

Monday, December 16, 2019


© MMXIX V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

This graphic undoubtedly shows the best night's sleep I have ever enjoyed. 

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." 

I was able to record this with AppleWatch. It sent data from my wrist to HeartWatch an App on my iPhone. Before I bought them, I was chronically sleep-deprived. I knew I was sleep-deprived when I had insomnia for years thanks to Statin Drugs. I was lucky to get three hours a night then. Outside that time, I didn't know how little sleep I was getting. I'm working on "wealthy", the second part of the aphorism. I have the first and third parts down cold. 

During the darkest years of my torment, I started keeping a "Gratitude Journal". It is necessary to write something down. It doesn't matter what one's situation is. Everyone has one thing for which he can be thankful. There is always something. One thing, however small it might be, is gold. For me, and you, it is the greatest thing in the universe. You won't understand this unless you suffer in agony because ordinarily, everyone has so much. 

Therefore, I am thankful I suffered and I can thank my tormentors. I owe them and I want to return the favour. It's my Christian duty.

So, I think my tormentors should suffer? How is that a Christian duty? Do I want them to undergo medieval torture? Should they be hanged, drawn, and quartered? No. Should they be smothered in a snuggly wuggly blanket of love? Should they serve time in a Turkish prison? No. They should pay where it hurts them most. They most value their prestige and the money they get. Take that away and they will suffer. The system would be reformed. Justice would be served. That is my Christian duty. 

Yes, I would get back some of what they took from me, not everything of course. They cannot give back twenty years lost forever (1992-2012). What they cannot redeem would have been compensated by the benefit I received. 

That's my judgement. Otherwise, they can have the rack and the iron maiden. It's their choice.

Case closed.

My thanks are to God that I've been delivered unharmed from Hell.

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