

Saturday, October 24, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.3
by Morley Evans


American politicians were Republican-Democrats until the Civil War when Abraham Lincoln became the leader of a new party called the Republican Party. (founded about 1861)

Why is the Republican Party called "The Grand Old Party"? It was founded 33 years after the Democratic Party. 1861-1828=33 years. It's another mystery along with the myth that Democrats are permanent underdogs.

Here's a handy list of American Presidents.

Democrats say, "A clown was elected in 2016. We have had a circus ever since." Really? Who made it a circus? Let's look at the Democrats. Who were the worst Presidents? Following are Democratic Presidents. You can make your own list of Republican Presidents and compare the two. 

What does a Democrat believe in?

The modern Democratic Party emphasizes egalitarianism, social equality, protecting the environment, and strengthening the social safety net through liberalism. They support voting rights and minority rights, including LGBT rights, multiculturalism, and religious secularism.

Democrats were in power most of the time in the twentieth century. They were in power for World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, including the Korean War and the War in Vietnam. Democrats created the military-industrial complex, the U.S. Navy, the world-wide imperial empire, nuclear weapons and the Triad, the CIA, and the National Security Act which amended the Constitution. 

Democrats own Broadway and Hollywood as well as television, newspapers, newsmagazines, and radio. Democrats own Big tech too. Democrats run the trade unions, especially "public service" (government) unions. Democrats control what most people do and what most people think. They control the mob.

Wall Street is intimately connected to the United States Treasury, the Federal Reserve System, and the Democratic Party. All billionaires are not Republicans. More than a few billionaires are Democrats.

Democrats have cultivated their image as peace-loving, home-spun, friends of the middle class, and the champions of women, blacks, Jews, and Hispanics. In contrast, they have demonized Republicans as evil greedy owners who exploit workers and run everything for their own fun and profit. "They should be made to pay their 'fair share'."

Andrew Jackson founded the Democratic Party. He was called a jackass by his opponents. Jackson adopted the jackass as the symbol of his party. (founded 1828) Jacksonian Democracy expanded political power and the expectation that one can and should use it to expand one's income at the expense of someone else, ensuring a permanent war of all against all.

James Polk waged war on Mexico and added half of Mexico to the United States. Today that includes New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon. Texas had been extracted from Mexico already.

The Democratic "Safe South" was the former Confederacy. It was "safe" because the Southern aristocracy, the planters who were the slave owners, were Democrats who ensured a political block for the Democratic Party. Try to reconcile that with black block-support of the Democratic Party. 

Woodrow Wilson created the mess we have lived in since he and Colonel House engineered the Treaty of Versailles in 1915. Wilson suspended the Constitution, lied about peace, and got the U.S. into World War I. Wilson played the American Gambit.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt presided over the Great Depression (which the Democrats probably created on purpose); he engineered World War II; initiated the development of the atom bomb and authorized dropping it on Japan. FDR played the American Gambit and made the USA the Capo di tutti capi. Roosevelt introduced socialism with the New Deal. Much more can be said about this blackguard who is revered as a saint by most Americans.

Democratic Party left-wing ideology snuggles up to Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and has fully-embraced Zionism with its racist paranoia and ideology of Jewish supremacy.

Harry S. Truman dropped atom bombs on Japan, started the Korean War, created the National Security State and the CIA, and started the Cold War.

Lyndon Bains Johnson gave nuclear weapons technology to Israel; engineered the Six-Day War for Israel; hooked Israel up to the United States Treasury, engineered the War in Vietnam; introduced the Great Society programs; was President during the Great American Race Riots and was the CEO of the JFK assassination and cover-up. 

Jimmy Carter was President when the Iranians took back control of their country by kicking out the Shah and the CIA. They had been installed in 1953 with the coup d'état that was engineered by Kermit Roosevelt, Jr., and the CIA as part of FDR's post-war consolidation of the USA as the new world hegemon. Iranians have been put on the permanent hate-list for daring to defy the imperium. The master cannot afford to tolerate any insubordination.

Bill Clinton starved Iraq with sanctions, bombed Serbia into the Stone Age, and filled his pockets as President with help from his bride, sweet Hillary.

John F. Kennedy was a pretty good President. Robert F. Kennedy was a pretty good Attorney General. They were assassinated along with Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Fear Campaign has created a world-wide mass psychosis resulting in a shutdown of the world's economy through Lockdowns. It was initiated and continues to be supported by Democrats. Democratic Governors and mayors invariably support Lockdowns and "social distancing".

The Fear Campaign is a direct extension of the Democratic Hate Campaign that has run 24/7 on all channels for four years to oust President Donald J. Trump by any means possible, regardless of the cost. 

The Democrats would and will destroy the United States to regain control. Nancy and Chuckie believe, "It's better to rule in Hell than it is to serve in Heaven."

Some people have an unconstrained vision of the world, while others have a constrained vision of the world. The former see problems for which they have solutions. The latter see trade-offs. They think some things can be made a little bit better by making other things a little bit worse. Stalin knew "You must break eggs to make an omelette." Democrats have no end of brilliant schemes to solve problems. Democrats are smart. Invariably, the unintended consequences of their solutions are worse than the problems they try to solve.

Full-cost accounting looks at both costs and benefits. People who refuse to recognise the problems their ideas have caused are common. Such people are smart. They can be extremely creative when covering up messes they have created. It is rare when someone accepts responsibility for what he has done. 

Government accounting is notoriously deceptive. It conceals more than it reveals. Bureaucrats are past-masters at this. Politicians and bureaucrats NEVER take responsibility for what they do. Someone else (taxpayers) always foots the bill and cleans up the mess.

Many fortunes over the years have been created when recipients have shifted some or all of their costs onto others, or they have appropriated assets they don't own. Governments are used to facilitate this. This is not the same as attracting customers with better products at lower prices from suppliers who offer inferior products at higher prices. Governments frequently shelter favoured suppliers from the competition.

Are you planning to vote Democratic?


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