

Sunday, September 8, 2019


© MMXIX V.1.1.1
by Morley Evans

That Evil Day has come. 

Countries around the world have finally decided it is time to dump the dollar. Your parents may remember the Great Depression. You and your children won't. But you are going to find out first hand as the dollar drops to its real value. That day will have arrived when countries refuse to sell their products on credit to Americans who plan never to pay for them. 

China buys U.S. debt. The U.S. government uses that money to buy weapons it aims at China. The leaders of the PRC are not stupid. They are not suicidal either.

American vassals like Canada and Australia will feel the pinch. The United Kingdom and the European Union states will feel the pinch too.

Canadian politicians blithely glide along utterly unaware of what lies in store for Canadians. As the fall election looms, the significant political issues in Canada are global warming and homo-liberation. 

Canadians import practically everything they eat. Canada has utterly unsustainable government programs — especially the pharmaceutical-medical system, which is endangering the health of Canadians while it devours Canada like a giant bureaucratic tapeworm. 

Winter is coming. Do you remember the winter, Canadians? It happened a few months ago. It happens every year at the same time. Try hard. It may come to you.

Global Warming is not going to save you. Winter is not going away.

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