Tuesday, February 16, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans 


According to the CDC, the Leading Causes of Death in the United States before COVID-19 were cancer and heart disease. 

Pharmaceutical medicine — doctors — were the third leading cause of death.

Pharmaceutical medicine sold saturated fat, cholesterol, and Statin Drugs as the cause and cure of heart disease. Heart disease has not been eliminated. The solutions they have been selling to the world for over fifty years — eliminating saturated fat and cholesterol from diets — DID NOT WORK. But they did radically change the world's diet for the worse. Millions — including me — have been seriously harmed by Statin Drugs.

Pharmaceutical medicine has no answer to cancer. Medicine doesn't even know what cancer is, let alone what to do about it. Their "treatments" torture and kill everyone. Cancer remained one of the leading causes of death despite pharmaceutical medicine and the trillions of dollars it has gobbled up.

But COVID-19 has changed everything!

COVID-19 was predicted as a universal mass-killer by the Imperial College of London in March 2020. "Millions will die," Neil Ferguson told us! The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva simultaneously announced the disease was a "pandemic". An unprecedented FEAR campaign was launched. Politicians worldwide obeyed their public "health" bureaucrats by locking down their countries — destroying the world's economy and locking up the world's population in house arrest.

The response to COVID-19 is unprecedented in world history. It is a spectacular coup d'état. Pharmaceutical medicine has established a worldwide police state. Forget about the law.  They are the law. You had better do what they order or else.

The predictions of the Imperial College didn't come true. Various subterfuge was required. The bogus PCR test was used to show the spread of COVID-19. The more people tested, the more "positive" results were found. Positive results were called "cases". The disease was spreading. Horrors! Completely healthy people who tested "positive" were vilified as "asymptomatic spreaders", justifying "social distancing" and face masks. Sick people were killed with mechanical ventilators and other malpractice. Proven and safe treatments, such as HCQ and Ivermectin, were denied in favour of promised and unproven zillion-dollar vaccines.

These are a few problems:

  • Pharmaceutical companies and doctors already have immunity from prosecution. They are above the law; 
  • Quarantine is misused when healthy people are locked up, and the sick and elderly people are unprotected;
  • Death certificates are falsified, and autopsies are illegal. Casualties in this war are cremated to destroy evidence; 
  • Statistics have to support the FEAR campaign to keep the scam going; 
  • alarming minute-by-minute broadcasts come from Johns Hopkins University
  • Tony Fauci became a public relations star reading lies to the sheeple. Fauci is an over-paid administrator with too much power and too many conflicts of interest. Fauci is not a scientist; 
  • "Variants" of the Virus are continually being discovered; 
  • Medicine plans to keep this "emergency" going forever; 
  • Medicine, itself, is the emergency; 
  • The actual "pandemic" is the delusional psychosis that pharmaceutical medicine and propaganda is creating.

Cancer and Heart disease declined along with other causes of death as death with COVID-19 replaced them in the statistics. 

Pharmaceutical medicine has been defeated by its own dishonesty because doctors are now the Leading Cause of Death.

The lesson you can learn is to AVOID THESE PEOPLE. They have NOTHING you need.

Pharmaceutical medicine needs to be defunded. It gets more than anyone else! In countries where the government pays, people think medicine is free! The left-wing lament that pharmaceutical medicine is always "underfunded" is a ridiculous and ludicrous lie.



Many are using this scam to profit. Like a rotting piece of meat, pharmaceutical medicine creates opportunities for other psychopaths to wreak havoc on humanity. Some of them are planning a new Dark Age for you and me. Will Greta and AOC keep our caves warm with their green energy? Will we have to cower behind our facemasks while we are harangued by insane witch doctors? This must be stopped now before it gets worse.


1). Some doctors are helpful when treating catastrophic injuries. If you have been run over by a train or are injured in a war zone, doctors can save your life. Doctors can do good work in the Third World and on Indian reservations and reserves. (Some people may disagree.) That's not where the money is and not where most doctors practice; Cities are where the money is. Patients go to doctors with chronic diseases caused by sedentary city life, junk food, and doctors. 
2). Medical doctors usually offer fast, fast relief from symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs. Invariably, these drugs cause "side effects". To treat these, doctors prescribe more drugs that also have adverse effects. Doctors are rewarded by pharmaceutical companies when they have their prescriptions filled at a drug store called a "pharmacy"—the more, the better, from their position. Doctors are front-line salesmen for pharmaceutical companies. Medicine is a racket.
3). Alternative medicine offers relief from chronic disease. Alternative medicine requires some effort, is not fast, and has no "side effects". You must be your own doctor. You must educate yourself to become healthy. You must spend your money and do your own research. HEALTH depends on the terrain. Ill health occurs when the terrain allows illness to happen. The debate between Pasteur and Beauchamp in the 19th century continues today. The same debate raged in Germany at the time. Disinfection supposedly supports the germ theory. In fact, it supports terrain theory. Actually, it supports BOTH. Cleaning up the environment (the "terrain") eliminates problems. There may be things that are removed, the effect of which is unknown. Do mosquitoes create swamps? Do flies create garbage dumps?
4). learn about vaccines and COVID-19 here. Use this link to get a FREE extensive education that might save your life.
5). Here is one person's ideas: HEALTHY EATING
6). LOOK and THINK!
7). Did you know that the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) was started in 1867 by half a dozen medical doctors in Montreal? The American Medical Association (AMA) was founded in 1847. These Associations began aggressively organizing doctors as trade unionists and communists were doing with industrial workers. Their goals were similar to trade unionists. They wanted to eliminate competition, ensure remuneration for work, and protect members from prosecution for malpractice.

The Rockefellers began the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry replaced 'patent medicine' with 'scientific medicine'. The pharmaceutical industry has taken over the medical industry. A war has been waged on other forms of diagnosis and treatment for a century. Sick and tired of AMA persecution, a chiropractor successfully sued the AMA for restraint of trade.

Osteopaths take the same medical education as medical doctors and are relatively more free to practice than chiropractors. Wholistic, massage, acupuncture, and naturopathic medicine are gaining popularity. Health food stores do a roaring business.

Extreme censorship has emerged again to protect the powers that be. People who say a thing the censors don't like are cancelled. IT'S JUST LIKE NAZI GERMANY AND THE SOVIET UNION. Remember Stalin and Hitler?

Dr Patrick Gentempo has established his Domain on a server in ALBANIA to escape the censorship in the "free world".

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