

Saturday, August 22, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans

the killer virus: GRR

Dear Kathleen,

    The incessant anti-Trump propaganda that began before Trump announced he would seek the Republican nomination for President is the work of the DemocRATic Party which chose to promote him as the Republican choice because the DemocRATs believed Trump would be easy to beat. They would make Trump a fool, they thought. Like him or not, Trump has successfully made fools out of Swamp Creatures with years of experience and who have much more money than Trump has.

    Millions have been exposed to Trump distemper. You may have the disease.

    The Swamp could not believe that Trump won in 2016. The DemocRATs had fixed everything; it was a "done deal". Hillary Clinton couldn't believe people didn't vote for her because they hate her. She blamed everyone else. Hillary beat up Bill; he was black and blue. Bill wore sunglasses to hide his black eye. The Swamp refused to accept Trump. 

    They sabotaged everything Trump did; they rejected his cabinet nominees only accepting his enemies; DemocRATs promoted "Russiagate" and war with Russia and China; they cheered when Trump illegally bombed Syria and assassinated an Iranian general. DemocRATs supported the U.S. war on Venezuela and cheered CIA stooge Juan Guaidó in Congress. 

    They prosecuted and imprisoned his supporters. They tried Impeachment; they assassinated Trump's character on News and on cooking shows. It never stopped everywhere — 24/7. When everything failed, DemocRATs dropped the COVID-19 bomb that destroyed the U.S. economy. Will the unemployed and bankrupted vote for sleepy-Joe Biden? 

    That is their hope. Biden has refused to be tested for mental competency. "Why the Hell would I," he yelled? Why would you refuse, Joe, or why would you agree? Some say you are senile, Joe. Some say you have always been a crook. They have proof.

    The very same incessant propaganda has come from the very same people and from the very same sources to promote the COVID-19 panic. Fear-mongering terrorizes the public with the “novel” coronavirus. Everyone is supposed to believe the virus will kill everyone on earth — unless they do what the experts tell them to do. OBEY, sheeples, or die.

    This article examines the lies spread by the NY TIMES. Please take a minute to read it.


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