by Morley Evans
A psyop is a psychological operation used to destroy a regime from within by destroying the psychology of its citizens. The American people are being attacked by their own organizations which have gained experience over decades destroying other people. They have had lots of practice.
Is a psyop used only against designated enemies? What happened to the British? They once had lots of confidence. British people invented modern civilization. Somehow they lost their smarts and Americans took over. Washington became Capo di tutti capi. The Russians recovered after Putin assumed control of Yeltsin's Russia. The British are still fumbling after Brexit. Now, the American people are gripped by fear as their country disintegrates around them.
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One of the dozens of American SYOP organizations |
The American people are under attack, the country is under attack, and democracy is under attack. At present, the enemy is conducting a three-pronged assault on the presidency, the objective of which is to remove the current administration and install their sock-puppet replacement. This objective has been the goal from the very beginning, although the great swirl of events has confused many as to the true nature of what is taking place. What we are seeing is a dirty tricks campaign (Russiagate) inflated into full-blown, scorched earth, winner-take-all assault on the presidency.
Ostensibly, the target of the attack is Donald Trump, the brash New York real estate tycoon who was swept into office in November 2016. The real objective, however, is the office itself, the universally-recognized “seat of power,” which the enemy believes should remain under the control of the people who own the country. These are the ruthless oligarchs whose octopus-like tentacles are wrapped around Wall Street, the MSM, the courts, the Congress, the Democratic Party, and powerful elements within the National Security State. They own it all, and they have no intention of putting it up for grabs by honoring the results of an arbitrary and scattershot election that failed to produce the outcome they sought.
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Once again, this isn’t about Trump; it’s about the unscrupulous people behind the scenes who have secretly worked the levers of power for the last four years to roll back the 2016 elections and install the candidate of their own choice. If the new revelations about Obama’s involvement in the spying operation aimed at removing Trump from office have not yet convinced you that senior-level officials (in the administration, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DOJ, the DNC and MSM) were all actively engaged in a coup dé'tat of the elected government, then you should probably stop reading this article now and put your head back in the sand where it belongs. This is for the people who know how to pick through the disinformation and figure out, in broad terms, what is actually going on. And what’s going on is a cold-blooded, take-no-prisoners power struggle, pure and simple.
The Confluence of Destabilizing Crises; Coincidence or Calculated Treachery?
At present, the country is beset by multiple crises: A public health crisis (Covid-19), an economic crisis (Ballooning unemployment and impending Depression), and widespread social unrest. All of these crises are real but–at the same time– all of them are clearly being manipulated for political advantage. The presidency is just one of many targets in this vast operation, in fact, the entire society is being levelled and made-over before our very eyes. Every institution down to public education and the nature of work itself is being challenged, revised and callously savaged. Our history, our icons, our heroes, our customs and our traditions are all under fire. We’re no longer one people sharing a mutual culture, background and ideology, but contemptible slave traders and racists undeserving of basic security, undeserving of respect, and undeserving of even our own account of how the country was formed, who assisted in its creation, and upon which principles the state was built. All of that is now being wiped clean, erased by a faceless group of scheming elites who operate behind the smokescreen of media propaganda, political chicanery and, now, a “racial justice” movement.
Do you believe as I do that most of these crises will miraculously vanish just hours if not days after the November balloting? Suddenly a life-saving vaccine will appear from the ether, the legions of BLM activists will decide to pack it in and go home, and the economy will magically rebound when the Dems take office promising another round of gruelling austerity followed by lavish handouts to Wall Street. Is that too cynical or are our rulers really devious enough to concoct such a plan?
That question would be better put to the tens of thousands of victims of US barbarism around the world. They’re the ones who understand the lengths to which these mercenary puppet-masters will go to tighten their grip on power to ensure that US multinationals continue to rake in obscene profits. As Harold Pinter opined in 2005 in his Nobel acceptance speech:
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“The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”
Only it’s not so witty when the weapons are turned on Americans themselves and we suddenly find our own tenuous existence in the globalist crosshairs. No one really expected that, but then, here we are.
Have you watched the escalating street violence in Seattle and Portland? Have you wondered why the police have stood down while black-hooded thugs destroy public property, topple monuments and launch attacks on police precinct headquarters? Have you wondered why the mayor and media continue to applaud the hooliganism and downplay the vast destruction to public and private property? Is this really about George Floyd, police brutality, and racial justice, or is this a pre-meditated insurrection executed by DNC shock troops aimed at destabilizing the country in order to get rid of Trump and usher in an authoritarian police-state?
Who is served by BLM-generated violence and destruction? Who benefits from Antifa? A comment by an anonymous reader at The Unz Review summed it up pretty well. He said:
“Antifa is supported by the State. FBI and CIA have long-term-contact with them and they are allowed to operate as a street militia for Neoliberalism against people the State hates. The plan was to cause a civilian massacre to be used against Trump, so far that has not panned out.
It is a joke. Antifa could be rolled up in days if the State turned against them. Antifa operates with impunity on social media and chat servers because the FBI views them as friendlies. This could change if Antifa ever did anything against the System, but for now, they are the attack dog of the Deep State.”
There’s no doubt that the government knows who these troublemakers are. There’s also no doubt that the riots and looting are part of a political agenda aimed at spreading chaos and racial violence far and wide in order to convince the weary public that the country is rapidly devolving into an ungovernable free-fire zone. Of course, the danger for the Democrats is that they might overshoot their goal and persuade voters that they’re stealthily spearheading the nation’s descent into mayhem. And that’s where the media comes in, it’s their job to shape the narrative by removing the Dems fingerprints from the murder weapon. So far, the strategy appears to be working.
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In short, the widening social unrest is not a spontaneous eruption of pent-up indignation over the treatment of blacks in America. It’s part of a sinister political ploy to beat Trump and to discredit his mainly-white, working-class supporters from the de-industrialized American heartland that have been pummeled by the Democrats immigration and free trade policies for the last 30 years, and who now represent the biggest obstacle to the globalist plan to reduce the economy to rubble, rewrite the nation’s history, and reassemble the state so that balanced budgets and the free movement of Capital are adopted as the government’s primary organizing principles. In other words, elites are prosecuting a war on America to pave the way to Capitalist Valhalla, the majestic temple of the insatiable Monopolists.
This also explains why the Dems are not emphasizing inclusion or assimilation in their cynical analysis of the BLM phenom. It’s because the Dems don’t want inclusion or assimilation, they want to use “identity” and “diversity” as truncheons to batter their nationalist opponents, that is, the working-class people who used to vote Democrat but switched sides when they realized that the party would no longer give them even tables scraps for their support. Keep in mind, nationalism or patriotism (whatever you choose to call it.) is the arch-enemy of globalism which envisions a borderless world in which multinationals dominate and Capital flows unobstructed to any potential source of profit or investment around the planet. A recent post by Paul Craig Roberts helps to clarify the conflict between “assimilation and diversity”. Here’s what he said:
“Multiculturalism might have worked in America if the emphasis had stayed on assimilation and had not been intentionally shifted to diversity.… It was the white liberals who destroyed the prospects of multiculturalism by teaching blacks to hate whites for oppressing them. And it was the global corporations that dismantled the ladders of upward mobility….
Multiculturalism can work if there are no strains and no animosities, but when strains and animosities are intentionally created, there is no prospect of successful multiculturalism. Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the white liberal media, and the white liberal Democrats and professors are furiously at work making certain that multiculturalism in America fails. This means, obviously, that the America that they hate will also fail.” (“White Liberals Have Destroyed the Prospects of US Multiculturalism”, Paul Craig Roberts)
He’s right, isn’t he? And he’s also right to suggest that the Democrats are fueling racial animosities. They’re not feeding these polarizing feelings because they intend to improve black lives through better education, universal health care, higher-paying jobs, or basic security. Oh no, in fact, they won’t even talk about these things. It’s like they don’t even exist. Instead, BLM, Covid-19 and the sinking economy are being used to obliterate Trump’s prospects for victory and prepare the American people for the shocking economic reckoning that will take place soon afterwards. It’s all part of the Great Reset, an elitist scheme to restructure the economy so more wealth flows upward to the parasite class.
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The Covid-19 Scamdemic is an even more vile component of the 3-pronged offensive. The “fairly mild” infection (that kills between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every 1,000) has been greatly exaggerated by the media to scare the public, undermine normal relations, prevent physical intimacies, and inflict maximum damage of the fragile psyches of millions of people worldwide. It’s a terror campaign aimed at isolating people so they become more fearful, more dependent, and more easily controlled by the monsters who concocted this pernicious psyops. Check out this excerpt from an article by Russ Bangs at the Off-Guardian:
“Western civilization, led by the US government and media, has embarked upon a campaign of mass psychological terrorism designed to cover for the collapsing economy, set up a new pretext for Wall Street’s ongoing plunder expedition, radically escalate the police state, deeply traumatize people into submission to total social conformity, and radically aggravate the anti-social, anti-human atomization of the people…..
So far, the people are submitting completely to a (Covid-19) terror campaign dedicated to the total eradication of whatever community was left in the world, and especially whatever community was starting to be rebuilt…Any kind of human relations, from personal friendship and romance to friendly social gatherings and clubs to social and cultural movements become impossible under such circumstances. This threatens to be the end of the very concept of shared humanity..… As Hannah Arendt said in The Origins of Totalitarianism:
‘It has frequently been observed that Terror can rule absolutely only over people who are isolated against each other and that therefore one of the primary concerns of a tyrannical government is to bring this isolation about. Isolation may be the beginning of terror; it certainly is its most fertile ground; it always is its result…. isolated people are powerless by definition.” (“The Ultimate Divide and Conquer“, The Off-Guardian)
Indeed, the goal of COVID conditioning is to create a population of frightened, compliant and powerless people willing to do whatever wretched task is asked of them for skimpy sweatshop wages. It’s all about money and power.
We believe that the American people and their institutions are under attack and that COVID-19, BLM, and the planned demolition of the economy are part of a 3-pronged offensive designed to splinter the country, rewrite its history, enslave its people, and set the stage for an alternate system in which the bulk of the nation’s wealth will be controlled by a handful of power-mad Mandarins who will stop at nothing to achieve their ambitions.
It will take a colossal effort to scupper the plan.
Reprinted with permission from The Unz Review.
1 comment:
An excellent assesment of a dangerous situation. It is time to push back and get the needed accountability from these carpet baggers. A system cleanse and detox is in order.
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