

Monday, February 24, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

My Australian friend, June, has been campaigning against hysterectomy since she was bullied into having an unnecessary hysterectomy that she didn't want. They gutted her like a trout and left her with numerous problems including constant pain. This is from her recent Facebook post:

Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. I know that gynaecologists are not only the most dangerous to women's health and well-being, but truly have a hatred for women. I know how they butchered me for personal gain so I started researching. I couldn't believe the tens of thousands of articles on the mentality, the miseducation, and the dirty tricks they use like fabricating cancer to frighten women into unnecessary hysterectomies. These few comments are just the tip of the iceberg...

"Woman is a pair of ovaries with a human being attached; whereas man is a human being furnished with a pair of testes."

"Women make superb guinea pigs. They don't cost anything, they clean their own cages, they pay for their own bills, and they remunerate the clinical observer."

"If like all human beings, he {the gynaecologist} is made in the image of the Almighty, and he is kind, then his kindness and concern for his patient may provide her with a glimpse of God's image."

9 out of 10 hysterectomies are unnecessary and are mainly done for profit and medical training and can do far more harm than good.... Dr Stanley West..."The Hysterectomy Hoax"..... (Hoax: a trick or fraud intended to deceive)

Gynaecologists are the most dangerous to women's health than any other doctors.
60% of complaints against doctors are against gynaecologists.
Women who go to clinics and Community Health Services in low socioeconomic areas for Pap smears, etc., are at more risk of getting unnecessary surgeries than if they go to their own doctors or a general practitioner.

Too Many Hysterectomies? One-third of all women get a hysterectomy before they turn 60. Some experts think two-thirds of them don't need it.
Doctors say more than two-thirds of the 600,000 hysterectomies performed every year may be unnecessary, experts say. The truth: Several other approaches are available that may have fewer complications and shorter recovery times. And some research suggests that hysterectomy may lead to sexual problems, incontinence, and a slight loss of physical strength.

Medical chauvinists whose exploits are noted by colleagues like Dr Luisa Dillner. 'When considering the attitude of male obstetricians and gynaecologists,' she wrote in her column in the Guardian, 'you have to remember they are predominantly surgeons. This makes them automatically autocratic. Many genuinely have difficulty with the concept that what's yours isn't necessarily theirs to remove.'

Womb snatching
Besides cesarean, hysterectomy is the most likely operation you'll face if you're a woman, even though up to 90 per cent could be unnecessary. Here's how to avoid one. There is a joke among medical practitioners confronted with a woman suffering from gynaecological problems. The diagnosis: she is suffering from CPU or Chronic Persistent Uterus. The solution: Hysterectomy.

.... In fact, hysterectomy, or more correctly female castration, is now one of the most widely applied surgeries for women, second in some countries only to the cesarean. In the US, a woman has a one in three chance of having her uterus removed by the age of 60. In Britain, her chances are only slightly better at one in five. In Australia, it is 2 in 5...

These are the words of Sandra Simkin, from her book "The Case Against HYSTERECTOMY", but is exactly how I felt after I was butchered of my 6 healthy female organs.

"Writing to a woman police constable, I said: "To have your womb and ovaries taken out from you for no reason, or for little reason, has to be an assault on a par with violent rape. It is a terrible and unwanted intrusion into a woman's most private and sensate part of the body and, as with rape, the traumatic effects of it last for the rest of her life."

 90% of ALL gynaecological procedures are mainly money-making scams which lead to unnecessary radical hysterectomies, and all do FAR MORE HARM THAN GOOD...

Dr Margaret Aranda
My book starts with Aristotle and goes bit by bit through Victorian times, then the 1800's and 1900's to the present. These are but a few statistics. Oh. And if a woman reaches 70 years of age, she has a 70% chance of having a TAH-BSO. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy. And the vaginal atrophy, hair loss, hot flashes, loss of sexual desire are discussed at length in my book. With tongue-in-cheek laughter, the short story is that we have to learn to be more direct with our doctors. Doctors don't like asking their patients about sex, and patients don't like asking their doctors about sex. Shoot. So guess WHO has to start the discussion? YOU. I give you at least 10 actual questions you can ask your doctor in "doctor language", so she can't ignore your "problem." haha. Archives of the Vagina: A Journey through Time, by Margaret Aranda, MD (now PhD also, in Forensic Medicine).

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