Sunday, April 4, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

This is President Biden's first press conference. Where is everyone? These events usually have a row upon row of journalists eager to ask probing embarrassing questions. These "journalists" are spread out, obeying "social distancing" established by the White House. Many are wearing face masks too. This small group came with prepared softball questions that were submitted in advance. Biden was prepared with written answers, which he fumbled through. Sometimes he lost his thought in mid-sentence. Does Biden have Alzheimer's Disease?

Biden's election rallies looked precisely like the picture above. Nobody was there. The picture below is a typical White House briefing. Notice all the empty chairs and face masks?

Who is the most powerful man in the world? Since 1945, Americans have always told everyone that it is the President of the United States. Whose protocol is being observed here? This is the COVID-19 protocol. Who managed to get every political leader in the world to follow this protocol? Bill Gates, Jr. Therefore, Gates must be the most powerful man in the world. Even the POTUS is following instructions. Gates must be proud of himself. I wonder what Gates plans to do to us next? Mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports have been announced. Good old Joe will do that for Bill.

Biden is usually wearing a mask — even in the Oval Office. What an idiot.

Did Biden actually win the 2020 election? I have grave doubts, along with 75,000,000 Americans who voted for Trump.

Biden represents the people who think the United States is evil at its heart. They want to destroy American history and rewrite it themselves. They are busy removing the statues of Confederate generals. They are rewriting Lincoln's history. They want to remove Lincoln's statues. They do not respect what Americans want or who they are. Americans will get what the Left wants, "Just suck it up," says Whoopie Goldberg. They want to subvert and destroy the American Constitution. Biden is busy signing Executive Orders someone has prepared for him that revoke everything Trump did. 

The Democratic black leaders, like Maxine Waters, are hate-filled people who are not aware that the United States is radically different than it was during the "civil rights heyday" of the fifties and sixties. They think anything they do is justified to end the evil that has not existed for years. They need psychological counselling. Shelby Steele could help them. Thomas Sowell could teach them something about slavery. Read their books. They could learn from Martin Luther King Jr and Frederick Douglass if their pathology doesn't run too deep. But their power relies on this evil, so they are not likely to give it up. Candace Owens is a breath of fresh air for everyone who wants to breathe and to live. Sane people can vote too.

Did you suspect the Democratic Party ALWAYS was the enemy of liberty and truth? It is rooted in the culture of the Southern aristocracy that owned the plantations and the slaves. Candace explains the evolution of black block support from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party: from the KKK, Woodrow Wilson and The Birth of a Nation, FDR and the New Deal, and LBJ who married the "niggers" to the government ensuring they would "Vote Democratic for the next 200 years." Did you know the "gun control" furore originated to disarm blacks in the South who used guns to defend themselves? Candace tells us her great-grandfather used to shoot back at the KKK "boys" who would ride over at night to shoot up his house! THAT is an American story! Candace is a AMERICAN, after all.

The people who control the United States wanted Biden to be the President because he can easily be controlled. Biden has 45 years of "serving" in Washington; Biden has never done anything else; He has no convictions; Biden and his family have personally profited through influence peddling 'pay-to-play' schemes. Biden is entirely corrupt. Biden is the perfect puppet. Biden's masters own him, lock, stock, and barrel. Oops, Democrats hate guns. Biden could be banned.

WHO controls the USA? Only partly. Other owners are Big Money, including Wall Street and the Federal Reserve System; thought leaders who control the American universities and think tanks. They have relentlessly indoctrinated Americans from kindergarten to graduate school since Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House redesigned the world at Versailles in 1914. The Democrat Left likes Trotsky, the CCF, and Tommy Douglas!

There is a point of no return. Barak Obama came close. Biden may be it — the end of the United States of America. The USA will have died after suffering thousands of small cuts. The West is simultaneously under attack. The West is the foundation of civilization. A new Dark Age will ensue when today's culture is gone.

Former police officer Derek Chauvin has very little chance of being exonerated for George Floyd's death. — Despite the evidence (2 autopsies and the full-time police audio recording on which one can hear Floyd repeatedly saying, "Officer, I can't breathe." — This was before he was arrested.) This is evidence that Floyd died of a drug overdose, not Chauvin's "knee on [the side of] his neck" that was repeatedly misreported by a hysterical TV announcer. (I watched it all.) The mob wants Cauvin's head. He was convicted by TV coverage. Zeitgeist Matters! Facts don't matter to a mob. EMOTION MATTERS TO EVERY LYNCH MOB. I will say a prayer for Derek Chauvin. No one else will. The black mob will wonder where the cops are the next time they need protection from someone like George Floyd, who was 6'6" tall, weighed over 230 pounds, was a drug addict, and a small-time career criminal. The Minneapolis City Council awarded $27 million that it stole from someone. (Taxation is theft, and governments are perpetually engaged in big-time crime.) They generously gave the loot to "the estate of George Floyd." For what?

scapegoat du jour

The world is a crazy place, and it will worsen with the destruction of the United States and the United Kingdom. Europe is being overrun by outsiders. Read The Strange DEATH of Europe. Outrage follows outrage. It never stops as Woke spreads.

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