

Monday, August 31, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. Epistemologists study the nature of knowledge, epistemic justification, the rationality of belief, and various related issues. Epistemology is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with ethics, logic, and metaphysics. Wikipedia

Sunday, August 30, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


It is important to remember that government interference always means either violent action or the threat of such action. Government is in the last resort the employment of armed men, of policemen, gendarmes, soldiers, prison guards, and hangmen. The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.

Ludwig Von Mises (1990). “Economic freedom and interventionism: an anthology of articles and essays”


DemocRATic Party Platform 2020

 America's Riots 

Are Just the Latest Version of Marxist "Syndicalism"

08/29/2020Mark Thornton

READ ORIGINAL version of this essay

GET SMART You don't have an excuse to be stupid if you can read.

Read HUMAN ACTION A Treatise on Economics By Ludwig Von Mises (The complete thousand-page version is available here as a free pdf download from 


The year 2020 is one of the most disrupted times in at least the last half-century, maybe longer. Global protests and riots, the COVID-19 virus, lockdowns, and police killings of unarmed citizens. Add to that widespread rioting, looting, arson, homelessness, and destruction of property, including the tearing down of statues. This chaos in the streets is being facilitated by mayors, governors, and police chiefs who are unwilling to enforce the law.

Ludwig von Mises included a discussion of “syndicalism” in chapter 33 of his Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Most people have never heard or read of this concept, but it is highly relevant to the situation we find ourselves in today. Mises’s analysis is even more important for understanding and fixing some of the most critical problems we face today. In general, I define syndicalism as being able to do whatever you want at the expense of others.

In part, it represents the ideas of French philosopher, Georges Sorel, who thought relentless violence should be used against the institutions of capitalism. This would include the “general strike” so familiar in Europe to this day. This is in direct contrast to mutually beneficial exchange and the social cooperation of the division of labour. His ideas were influential with Marxists, fascists, Nazis, and advocates of unionism.

A Key Chapter in Mises's Human Action

When I first tried to read Human Action, I found it extremely difficult. I ended up skipping entire chapters and reading through others without understanding the material. Chapter 33 is a good example of that. Today, reading the book is much easier, because we now have things like Jeff Deist’s Human Action Podcast, which now contains a series of interviews on the book, and Robert Murphy’s Study Guide to Human Action: A Treatise on Economics.

In the 1990s, I taught a course in Austrian economics at Auburn University, an advanced undergraduate course. It was listed in the catalogue next to the econometric and mathematical economics classes. I spent studies reviewing chapters, but the most challenging aspect was trying to relate Mises’s words and concepts to current events. Due to time constraints, I never covered chapter 33.

Fast-forward to more recent times. The Rothbard Graduate Seminar reviews Human Action every few years along with Rothbard’s Man, Economy, and State and other selections during other years. I have always been assigned to teach a section of chapters at the end of the book which includes chapter 33; Once again, due to time constraints and my perceived view of its relevancy, I have decided to skip the chapter. That is, until this year.

What Is Syndicalism?

So, what is syndicalism? Political syndicalism is direct violent revolutionary action against the institutions of capitalism, such as security forces, property, particularly business property, and the rule of law. This approach is often adopted by Marxists, socialists, and fascists as a means of gaining power. At the root of the chaos and upheaval on our streets is an attempt at disrupting society and taking more control of it by Marxists, socialists, and “anarchists.”

The fundamental error that syndicalism makes is to think that entrepreneurs and capitalists are “irresponsible autocrats” free to pursue their personal agenda. The reality is that business leaders must follow the interests of consumers to further their self-interest in making profits. They have to find correct prices, production levels, and accurate means of production. These things are determined by entrepreneurs with various types of feedback from the marketplace.

The riots, looting, and violence against people and their property are mostly motivated to achieve Marxist ideals via syndicalist activity (i.e., violence). Those employing these means include Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and especially the “anarchist provocateurs” who adeptly turn peaceful protests into violent riots. Of course, there is also some violence on the right, some of which I witness on the campus of Auburn University. But in either case, with mayors, governors, and police chiefs restraining and even defunding the police, the violence often goes unchecked.

The Other Type of Syndicalism

This use of the word "syndicalism" should not be confused with the better-known syndicalism as a social system, which is an alternative to socialist central planning. This system, in theory, would give workers control over the industries in which they work. They would make the decisions on things entrepreneurs decide in the market, such as wage rates, benefits, hours, production, etc. The workers can do anything they want at the expense of others. But if everyone is raising their prices and reducing output, how can anyone gain from the arrangement? Both forms of syndicalism ultimately rest on the Marxist notions that entrepreneurs and capitalists exploit labour and have no real purpose worth rewarding. Obviously, each industry would want higher wages, higher prices, shorter working hours, and this would result in lower output. Raw material prices increase and get passed on to consumer goods industries, which must pass those increases on to the consumer along with their own gains. This happens across the entire economy. As a result, production plummets and prices become unhinged from market prices. The “economy” would collapse if syndicalism were attempted on an economy-wide basis.

Democracy Fails to Provide a Solution

With democracy and voting and the military not likely or viable options, an individualist option must be developed to solve the problem. People are arming themselves in various ways; They are using various security devices like cameras and more robust locks. Businesses are hiring security firms and protecting storefront windows. Others are merely moving from cities to the suburbs and beyond. Don’t expect the government to solve the problem, although more secessionism and decentralisation would surely help.


Contact Mark Thornton

Mark Thornton is a Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute and the book review editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. He has authored seven books and is a frequent guest on national radio shows.


© MMXX .1.0.0
by Morley Evans


    People around the world are waking up to COVID-19, the biggest hoax ever organized in the history of the world.

    The sheeples have been easily herded by the "health" authorities. They have invested their faith in medicine and government.

    The sheeples are being trained to resume their lives like serfs. There will be no Middle Class in the New World Order. The masters will allow everyone else to live until they are not needed anymore. Watch H.G. Wells The Time Machine to see what they have in mind for everyone.


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

XJR with 60299 km

Friday, August 28, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans 


Is Biden stupid? Doesn't he know that a quid pro quo is ILLEGAL? 

In this clip, Biden brags that he told Ukrainian President Poroshenko that he would cancel a billion-dollar package if the Ukrainian A/G investigating Biden's son was not fired. When Poroshenko challenged Biden by saying, "You aren't the President," Biden replies he'll be talking to Obama in a few minutes. Biden thinks he's a tough guy. He's just a stupid little man; an old toothless punk. The A/G was fired, Biden brags proudly.

Rudy Giuliani RNC

© MMXX V.1.0.0

by Morley Evans

Thursday, August 27, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.2
by Morley Evans

       The USA is not the same country it was in 1860 or 1960. Neither is Russia. Some factions in the UK and the US require an enemy; It keeps them in business. They want us to live in a dangerous world. They don’t necessarily want war. They want to play war and make money.

   They have restarted the Cold War. Americans tore up the treaties that Americans negotiated with the Soviets. Putin has ignored the slander and provocations and taken the strategy the Soviets took in “Dr Strangelove” as the West moves closer and closer with nuclear weapons and overthrows Russia’s allies and friends with Russia's enemies.  

   That doesn't sound very friendly, does it? The Rand Corporation had better find out what the “Dead Hand” is and what it means.

   What if Russia were setting up bases in Canada — or Cuba? Oh, sure! We know all about that, don’t we?

   If Russia is attacked, World War III won’t be fought on Russian soil soaked with Russian blood as it was when Napoleon and Hitler invaded. Americans won’t sit safely protected by two enormous oceans as they did in WW I & II. Europe and the UK will cease to exist.

    The peace of the grave is what Western leaders are playing with.

   The Western leaders understand force. Putin is speaking their language now, calmly and sanely; it is their language. Western leaders had better wake up and listen to Putin’s words and stop playing with fire.



© MMXX V.1.0
by Morley Evans

    Be the person you are. You can't be someone else. You know how to be you. You don't know how to be someone else. There is nothing wrong with you. Be you. - ed

    Actors practise being someone else. When playing a role actors become that person. Actors are still being themselves all the time. Rex Harrison (an actor) cautioned men not to marry an actress because "You'll never know who they are."

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

'Picnic' with William Holden and Kim Novak, 1955


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans 

Senator Tim Scott, South Carolina (R)

" The United States is not the same country it was in 1860 or 1960."

Monday, August 24, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

I'm doing quite well. Today, Grammarly evaluated me as "Legendary" among the Grammarly subscribers. Encouraged, I took the Cambridge English Proficiency test.

Zounds! That is encouraging. I'll pursue this. 


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Our spinning blue ball.


After the Great War, WWI, everyone decided, “We don’t want that to happen again.” So they created the League of Nations. The world hegemon, at the time, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, disarmed. The USA failed to join. After WWII, the United States, the new world hegemon, sponsored the United Nations.

The trend in history is for human societies to create larger and larger organizations. Families join related families to form tribes; Tribes join each other to form commonwealths. Power accumulates into the hands of a few. Borders become clearly defined. Some Americans today believe they already run the world. They think their laws are extraterritorial.

The United Nations was used immediately in the new peaceful age to wage the Korean War. We were told that North Korea had misbehaved and a “police action” was required. The new sheriff, the USA, had to step in to straighten things out. It was a script written for a TV Western; Gary Cooper would save the world. We could trust him. Unfortunately, the script didn’t accurately tell the story.

When one looks past American propaganda, one discovers that the others had some valid opinions. Many have thought the American principles applied to them. Ho Chi Minh read the American Declaration of Independence at a big celebration after the French had been defeated in 1954. Ho took great pains to have it translated word-for-word into Vietnamese. Ho expected something different than what he got.

What everyone wants is to be treated decently. Everyone knows what that is. Everyone would treat everyone else the way they want to be treated themselves. Everyone knows this a priori. It's simple.

Will we ever have a world government?

Americans wrote the Constitution to constrain human actions. Americans have subverted their Constitution over and over since it was written. Some Americans think there is nothing left of the Constitution. James Madison is spinning in his grave.

Can a world government ever be created? Who knows? Don’t give it to the Rockefellers and their friends or you’ll be sorry. Do not vote for Biden in 2020. They own him.

Sunday, August 23, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans 


       After reviewing some counter-arguments, I am beginning to question what I believed all my life about vaccination. Everyone believes vaccination is good. They have never heard otherwise. Somehow the opinions of eminent authorities have been suppressed and ignored. How could that be possible?

    I know from life-long experience what to think of pharmaceutical medicine, including the companies that make the nostrums, the people who prescribe and sell them and the system that protects the entire worldwide operation.

    I have been 'folded, spindled, and mutilated' by doctors and pharmacists who have prescribed and sold pharmaceutical nostrums that ruined my life. The "legal" system has protected them, not me. 

Mafiosi never dream of anything this big and profitable. Al Capone was small potatoes compared to your doctor and pharmacist. Gambling, prostitution, whiskey, drugs, and beer can't compete with medicines. Donald H Rumsfeld knew what career to choose when he decided on crime.

    I know about them, first-hand. I have 73 years of experience. I know.

    The NIH library posts this: Edward Jenner and smallpox.

    Wikipedia posts Edward Jenner (17 May 1749 – 26 January 1823)

    Other authorities have denounced vaccination for over a century. Here are a few:

     “Jenner, credited with inventing vaccination, borrowed the idea from dairymaids. Therefore, vaccination was founded upon superstition. This subject is discussed in detail in the books of the “History of Vaccination” series. One of the most prominent physicians at the time did not have nice things to say about Edward Jenner. “Now this man Jenner had never passed a medical examination in his life. He belonged to the good old times when George III was King when medical examinations were not compulsory. Jenner looked upon the whole thing as a superfluity. It was not until twenty years after he was in practice that he thought it advisable to get a few letters after his name. Consequently, he communicated with a Scotch university and obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the sum of £15 and nothing more...What Jenner discovered, though hardly original in its general principle, was that it pays far better to scare 100% of the fools in the world, the vast majority, into buying vaccine than it does to treat the small minority who really get smallpox and who cannot afford to pay anything. It was indeed a very great discovery worth thousands of millions. That is why this kind of blackmail is still kept going.” 
—Dr Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA

Nguyen, Trung; McBean, Eleanor; Martson, Sue; Honorof, Ida. Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History (History of Vaccination Book 26) (p. 37). Kindle Edition. 

    “Jennerism is the most colossal humbug which the human race has been burdened with by FRAUD and DECEIT.” 
—Mr Mitchell, member of the British House of Commons 

    “Of these dogmas, I believe the practice known as vaccination to be the most absurd and most pernicious. I do not believe that a single person has ever been protected from smallpox by it; while I know that many serious bodily evils and even deaths have resulted from its employment. The whole theory is founded upon assumption, contrary to common sense and entirely opposed to all known principles of physiology. Every physician of experience has met with numerous cases of cutaneous eruptions, erysipelas and syphilis, which were directly traceable to vaccination, and if these cases could be collected and presented in one report, they would form a more terrible picture than the worst that has ever been drawn of the horrors of smallpox.” 
—Dr Robert A. Gunn, MD, Dean of the United States Medical College of New York 

"Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance; and, being such, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine. Believe not in vaccination, it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practise, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.” 
—Dr Carlo Ruta, Professor of Materia Medica at the University of Perugia, Italy, 1896 

“Vaccination is a grotesque superstition." 
—Dr Charles Creighton, MD, MA

Nguyen, Trung; McBean, Eleanor; Martson, Sue; Honorof, Ida. Vaccines: The Biggest Medical Fraud in History (History of Vaccination Book 26) (p. 7). Kindle Edition. 


MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Alina Kosilova — Bright on Beach, Odessa

Everyone loves summer.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

This is actually a PSYOP not a pandemic



Regina Leader-Post 18/08/2020

    Repeat after me, "There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan." Were we in school, and I were your teacher you would write it on the blackboard one hundred times. You would use chalk. But we are not in school and chalk has probably been banned for some reason by the "health" authorities. They probably decreed that chalk causes brain tumours or something. So to counteract the brain-washing you have experienced, you can say it out loud. Say it a thousand times to counteract what you have been told.

"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."
"There is NO epidemic in Saskatchewan."

    There never was an epidemic in Saskatchewan. This has been going on for eight months. You can continue wearing your facemask and your tinfoil hat if that makes you feel safe. But you cannot bully the other children when they think you are stupid. They have been told they cannot make fun of you or they will have to wear a facemask too. 

    The "health" authorities have been lined up. Their property has been confiscated and distributed to the people they have harmed. They will be shot as a measure to prevent future stupidity. The "Health" Authority has been disbanded. Enough is enough.


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

the killer virus: GRR

Dear Kathleen,

    The incessant anti-Trump propaganda that began before Trump announced he would seek the Republican nomination for President is the work of the DemocRATic Party which chose to promote him as the Republican choice because the DemocRATs believed Trump would be easy to beat. They would make Trump a fool, they thought. Like him or not, Trump has successfully made fools out of Swamp Creatures with years of experience and who have much more money than Trump has.

    Millions have been exposed to Trump distemper. You may have the disease.

    The Swamp could not believe that Trump won in 2016. The DemocRATs had fixed everything; it was a "done deal". Hillary Clinton couldn't believe people didn't vote for her because they hate her. She blamed everyone else. Hillary beat up Bill; he was black and blue. Bill wore sunglasses to hide his black eye. The Swamp refused to accept Trump. 

    They sabotaged everything Trump did; they rejected his cabinet nominees only accepting his enemies; DemocRATs promoted "Russiagate" and war with Russia and China; they cheered when Trump illegally bombed Syria and assassinated an Iranian general. DemocRATs supported the U.S. war on Venezuela and cheered CIA stooge Juan Guaidó in Congress. 

    They prosecuted and imprisoned his supporters. They tried Impeachment; they assassinated Trump's character on News and on cooking shows. It never stopped everywhere — 24/7. When everything failed, DemocRATs dropped the COVID-19 bomb that destroyed the U.S. economy. Will the unemployed and bankrupted vote for sleepy-Joe Biden? 

    That is their hope. Biden has refused to be tested for mental competency. "Why the Hell would I," he yelled? Why would you refuse, Joe, or why would you agree? Some say you are senile, Joe. Some say you have always been a crook. They have proof.

    The very same incessant propaganda has come from the very same people and from the very same sources to promote the COVID-19 panic. Fear-mongering terrorizes the public with the “novel” coronavirus. Everyone is supposed to believe the virus will kill everyone on earth — unless they do what the experts tell them to do. OBEY, sheeples, or die.

    This article examines the lies spread by the NY TIMES. Please take a minute to read it.



 © MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

"Real women don't look like that."
Extraordinary women do.

Friday, August 21, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


Jeremy R. Hammond

Throughout the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the New York Times, regarded as America’s “newspaper of record”, has been the standard-bearer for propagandistic reporting serving to manufacture consent for extreme and harmful “lockdown” policies by contributing to the sense of fear and mass panic among the public. To that end, the Times has consistently reported about viral transmission in an alarmist manner, delivering fearmongering messages that grossly misrepresent the science.

In part one of this series, we saw how the Times on March 17 characterized the science as if it had proven that the virus is airborne transmissible. Since the World Health Organization (WHO) maintained that this mode of transmission remained theoretical, the Times characterized it as having stubbornly refused to acknowledge the science. Yet, by examining the Times’ own cited sources, we could see that the WHO was right.[1]

In part two, we saw how the Times on March 31 similarly characterized the science as having firmly established that a fifth or more of community spread is driven by people who have no symptoms. Yet, not only did the Times fail to produce any studies to support that claim, but it went so far as to deceptively cite a study as proof even though its authors explicitly stated that there remained no clear evidence of asymptomatic transmission.[2]

In part three, we saw how the Times on June 5 falsely characterized the WHO as having belatedly and reluctantly endorsed government policies recommending—or, as is the case in numerous states, mandating—the universal use of masks in the community setting. In fact, the WHO had rightly observed that such policies are not evidence-based and instead reasonably advised that masks be worn by members of the public in circumstances in which there is community spread and prolonged close contact with others is unavoidable.[3]

In sum, the narrative pushed by the Times is that community spread is largely driven by asymptomatic individuals including through virus-laden aerosols, as distinguished from larger respiratory droplets that scientists believe to be the primary mode of transmission. This narrative instils fear in people that they could become infected, for example, by momentarily passing an unmasked person in a supermarket aisle, by entering an airspace someone else had occupied several minutes earlier, or even by just being in the same building with despite maintaining a considerable distance from an infected person.

While the March 17 article included the caveat that, even if airborne, a person would still need to be within a few feet of an infected person for there to be a significant risk of transmission, this acknowledgement came only later in the article, with the headline and first half of the piece serving to instil fear.[4] In the March 31 article, the Times further acknowledged that a passing close encounter would not be enough and that the close contact would need to occur for a prolonged duration for the risk of infection to be high.[5] Hence, the WHO’s mask guidance made sense even if the airborne transmission is assumed to play a significant role in community spread.[6]

Yet, because the information from the WHO contradicted the story that the Times preferred to convey to the public, the author of all three of those articles, Apoorva Mandavilli, set out to sustain the fearmongering narrative by further mischaracterizing both the WHO’s position and the science 

Thursday, August 20, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Usually bustling, Italy has been devastated



August 19, 2020

By now we’ve all gotten the message: you’re selfish if you’d like to do the kinds of things that once gave your life meaning.

For these people, life is about nothing but the avoidance of death.

Virtually everything you’ve looked forward to has been cancelled, and nobody will tell you when you can have those things back. “When we have a vaccine,” comes the raving lunatic’s answer.

Nobody was giving you that answer when they were pushing “15 days to flatten the curve.” They didn’t dare.

Instead, they kept us in our homes for those 15 days, and then 15 days after that, and 15 days after that. Each time they pushed the date back we grew more demoralised, more resigned to a barren life without “large gatherings” – i.e., everything that makes life fun – and “virtual” events over Zoom.

Plague of Corruption:
Mikovits, Judy
Buy New Book $16.51
(as of 02:59 EDT - Details)

Oh, and no hugs, no weddings, ten people at your father’s funeral, and a long list of other grotesque demands.

What metrics were they using to decide when we’d be allowed back out again, when our businesses could open (and when they could operate at a level that made a profit even a remote possibility), and when those life-giving pleasures that bring us meaning and fulfilment could be resumed? Who knows?

All we heard was: everything is cancelled.

Maybe you can have it in 2021.

Maybe you can have it when there’s a vaccine – as if there’s a guarantee of that.

Well, a terrifying statistic came out last week showing the grim – if entirely predictable – effects all this inhuman regimentation has been having on the young, particularly those between 18 and 24.

Here are some figures from the federal government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. They are percentages of people who have considered suicide within the previous 12 months, organised by age.

Note that the 18 to 25 group fluctuates between 6.8 per cent and 11 per cent:


Now, from the Centers for Disease Control, we find that percentage (for the 18-24 group) has leapt to 25.5 per cent — and this survey asks not about the previous 12 months, but whether they’ve considered suicide just in the past 30 days:


(Note also the massive jump in the numbers for people in their mid-20s through their 40s.)

We’ve taken away everything they love, deprived them of the opportunity to socialise and to experience those irreplaceable moments of youth, and demanded they accept this dystopia as the “new normal.”

Now that’s selfish.

Somewhere Under The Radar
Webb, George
Buy New Book $1.99
(as of 07:11 EDT - Details)

Part of the natural order is that parents make sacrifices for their children, not the other way around. If vulnerable people wish to isolate themselves – a perfectly sensible course of action for some individuals – then they should isolate themselves, not demand that young people sacrifice everything dear to them and live atomised existences for some time that our overlords refuse to specify.

As I pass through middle age, the thought would never occur to me to make these demands of younger people. Am I prepared to tell them that while I enjoyed these pleasures when I was young, for the sake of my comfort, they cannot have them? Who thinks like that?

Some of us – yes, even many of us in middle age and beyond – are prepared to say: this is no way for anyone, young or old, to live.

We want a life that includes weddings, family celebrations, hugs, live concerts, drinks with friends, thriving businesses, the arts, school dances, theatre, and friendship from less than six feet away – and we’re willing to accept whatever risk accompanies these things because no other kind of life is worthy of a human being.

And it’s not just the deprivation of non-negotiable joys that the lockdowns cause. Even the New York Times admitted that lockdowns would lead to 1.4 million excess TB deaths, 500,000 excess HIV deaths, and 385,000 excess malaria deaths.

That’s on top of the 1.2 million children UNICEF expects to die as a result of the lockdowns.

Not to mention how many people have been prevented – by deadly regulations driven by irrational fear, or by irrational fear itself, drummed into them by a grossly irresponsible news media – from receiving the primary medical care they need. In the UK, they’ve been predicting more avoidable cancer deaths than COVID deaths because of this problem.

Meanwhile, Doomers have been peddling a comic-book version of the virus. When Wisconsin courts said bars could reopen, this was supposed to lead to a massive spike in deaths there. All the social-media scolds said so. No such thing happened. Did this cause them to rethink their comic-book approach? You can guess the answer.

Blackberries Matter: H
Webb, George
Buy New Book $3.99
(as of 04:14 EDT - Details)

They practically cheered when spikes hit Arizona, Texas, and Florida, and they blamed those states’ reopenings – even though those states had been open for eight weeks before the spikes occurred.

Those spikes are over now, and they were brought down without lockdowns. Yes, some bars were closed, but what  happened, as Alex Berenson put it, is that they simply pretended they were restaurants.

South Dakota never closed at all. They had an outbreak at a meatpacking plant, but those are unrepresentative of society at large when it comes to the virus. The state is doing great – just 17 deaths per 100,000. Oh, they have low population density, you say. Well, Rachel Maddow insisted that disaster was bound to strike there, even mocking the governor: “You realise it’s an infectious disease?”

Governor Kristi Noem is now using her sensible approach as a selling point to recruit new South Dakota residents.

Everybody wants to criticise Sweden for not locking down – and no wonder: if a country can have good results without locking down, it makes the lockdowners look like the crazed sociopaths they are.

Oh, Sweden had a high death rate! That’s what they say. Well, around three-quarters of the deaths in Sweden occurred in some kind of long-term care facility, and the Swedes admit their failure there.

But that has nothing to do with the overall soundness of Sweden’s approach since those facilities are isolated from society. How did society at large do? Extremely well. Several people under 50 who died, out of a country of 10 million? Seventy.

These days there are barely any deaths at all in Sweden.

The virus does what it will do, despite the ad hoc destructionism of our control freaks with their white coats and clipboards.

Plague: One Scientist&
Mikovits, Judy
Best Price: $29.55
Buy New Book $17.99
(as of 04:10 EDT - Details)

There’s a sickness out there, all right, but I’m not talking about COVID-19.

I’m talking about the irrational, fact-free response.

Demand your life back.

Take your life back.

That isn’t selfish. You get one life. You want to live it. That’s normal.

What’s selfish and abnormal is the presumption that other people are entitled to your life.

If they want to live as prisoners in their own homes and experience life over Zoom, they can be our guest.

The rest of us intend to live.

For more:

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans 



Los Angeles County Superior Court Building in Compton, California

    In 1990, I completed a study for the Reason Foundation. The study compared the cost of providing municipal services by municipal workers with contract workers doing the same work. My research took me all over Los Angeles City and County. I entered LA on the 3rd of January and left on 25 November. Hundreds of City and County employees combined with private contractors to dig up the data I needed. They had mountains of data going back for decades. Pete Schabarum was one of the Supervisors. Ronald Reagan was the President of the United States. They liked privatization. Everyone cooperated. Americans know their stuff. I learned more about Los Angeles than most people know who live there.

Executive Summary 

    The first thing I learned is that Los Angeles is the largest urban county in the United States. There is nothing else like it. 

    Los Angeles County, California, officially the County of Los Angeles, is the most populous county in the nation, with more than ten million inhabitants as of 2018. It is the largest non-state-level government entity in the United States. Its population is greater than that of 41 individual U.S. states. 

    There are 88 incorporated cities in Los Angeles county such as the cities of Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Glendale, and Beverly Hills, alongside unincorporated cities, towns, and big open spaces. The City of Los Angeles contains a mountain range! Top that, New York! I double-dog dare you!

    The City of Los Angeles has a mayor, a city council, a police department and a fire department. The County of Los Angeles has the Board of Supervisors. These five (5) people run the County. The Sheriff and his Deputies are the law in the County of Los Angeles. The County of LA has a fire department.


LA City Hall


LA County Hall of Records

    California's courthouses and jails are the jurisdictions of the counties. This is true in other states. Prisons are the jurisdiction of the State and the Federal Government. U.S. Marshals are responsible for courtroom security and for prisoners. There are many police forces operating in Los Angeles County including the LAPD; the Sheriff; the Highway Patrol; the U.S. Marshal Service; the FBI; the Drug Enforcement Administration; the Bureau of Tobacco, Alchohol, and Firearms; and the Department of Immigration and Naturalization. The bus department has its own police force. Pinkertons and Wackenhut are big private detective companies. LA is an interesting place. Philip Marlow is there somewhere.

    There have been standoffs between the LAPD and the Sheriff's Deputies.

    Compton is located in South-Central Los Angeles County. Compton has a reputation for being the most dangerous city in the United States. Compton is an old city that has been taken over by black renegades. It is the home of the Crips and the Bloods. 

    I went there one morning in an LAPD squad car. (The Sheriff provides policing today in Compton.) The officer who drove the car was armed to the teeth. A pump shotgun was mounted vertically on the dash. The tires were bullet-proof. The military suspension gave a solid ride. We were ready for war and connected to HQ by computer, TV, and radio in case we needed reinforcements. Camp Pendleton in North San Diego County is nearby.

    As we drove through Compton that morning, I observed that everything looked peaceful. "You don't want to come here at night," he replied. The officer told me this story.

    "After the courthouse had been completed, someone started shooting at it. The west wall is riddled with bullet holes. This went on for years. It was never solved. One afternoon a judge was working at his desk. A bullet whizzed past his nose and lodged in the wall. Outraged, the judge picked up his phone and read the riot act to one of the Supervisors."

    "You'd better fix this Goddamn problem NOW or else," he screamed!

    "The Supervisor had all the windows on the west side of the courthouse replaced with bullet-proof glass."

    No problemo. That's how people do things in the City of Angeles.

    We drove into the parkade in a special lane reserved for police. More to come.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0


Spooky Virus

by Morley Evans

Mila writes from Kiev:

Hello, my dear Morley. How's your day? What is the best man in the world doing today? I suspect that you are as searching today as I am? Dear Morley, did any of your friends have COVID? Nika has strange symptoms, and now I panic that it hasn't been an ordinary cold. It's so hard for us right now, and we're ready to be in your hands and, for you to hold our asses, he-he-he. I hope Nika gets better. Today the doctor came and took her blood for tests. You have to be very careful these days. Your beloved Mila

I reply from Regina:

Dear Mila,

I hope Nika is feeling better. As a result of the constant fear-mongering, everyone is needlessly concerned about COVID-19. They report every positive test as if the person were sick and is going to die. That is a lie. Ninety-nine per cent of the people who test positive don't even have any symptoms. Ninety-nine per cent of the people who do get sick, recover. All of the people who have died in any country were comorbid; They were old, and already had one or more life-threatening diseases. Most of the people who have been killed were killed by tuberculosis, and some also had cancer.

The people who died of the 1918 "Spanish flu", had tuberculosis recent studies indicate. The Black Death of the Middle Ages came and went without a vaccine — as have all epidemics.

The usual quarantine measures were not used to protect the people who have died of COVID-19. Instead, all the healthy people were quarantined by order of "health" experts who wrecked the world's economy. That was the plan all along. They are going to pay for this. I hope!

You are living with Nika. Are you sick? You go out. Do you infect others? Did any of them get sick? What did the doctor say about Nika? This treatment below works. It is being suppressed because if a remedy exists for the disease, and it is inexpensive, schemes to make fortunes with a new vaccine go up in smoke. HCQ is the drug that kills their scheme.

"It is a proven undeniable fact that if given early, hydroxychloroqine (HCQ) given with azithromycin and zinc will cure coronavirus.  It is a proven undeniable fact that hydroxychloroquine is safe.  It is approved medicine and has been in use for 65 years with an outstanding safety record."

China tested 10,000,000 (ten million) people in Wuhan, the supposed epicentre of COVID-19. Three hundred people tested positive. ZERO had symptoms. This supposedly unstoppable disease will kill everyone on the planet, according to the fear-mongers and "health" experts.

- Morley

Monday, August 17, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Mitt Romney and the Anglo-Saxons


    Many people believe, and have believed, a "special relationship" exists between The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. Churchill believed it and Churchill's followers believe it to this day. Going back, not too far, we see that Cecil Rhodes believed it. British Prime Ministers believe it, especially Conservatives. Mitt Romney believes it too.

    The Atlantic, which publishes articles with which I usually disagree, published an excellent article correcting this idea. Here's a link. They write:

Sorry, Romney: Neither America nor the United Kingdom is an 'Anglo-Saxon' country. The term is a long-abused misnomer for England, and fewer than 9 per cent of Americans identify English ancestry anyway.

    As a matter of fact, the Normans displaced the Anglo-Saxons in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings on the Southern coast of England. The Normans came from Normandy but they weren't French — they were Vikings! The French king had invited some Vikings to settle in Normandy to stop the Viking raiders. After they were settled, they took over half of France. After the Normans took over England, they were constantly at war with the French who wanted their country back.

    Haven't you seen "Robin Hood" starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland? Tsk, tsk.

    For almost a thousand years France was at war with England. That's why. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, traces her throne directly to William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy. So there. England hasn't been an Anglo-Saxon country for a thousand years.

    The Thirteen Colonies that became the United States of America were started by the English. Today, the descendants of English people in the United States (9%) are a smaller minority than black people (15%). Thomas Sowell thinks that is amusing. So do I.

    I've noticed that people usually don't know what they are talking about! English Americans are outnumbered by German Americans, Latin Americans, and Irish Americans too.



© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Is all the mindless Trump Bashing warranted? Is mindlessness ever warranted?

Sunday, August 16, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans 

1800 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (current boundaries are shown)
Russian history fascinates me.

Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House remade the world at Versailles in 1919. They set the stage for the mess we have lived in ever since. They were completely ignorant of the complexities of Europe and the Middle East when they chopped up the empires of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottomans. One of Wilson's 14 Points was to fix Russia. 

Lenin was already busy fixing Russia at the time. The communists weren't invited to Versailles. The Russian Civil War was raging with British and American participation.
This is my answer to people who wonder whether some Soviets fought for the Nazis during WWII. 

Yes, they did, is the short answer.

For some, the civil war in the Russian Empire never ended. It continued after 1917 and throughout the Soviet era, including WW II. Some believe that the Whites have won with the establishment of Putin’s Russian Federation, Others continue the civil war unabated as secret allies of the United States.

Some Americans will not be happy until everyone in the world lives under Washington’s thumb. George Soros has his own ideas. Americans were behind the extraction of Georgia and Ukraine from the Confederation of Independent States which succeeded the USSR.

Americans are behind the “freedom and democracy” efforts in Belarus today. Any country that has not been absorbed by The American Blob must be a dictatorship, they think. People must be set free. The United States of America continues the aspirations of Napoleon to expand revolution and destroy the ancien régime.

Eastern and southern Ukraine are populated by descendants of ethnic Russians, including the major Black Sea city, Odesa. This area was once called Novorussia. As one goes farther west in Ukraine one enters areas that once were part of Poland-Lithuania and Austria-Hungary.