Wednesday, April 7, 2021


MMXXI V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

This attractive-looking woman isn't what she appears to be. She is a monster. Julie Gerberding is typical of the people who have wormed their way into the top positions of the institutions that everyone trusts. She is not alone. The people at the top are the most vicious knife-fighters in every bureaucracy. They have the political skills required to fight to the top. RFK JR will tell you what she did in the link below. Unfortunately, every federal and state institution that is supposed to protect the public has been taken over by people like Julie. These institutions do not protect the public. They protect the companies they are supposed to supervise. The supervisors reward themselves. The Emperor of China periodically culled people like Julie before they got too dangerous. Mandarins often forget what they are supposed to be doing. Every garden must be cultivated. Weeds must be kept under control. Medicine has been completely corrupted, infecting every aspect of society.

This is not a new problem in the United States. Ulysses S. Grant used to sit quietly in the Willard Hotel's lobby and watch companies give packets of money to legislators. Grant called them "lobbyists". Grant, the President of the United States and victor of the American Civil War, knew he was powerless to stop it. 

The medical industry, today, is at least as profitable as War. They are both in the business of profiting from human misery. The pharmaceutical cartel makes about half a trillion dollars a year, selling its nostrums. It's no wonder political operators like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and George Schultz are intimately connected to both industries. The pharmaceutical cartel is primarily interested in making money. Your good health is not one of its concerns. In fact, your good health is bad for the cartel's business. A hallmark of all pharmaceutical products is fast relief from symptoms and "side effects", which are new sicknesses that require more pharmaceutical products. The Rockefellers started the pharmaceutical industry after taking over the oil business. The pharmaceutical cartel took over the medical cartel years ago, making doctors the primary sales force for pharmaceutical products.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr outlines this racket for you on the link below.

Pharmaceutical medicine replaced other therapies offered by doctors like Dr John Harvey Kellogg, who used nutrition, hydrotherapy, fresh air, sunshine, massage, and exercise to restore health. Osteopaths decided to take the same training as medical doctors and avoided the persecution endured by chiropractors. We are at a crossroads today. 

Modern mainstream pharmaceutical medicine may have engineered its own death with the 2020 covid shenanigans. Enough is enough. I, for one, use no pharmaceutical products. No one needs them. I learned my lesson after Lipitor® and Zocor® took twenty years out of my life.

Nancy Reagan summed it up with, "Just say, No." They cannot be controlled, but monsters can be exterminated by starvation. DON'T BUY WHAT THEY ARE SELLING. Natural medicine leads the way to good health. You are in control.

Honest medical doctors are dropping out. There are many. Here are a few:

• Dr Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD was a prominent American doctor. 

• Dr Vernon Coleman, MD, is a prominent British doctor who has been blowing the whistle for years. 

• Dr Samantha Baily, MD, is a young New Zealander who publishes medical science online.

• Dr Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD, is the hardest-working man in medical science.

• Dr Joseph Mercola, DO, operates the largest online site for wellness

• Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, MD, is a member of the SPD and the German Federation's Bundestag

• Dr Maryanne Demasi, PhD, Australian investigative journalist and scientist


Dump your doctor and his pills. A great EVIL is awaiting us. You MUST act to save yourself, your family, and the human race. This is no exaggeration.



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