

Monday, September 9, 2019


© MMXIX V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans

American Republicans resemble monarchists. I DISAGREE WITH REPUBLICANS ON THIS POINT. I think monarchies serve a useful purpose. Republicans don't. Americans will think I'm crazy. Here's a thought.

The English Civil War was fought to establish the rights of the ordinary people, embodied in Parliament, against Charles I who ruled as an absolute monarch. Oliver Cromwell led the rebels and established a republic with himself as "Lord Protector of the Commonwealth…". Oliver Cromwell should not be confused with Thomas Cromwell, the chief advisor of Henry VIII. It turns out Oliver Cromwell wasn't much different from Charles I. He lived like a king in the royal palaces and was an autocrat. When Cromwell died, he was given a state funeral and was interred in Westminster Abby with kings and queens. The army overthrew Cromwell's son. Restored was Monarchy. Charles II returned as king. Here's where it gets interesting:

Oliver Cromwell was tried in absentia since he was dead. He and others were convicted of regicide since Charles I had been beheaded. Cromwell was disinterred from Westminster Abby and hanged in chains. His head was mounted on a pike. Regicide is the most serious of all crimes, according to monarchists. Cromwell's remains were buried somewhere, I presume. The whereabouts of Cromwell's head is a mystery to this day. Cromwell is an object of vicious Irish hatred.

The Tudor dynasty somehow managed to establish its legitimacy after the Plantagenet dynasty had been exterminated, by them.

Caitlin Johnstone stated, yesterday, that Queen Elizabeth II could kick out the Prime Ministers of Canada and Australia. She cannot. The Queen is a constitutional monarch like every queen and king since the English Civil War. There is a waiting list of countries that wish to join the Commonwealth and have The Queen become their head of state. They would be like Canada and Australia. Why is that, Caitlin? Efforts to turn Australia into a republic have failed. Republicans have tried.

The English Civil War predates subsequent efforts to "establish democracy and allow the people to be free."

The American Revolution established the POTUS whose goal from the very beginning was to take over the world, despite contrary rhetoric. You only need to look at the entire American history to see their goal.

The French Revolution established Napoleon Bonaparte as "The Emperor of the French" whose goal from the beginning was to take over the world. Bonaparte I was impatient. The Americans have been patient.

Russians call The Great War (1914 to 1945) "The American Gambit". It replaced the British Empire with Pax Americana. 

The Great War continues. The so-called Cold War from 1945 to 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, was WWIII. We are currently fighting WWIV. This is Pax Americana, war without end. By the way, contrary to general belief, it is the American Democratic Party that contains the most virulent perpetual-war-mongers, not the Republican Party. 

A goal of both the American and French revolutions was to destroy monarchy and its social order.

The goal of the Russian Revolution was no different. There was a civil war between the Whites, who fought for monarchy, and the Reds, who fought for communism and the mass of people at the bottom.

Joseph Stalin was the Red Tsar. Restored was Monarchy. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin is the de facto leader of the Whites. The surviving Romanovs are respected in Russia. Many Russians want them restored. Reflecting on Stalin and the Soviet Union, other Russians want communism restored. 

The masses can't have the ability to govern themselves. They will elect liars, confidence artists, and criminals; They elected Donald J. Trump, a buffoon. They tried to elect Hillary Clinton. She and Bill Clinton are arch criminals. Monarchy avoids the wasteful exercises of elections while providing the glue societies need for cohesion. The masses need markets to regulate production and to distribute goods and services efficiently and equitably. 

How? The Communists used to say, "If you don't work, you don't eat." People use government to mind the business of everyone else. Government is a paradise for busybodies and tyrants. Taxation is used so everyone can try to live at the expense of everyone else.

In a market economy, people are rewarded for their service to others. Customers decide what they want, not producers or bureaucrats. All — rich and poor alike — need laws that protect them from liars, confidence artists and other criminals. 

Is the United States a market economy? Not at all. The rich and powerful in all Western economies use government to insulate themselves from the choices of consumers through taxation and legislation. Parliaments have always included society's most adept liars and most acquisitive individuals. The market is a true democracy. Taxation is armed robbery. We'll examine taxation in another article.

Do Monarchies put undeserving people in positions they don't deserve? Of course. Do Republics do the same or worse? Did any king, emperor, or pharaoh live as well, cost as much, or kill as many, as "the most powerful man on earth", the POTUS? Do markets extravagantly reward undeserving people such as the latest teenage heartthrob? They do. Their audiences think they are worth the adulation and money they give them. No one forces them to buy.

Public support is necessary to keep every ruler in power. Queen Elizabeth I — a Tudor — knew the importance of public relations. So did Alexander the Great — over two millennia before Edward Bernays.

- Morley

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