

Saturday, October 10, 2020


© MMXX V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Re: Two students and a teacher at school attended by Amy Coney Barrett children test positive for COVID - The Washington Post

So what!

I don’t buy any of this. 

The data show that children and young adults have zero chance of dying from COVID19 and next-to-none get sick enough to be hospitalized anyway. Moreover, almost all old people with co-morbidities survive. There is no “second wave”, yet public "health" bureaucrats are taking billions to build “field hospitals” to care for the projected hospital over-load. The data also show that people who have died were killed by the medical treatment they received. 

Ventilators destroyed the patients' lungs. Patients were denied timely administration of medication that works, like Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and they were not properly quarantined in the first place. The demented New York Governor ordered sick untested people to be moved from hospitals into nursing homes — where people were sick — to make room for the projected hospital overload that never happened.

Now we are supposed to believe that children who test negative and have no symptoms are “asymptomatic super-spreaders” who endanger everyone. We were supposed to believe the PCR test is the medical "Gold Standard". Is it? Oh, I get it. We're supposed to believe anything they tell us. Experts are so smart.

What the f**k?

The Global Warming loonies can hardly wait to proclaim a Climate Emergency that will require a permanent Climate Lockdown to save everyone. Their goal is to shut down modern civilization. That is not merely the result of what they want. It is what they want. That will reduce the world’s population, for sure. Bill Gates will be happy as he steps over the dead bodies in the street. Those humans who survive will live in dark, cold caves, and listen to witch-doctors harping, ranting, and raving. Swedish prophet of doom, Greta Goofball, will get what she wants. She will have a job. She is a witch-doctor.

These poisonous ideas are the real pandemic. People walking around wearing facemasks identify themselves as either infected with insanity or supporting insanity. The fear-mongers are criminals who endanger everyone. Here is Professor Gad Saad

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