

Sunday, January 3, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.1
by Morley Evans


"SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for the outbreak of COVID-19, which began in China in December 2019. COVID-19 is the name of the disease."

A disease cannot have a picture. Did a virus really infect people in Wuhan? The extremely thick air pollution in Wuhan was more than enough to cause the lung disease the Chinese doctors saw. Some researchers were waiting for a killer virus to emerge somewhere, so that's what they found.

Did you know this popular misnamed picture of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was actually dreamed up by a graphic artist? No one has actually seen the virus, which is the size of a molecule. There is no magic electron microscope that allows someone to see the virus and take a picture of it. Stick and ball models of molecules are familiar to everyone. No one has actually seen a molecule. Some say there is no virus. They say Christian Heinz Maria Drosten dreamed it up with his computer. Drosten and his teammate Neil Ferguson launched the most successful hoax in world history. Reiner Fuellmich and his legal team, which includes Wolfgang Wodarg, are hot on Drosten's trail. What Drosten and Fergusen did will be studied for centuries. The hoax is on the same scale as World War Two. This is a colossal crime.

The Virus is a worldwide scam. The P.C.R. test gives false-positive results more often than not as it is used. Positive results are incorrectly called "cases" even if "patients" have no symptoms and are completely healthy! Asymptomatic people who have tested positive are incorrectly classified as contagious "asymptomatic spreaders". New viruses are popping up every few months to create new panic and to extend lock-downs. Deaths are incorrectly classified as COVID-19 deaths, regardless of the actual cause of death. So if someone riding a motorcycle is run over by a steamroller, his death is classified as a COVID-19 death. People are LYING. Other people need to wake up.  It is all bullshit that deserves no attention. Defeat and defund the politicians and bureaucrats who are promoting this. Join the class action lawsuits that are being organized.

This disaster should permanently kill the false faith people have in modern medicine. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies have lots of money. They took it from us. They can start paying for the harm they cause. Bill Gates is a special case. Bill can hang in chains. You can look that up and learn something. Should Bill be hanged dead or alive? That is a serious ethical question. There is nothing that can be taken from one person to repay millions he has harmed. Only the after-life can do that.

Masks do nothing more than to identify the wearer as someone who accepts the scam. Someone above him may have told him to wear a mask "or else." Politicians are passing "laws" to fine non-believers with hefty penalties. That coercive element itself desanctifies the mask and the virus. 

Some people actually believe this crap. My sister does. I live with her. If I sneeze, she thinks I'm dying, and she will die too. She watches CNN propaganda 24/7 with earphones. She believes little Tony Fauci, the head smurf.

All of these points are true. I can back them up with studies made by real scientists, not politicians and bureaucrats. People who believe in the Virus religion won't believe these studies anyway, so there is no rush to cast pearls before swine. 

I don't scare easily. I don't believe in false religions. I won't worship the virus. I dismiss bullshit when I smell it. I'll wait to see what Dr Fuellmich and his legal team come up with.

The pandemic is like an avalanche where large amounts of snow accumulate atop an unstable base. It all looks solid until a snowflake too much triggers the entire structure to collapse. The modern medical structure that includes doctors, pharmaceutical companies, universities, medical researchers, legacy media, governmental agencies, and untold trillions looked stable. Drosten and Fergusen triggered the collapse.

The fluffy white snow changes during an avalanche. Snow turns in a concrete-like substance that buries unfortunate people. People who are buried are trapped and unable to move. The COVID-19 hoax is also a trap.

They have no intention of ever letting this end. The "authorities" will continue announcing the virus has mutated and is getting more and more dangerous. Anyone who resists will be arrested and locked up as a danger to public health. These bastards are the true public-health menace—a pox on them.

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