct-by-precinct are plotted on the x-axis. That is the horizontal red line. The left end of the line is zero registered Republicans. The right end is the precinct with the most registered Republicans.

It is possible to see how many votes President Trump received outside the Party slate. These would be Democrats or someone else who was not a Republican. Others are insignificant.

As the left end of the red line has the fewest number of registered Republicans per precinct we know those precincts are largely registered Democratic Party supporters.

The blue dots represent precincts that voted for Trump individually. The percentage of Trump votes is plotted on the vertical y-axis.

This graph shows that many of Trump's votes in Wayne County came from Democrats voting for Trump. 


Did Trump win in a landslide? THAT IS POSSIBLE. An audit needs to be conducted in the rest of the counties in Michigan and in the other states. We also know that the voting machines DID swap votes from Trump to Biden in three counties in Michigan. It is a proven fact, not a "conspiracy theory." Many other irregularities DID happen across the United States.

A court order is needed to open the proprietary software of the voting machines used so the software can be examined line-by-line. The machines used must be impounded to preserve the evidence. Federal law requires everything related to an election must be preserved.

Americans need to demand better. Americans must demand the Truth. Is the United States of America a banana republic? If nothing is done, everyone will know the answer. 

Those people who dismiss Trump's challenges as "sour grapes" have told everyone what they think of the United States. They are the same people who supported Hillary Clinton's and the DNC's refusal to accept Trump's election in 2016 and Al Gore's refusal to accept George W. Bush's election in 2000. 

They supported the non-stop sedition that has occurred since 2016. They supported the HATE Campaign, Russiagate, Impeachment, BLM, ANTIFA, defunding the police, race-riots, looting, beatings and murder, and the swamp. They used the COVID-19 emergency for political ends. They know who they are. So does everyone else. We are wise to them.

How long has this been going on? Where has this been done before?

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