

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Hi Robert,

I have spent a fortune on girls. It is insane. But I’m not alone. The entire world has bought into the virus scam. They have spent much more than I have. It is INSANE. The smartest people all BELIEVE in the virus. They have wrecked the global economy. They have harmed and even killed millions.

The virus is supposed to infect and kill everyone in the world. Once started, Dr Fauci would have everyone believe, it cannot be stopped. UNLESS the vaccine being created by Bill Gates, Donald (Iraqi weapons of mass destruction)  Rumsfeld, and Tony Fauci is given to everyone in the world. Laws will need to be passed forcing everyone to be injected. Let’s see, 8 billion people times anything except zero is a lot of money. That is a really profitable scam. It is INSANE.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has decided to relax its campaign against the virus. According to The Indian EXPRESS yesterday, China tested ten million people in Wuhan where the deadly, contagious, unstoppable, virus began. It hadn’t killed everyone there. As a matter of fact, the Chinese found ZERO cases of the virus. They did find about 300 infected asymptomatic people. Not only that, but none of the people with whom these people had been in close contact had the virus. So much for "social distancing".



- Morley

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