by Morley Evans
THIS VERY IMPORTANT ESSAY by Kai Melling turns everything people believe on its head. It has been reproduced here in full. The truth at last! Who started WW II?
And now the really big questions for you to think about. Put on your thinking caps boys and girls.
Who started the Great War (WWI)? It wasn’t Germany. It wasn't France. Or Great Britain. Or Austria-Hungary. Or Russia. Or the Ottomans. No, Serbia didn't do it. The Black Hand was being guided by an unseen power far away. No, it wasn't China or Italy.
Who assassinated President William McKinley? It wasn't an unknown penniless anarchist. It was someone else.
Who assassinated President John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Sorry, it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald I can tell you right now.
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What marked the end of the British Empire? Why?
Kai Melling
Kai Melling studied at Saarland University
The common narrative is that the USA inherited the British Empire as an aftermath of World War2. But this phrasing is misleading because the USA actively designed and exploited the political, mental and military framework of WW2 to Britain’s disadvantage.
Churchill believed that Britain and the USA would be eternal partners, with British statesmen playing Greeks to America’s Romans. [Churchill's mother, Jenny Jerome, was an American.] But when Britain was in her darkest hour, Roosevelt shook her down for every dime. Poring over a list of British assets in the Western Hemisphere, FDR “reacted with the coolness of a WASP patrician: ‘Well, they aren’t bust—there’s lots of money there.’” (Alan Clark)
Looking back, Alan Clark was appalled by Churchill’s grovelling to the Americans: “Churchill’s abasement of Britain before the United States has its origins in the same obsession (with Hitler). The West Indian bases were handed over; the closed markets for British exports were to be dismantled; the entire portfolio of (largely private) holdings in America was liquidated. “A very nice little list,” was Roosevelt’s comment when the British ambassador offered it. “You guys aren’t broken yet.”
Before Lend-Lease aid could begin, Britain was forced to sell all her commercial assets in the United States and turn over all her gold. FDR sent his own ship to pick up the last $50 million in British gold reserves.
“We are not only to be skinned but flayed to the bone,” Churchill wailed to his colleagues, and he was not far off. Churchill drafted a letter to FDR saying that if America continued along this line, she would “wear the aspect of a sheriff collecting the last assets of a helpless debtor.” It was, said the prime minister, “not fitting that any nation should put itself wholly in the hands of another.” But dependent as Britain was on American handouts, Churchill reconsidered and rewrote his note in more conciliatory tones.
FDR knew exactly what he was doing. “We have been milking the British financial cow, which had plenty of milk at one time, but which has now about become dry,” Roosevelt confided to one Cabinet member. “Great Britain became a poor, though deserving cousin—not to Roosevelt’s regret. So far as it is possible to read his devious mind, it appears that he expected the British to wear down both Germany and themselves. When all independent powers had ceased to exist, the United States would step in and run the world.” (A.J.P. Taylor)
At Teheran and Yalta, where FDR should have supported his British ally, he mocked Churchill to amuse Stalin. FDR thought the British Empire an anachronism that ought to be abolished. “We are therefore presented with the extraordinary paradox that Britain’s principal enemy, Nazi Germany, was anxious for the British empire to remain in being, while her principal ally, the United States, was determined to destroy it.” (Naval officer Russel Grenfell)
When Churchill’s successor Eden invaded Suez in 1956 to retake the Canal from the Egyptian dictator who had nationalised it, Harold Macmillan assured the Cabinet, “I know Ike. He will lie doggo.” Like many Brits, Macmillan misread Ike and the Americans. Ike ordered Britain out of Egypt. Faced with a U.S. threat to sink the pound, the humiliated Brits submitted and departed. Eden fell. The new Romans would not be needing any Greeks.
Correlli Barnett is savage on Churchill’s naiveté in believing in a “special relationship” with the Americans:“The Second World War saw the disastrous culmination of the long-standing but unreciprocated British belief in the existence of a “special relationship” between England and America. For the Americans—like the Russians, like the Germans, like the English themselves—were motivated by a desire to promote their own interests rather than by sentiment, which was a commodity they reserved for Pilgrim’s Dinners, where it could do no harm. Churchill’s policy, therefore, provided the Americans with the opportunity first, of prospering on British orders, and secondly, of humbling British world power, a long-cherished American ambition. From 1940 to the end of the Second World War and after, it was America, not Russia, which was to constitute that lurking menace to British interests which Churchill, in his passionate obsession with defeating Germany, failed to perceive.”
Canadian historian Edward Ingram seconds Barnett, calling Britain’s “alignment with the United States … a strangling alliance in which one party uses the alliance to destroy the other.” The relationship between the United Kingdom and Britain is shown in the U.S. offer, during World War II, to defend the United Kingdom but not the British Empire. As the destruction of Britain as a world power was the price to be paid for the safety of the United Kingdom, Englishmen and Scots were asked to buy safety for themselves by throwing other subjects to the wolves.
Andrew Roberts writes in Eminent Churchillians of how one British writer had wittily graded George VI as king and sovereign: “Considering that King George VI’s sixteen-year reign spanned Anschluss, Munich, the Second World War, the communist domination of Eastern Europe, the loss of India and the twilight of empire, post-war Austerity and Britain’s eclipse as a global superpower, one might sympathize with Evelyn Waugh’s valediction, “George VI’s reign will go down in history as the most disastrous my country has known since Matilda and Stephen.”
Churchill declared in 1942: “I have not become the King’s First Minister in order to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire.” By 1946, liquidation had begun. By 1947, India, the crown jewel of the empire, was gone and Britain had transferred her duties to Greece and Turkey to help stop Communist aggression to Truman’s America. By 1948, Palestine was gone and Britain was surviving on Marshall Plan aid. Poland, the nation for which Britain had gone to war, and ten other European nations were now in the death-grip of Stalin.“We killed the wrong pig,” Churchill is said to have muttered. By Churchill’s death in 1965, the empire had vanished and Britain was applying for admission to a Common Market dominated by Germans and the France of an ungrateful Charles de Gaulle, who vetoed British entry. [de Gaulle was always very suspicious of the Americans, too.]
BRITISH LEADERS BELIEVE there is a "special relationship" between the UK and the US. Compare the polite and reserved reception Americans gave to British Prime Minister, Theresa May, to the cheering and standing ovations American legislators gave to Binyamin Netanyahu in this spring of 2017. The United States has been handing out billions of dollars each year to Israel, while Great Britain has been starving to death. British industries are owned by Germans! Geoge Soros managed to break the Bank of England! Who has a special relationship? Theresa May and the Tories have pledged undying support for Washington's continuing war on Russia which threatens to bring us to nuclear Armageddon. "Special relationship"? Americans yawn.
Yes, we are at war with Russia, right now. Fortunately for us, Russia has been ignoring our insults and acts of war which include demonization, subversion, election interference, funding hundreds of 5th column organisations inside Russia (NGOs), coups d'État, economic sanctions, theft, military threats combined with shooting wars, sabotage and assassinations. We are currently training Ukrainian Nazis who carry out our dirty work in Lugansk, Donetsk and in Russia itself. It is what we do here in the "Free World". We never stop. Russia has been one of our perennial enemies since Tsarist times. Our "defence" industries, especially the military, need enemies, not peace. We don't want friends. Vassals buy weapons to defend themselves. Peace is bad for business.
More to come.
1956, The World in Revolt
Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War
Eminent Churchillians
50 Facts about Churchill
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