Saturday, February 6, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

Some people think the existence of the Virus has never been proven. Others disagree. I don't know, or care, one way or the other.  It is an interesting question.

It doesn't matter if the Virus is real or not. What matters is that the reaction to it isn't appropriate. The reaction is a total lie, and it is very harmful. Appropriate responses are known. Medical professionals know what to do with an epidemic. Procedures have been learned over the centuries. Sick people should be isolated and treated. Vulnerable people should be isolated and protected. Treatments are available. The promoters of the scamdemic don't want them. They ignore people who know what to do, such as Dr Kory. They want to make money with vaccines. PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT SICK ARE NOT SICK. Locking them up is WRONG. Oh, we aren't supposed to say anything is wrong. It isn't nice.

Anyone who opposes what is going on is dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist". The Deep State is going for broke. They are doubling down with the COVID Hoax. When they lose, and they will lose, they will lose everything. This is an existential fight for them and for you. You had better wake up. This is high-stakes poker. Wake Up.

Honest doctors and scientists are censored by "fact-checkers" who remove opinions that oppose the Big Money opinions.  These liars are paid to keep the truth hidden from the peasants and serfs. You think you aren't a serf? Just wait, you will be if you live.

Why does the lying evil gnome get all the attention? Fauci is an over-paid administrator. Fauci is not a scientist or a doctor who sees and treats sick people. Fauci is a bullshit artist. So is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO). How did he get there, you could wonder.

Do you want the truth?  Investigate the so-called worldwide "pandemic". Investigate the Ct (cycle threshold) used in the bogus PCR tests and the primers required for the test. Contamination is a problem. Carefully followed procedures are necessary. Who sells these tests? They are making Big Money. Tests are not "free". People lined up for shots may not be charged at the time, but their governments pay for them with the taxes they collect. Investigate COVID-19 deaths. Fake death certificates are used to promote the scamdemic. Strip Bill Gates bare. Use the anti-trust legislation. Bill is a one-man menace to the human race. BILL IS DANGEROUS. BILL THREATENS YOU. Listen to what Bill wants to do with the human race. Black, white, yellow, and red, no one is safe.

Bill Gates is a sociopath. Don't be fooled. Bill is a crook. Bill is a con-man. Bill only looks harmless. Bill portrays himself as a philanthropist. Bill's fortune has doubled since he started giving away his money to save the world. Don't you wish you could save money like Bill? You give away a billion. You receive two billion. How does that work?? The Clintons know. You don't, and you never will if you're honest.

People who are not sick ARE NOT SICK — regardless of what bogus PCR tests say. Healthy people are not a danger to anyone. Asymptomatic virus spreaders are science fiction. The proof fearmongers use to scare you is the bogus PCR test. Fear is the basis of the mandated face masks, "social distancing", and lockdowns.



Would it be possible to run this hoax without a virus or any pathogen? You bet! Do you remember MKUltra? That was, and is, the CIA project for mind control. The goal was, and is, total control of human populations. Americans are the test population. 

Humans are a herd species. Herd animals follow leaders. Control of information is vital. Data processors know that garbage in = garbage out. Complete control of most people's data was achieved in the 1950s when television was in its Golden Age. Information sources have been broadened and concentrated since then. In the 1960s, there were three American TV networks. Every household in the United States and Canada tuned in to watch BONANZA every Sunday night to watch the lessons taught by Ben Cartwright, his three sons, and their sponsors who paid big money to advertise their products to the huge BONANZA audience. Advertising agencies were learning how to reach buyers. Hollywood and Madison Avenue are in the mind control business along with the CIA.

Most Americans and others in the West get their information from television, newspapers, news-magazines, books, and magazines published for various audiences. The Internet is a new medium. Alternatives to the "mainstream" were available until those who control the mainstream figured out how to manage the Internet too. The information people consume from these various sources harmonize because they are controlled. Anyone who says anything discordant is removed. (Google Lookup says: "The operative principle of democracy is a balance of discordant qualities.") 

That is not what we have. Honest journalists are unemployed today — presstitutes work for the mainstream. Real journalists are crucified. Julian Assange is rotting in a British dungeon. Assange is a citizen of Australia. Washington believes it controls the world. Americans practice extraterritoriality. They believe everyone in the world is subject to American laws. No one else has ever thought anything like that. Assange is awaiting 145 years of torture in an American prison. Bradly (Chelsea) Manning was court-martialed for revealing war crimes committed by American soldiers in Iraq. Wikileaks published them. Wikileaks published verbatim transcripts exposing the directives of American swamp monsters. They spoke for themselves. Monsters don't like to be exposed.

Pharmaceutical medicine and democratic government have replaced Christianity as the world's dominant religions and thought controllers. Most of the advertising revenue that television networks receive comes from drug companies. Drug companies control governmental agencies that purportedly oversee the drug industry. A revolving door exists between Big Pharma and the FDA, NIH, CDC, and the WHO. This is exactly what exists between the US Congress and the military-industrial complex. "Money doesn't talk, it swears."

People want to believe they can take a pill to solve all of their problems. They want to feel the messages they see over-and-over, hour-after-hour, on TV every night are true. People want to believe that their doctor can cure their ailments. Most people are taking several pharmaceutical drugs, prescribed by doctors, every day. THEY ARE DRUG ADDICTS. Most doctors have graduated from medical schools that are owned and run by pharmaceutical companies. Doctors are trained that there is a pill for every ill. Doctors are the front-line salesmen for pharmaceutical companies. Doctors are paid by the drug companies for every prescription they write when their patients have prescriptions filled at a pharmacy.

People who don't conform are dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" and "health nuts". These miscreants refuse to wear masks or be vaccinated. Brave New World has a reservation for them. Our world doesn't. 

Could this hoax have been perpetrated without a pathogen? Of course!

Democrats believe the USA is a duhmockricy that must be run by them. Republicans believe the USA is a collection of independent States constitutionally held in a union by consent. (Honest Abe violated this Constitutional provision when he centralized and aggrandized power in Washington to save the Union.) FDR epitomized the aims of the Democrats. These views are irreconcilable.  

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