Sunday, August 26, 2018

WW II Casualties (Allies)

© MMXVIII V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

“An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's a punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion.” 

― John Steinbeck, East of Eden

AMERICANS GENERALLY BELIEVE that the United States has "the most powerful military the world has ever known." The military-security complex has been driving that into American heads since 1918. Everyone believes the United States saved the world at great cost to itself in both world wars. I did. I was shocked to learn the truth. Are you ready to be shocked? Could this really be true? It has been extensively researched. Look at the links.

THE REAL ROLE of the United States in both World Wars was to produce matériel and food to sell to others. U.S. industry boomed and Americans prospered while others fought and died. They were bled white. They had to recover from penury. They did.

Germany, Japan, China, and the Soviet Union were bombed into the stone age. Almost every country in the world was damaged except the United States which was completely untouched (except for Pearl Harbor with its WWI ships). Both world wars caused historic transfers of wealth to the United States. That is why Americans fondly remember war and its aftermath. They won.

Hollywood says so. At least East of Eden got some of it right. The father (Adam) refuses to take the money his son (Cal) earned because it was earned immorally, he said. Cal had bought beans low from desperate local farmers and sold them high to desperate British buyers.

The United States has not won a war since 1945 but that hasn't mattered to the American military-security complex, which has profited by selling "security" to Americans ever since the world wars. Americans are far from being secure. They should demand their money back. Americans should demand their country back.

The U.S. military is everyone's enemy. 

Maintaining existential threats is necessary to justify the current $1,000,000,000,000 dollar annual "defence" budget. Everyone else in the United States suffers while the war-mongers get richer. Americans get less than nothing for what militarism costs them. Americans are less secure not more secure while the United States crumbles around their ears. It is perverse. 

It is sick.

With Breton Woods in 1944, the U.S. dollar replaced the British Pound Sterling as the world's reserve currency. President Nixon "closed the gold window" in 1973 and created the "petrodollar" to finish establishing the United States as the world hegemon.

The seeds of Washington's downfall had already been sown.

The post-war American foreign policy objective is to keep everyone else down to preserve America's position as "king of the mountain". The objective announced by the neocons in 1997 is not new. It was the policy of John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles and every one since the Dulles brothers.

Along with Great Britain and the British Empire, the world's top countries used to be in Europe. They were reduced to American vassalages cowering from the Soviet threat under the "nuclear umbrella" held by the United States. With the EU, their sovereignty was usurped by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels whose policies coincidentally agree with the CIA.

American allies are ill-treated. The Soviet Union and China who paid the price to win WW II immediately became mortal enemies to replace the Empire of Japan and Nazi Germany. Enemies are necessary to the U.S. empire. Enemies are VITAL. Great Britain lost its empire, its markets, and its industries (by American design) — completing the goals of the American Revolution. Germany and Japan did well. No one has done as well as the State of Israel and the Zionists, however.

Everyone is in greater danger today than they were in during the Cold War. Charles de Gaulle figured out the American game before WW II had ended. He kept France out of NATO after the war. There are no American bases in France today. Germany and the United Kingdom have many. There are as many as a thousand U.S. military bases around the world.

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