Tuesday, December 8, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

Mr Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan

Dear Premier Scott Moe,

The Vaccine is ready to roll, you say? The most vulnerable will be inoculated first, you say?


Your plan is to mandate the inoculation of everyone. Isn't it? It won't be "voluntary" will it?

I sent you a polite letter suggesting you fire the public "health" imbeciles who have given you terrible advice. It contained links to thousands who disagree with the CORONA INSANITY that has swept the world.

You didn't acknowledge my letter. Your hirelings may have deleted it. You are responsible for them and for what you do. You will be responsible for the ensuing disaster. You must go, Moe.

In a democracy, political issues are presented to be debated. The public gets to present its opinions. The public gets to learn what experts think, doesn't it? The Legislature debates the issue. The media reports what is said. Laws are passed when governments have a mandate to pass them. There may be many problems with duhmockricy, but we supposedly live in one.

Do we?

In a dictatorship, a gauleiter decides what everyone will do. He follows the directives of the führer. Everyone follows orders or else. The police and soldiers follow orders. Jails are built. That is the real situation in Saskatchewan, isn't it?

You and your government were recently elected. The CORONA Scamdemic is the number one political issue in the world, isn't it? WAS IT AN ISSUE IN YOUR ELECTION? WHY NOT?

Hundreds of millions of the world's poorest people are on death's doorstep because gauleiters, like you, have shut down the world's economy. An unprecedentedly large general strike has been called in India. Hundreds of millions are trying to do something to save themselves. Small and large businesses have been forced to close around the world. What nerve you people have. What gall!

The liars from whom you take your information say they want everyone to care about the welfare and health of their fellow man. THEY DON'T CARE. Read the News. Oh, of course, you have to look. The News is promoting the Fear Campaign on all channels non-stop 24/7. Get your minions to find something, or ask me.

The public "health" bureaucrats you fund WITH OUR MONEY and whose advice you follow, dream up rules everyone is supposed to obey. People are forbidden to do things that are necessary to be a healthy, sane, or happy human. Gymnasia and churches are closed. People are ordered to be afraid of each other. Birthday parties and Christmas are cancelled. Mass political demonstrations are forbidden. 

Wow, very convenient. Because you don't see demonstrations, you may think everyone has accepted your orders. Look at Germany and England. People there are revolting. Germans had a führer a few years ago. Germans don't want another one.

Saskatchewan doesn't even look like a duhmockricy, does it? You and your imbeciles are the reason.

You can wear your stupid facemask if you think it looks cool. I think you look like an idiot, but it's your choice if that's how you want to look. You have no authority to command anyone else to wear a facemask. You have no authority to command anyone to be inoculated with your vaccine either, OR DO ANYTHING ELSE.


An election is coming. People are going to remember what you do. I will.

My friend, Betty, will be one hundred years old on the 15th of December. Last year, over her protests, she was forced to have a flu shot and take Tamiflu, "to protect everyone." She wasn't sick. She got sick. That didn't matter to the public "Health" imbeciles who control you and everyone else. I'm sure they are prepared to do it again to Betty any day now. Will Betty live to see her birthday?

READ THIS and learn something.

Doctors here in Regina nearly killed me with their vicious little
They won't be getting another chance. I'm wise to them, and the medico/legal system doctors have to bilk the country. You should wise up too.


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