

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.4
by Morley Evans

"Follow the money" is the time-tested method for criminal investigators. The population of the world is currently in grave danger of being ENSLAVED by a small criminal élite. We know who most of them are. They have boldly told us what they plan to do. They are confident. They think they cannot be stopped.

Bill Gates, Jr, and Klaus Schwab [Schwab is one of many who have plans for humanity.] plan to take over the world [EDIT: Gates has already taken over the world] and turn the rest of us into their ant farm [EDIT: We don't know what Gates and others will do with us]. There are almost seven billion of us today. Their ant farm only requires about 50 million ants. So Bill and Klaus plan to eliminate over 99% of the world's "surplus" population. That probably includes YOU. Maybe you'll be lucky. Bill might decide to keep you if you are an obedient amusing little ant. If you have to eat what Bill has planned for you, you'll wish you were dead.

Are you interested? Are you awake? You'd better wake up.

Bill and Klaus are using the world's medical institutions to get the control they want. Bill is using his fortune to bribe the people he needs. They love Bill. They treat him like royalty, like one of their own. Who does Bill need? Bill needs "medical/scientific" authorities. He needs the top public "health" authority and its bureaucrats' network to do what they are told. Bill needs the world's political leaders who will surrender their authority to the bureaucrats. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? Bill needs the world's "news" industry to propagandise his fear campaign.

Bill Gates funds these people through his various front organisations.

1). Christian Drosten: virology at Charité in Berlin. Drosten provided the purported SARS CoV-2 virus, the PCR kit to detect it and the influence of German and European power-brokers, including Angela Merkle, Germany's President and The Director-General of the World Health Organization in Switzerland.

2). Neil Ferguson: computer-based epidemiology research at Imperial College of Oxford in London. He provided the horrifying projections that terrorised the world. Some office-holders were traumatised and believed the hoax.

3). Tedros Adhanom: Director-General of WHO. Tedros triggered the worldwide avalanche of lockdowns all by himself.

4). Brian Garibaldi, Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Centre, the source of the ongoing U.S. fear-mongering campaign.

5). Anthony Fauci of NAID and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Fauci is the chief U.S. spokesman for the Covid-19 campaign. Fauci thinks he is "America's doctor".

That's only five people who need to be bribed, and they are profiting from the scam by other devices. What about the tens (hundreds?) of thousands who also participated, including the bureaucrats and politicians? Were they all bribed?

Bill Gates reportedly is worth $110 billion, according to Forbes. His fortune has apparently doubled since COVID-19 began a year ago. Bill is not losing anything. Don't be fooled. Bill Gates is not giving away anything, either.

The COVID-19 calamity is a vast money-making bonanza for some. Some are losers. Some are winners. The small business owners have been wiped out. They were closed down by the lockdowns. The big guys don't care about them. Many large corporations have been bankrupted, too, especially those in the travel industry. Hotel chains, airlines, and cruise ship businesses have declared bankruptcies. Their assets will be picked up for pennies on the dollar by those people who still have money. Storefront businesses have been wiped out as shoppers go to Costco and Walmart. Online shopping is replacing bricks and mortar stores. is doing great. Hopefully, Jeff Bezos will put himself on a rocket to Mars.

The pharmaceutical cartel and the medical cartel will do well, of course. The vaccine manufacturers sell billions to governments — Governments are their primary customers. Bill Gates is a prominent investor in vaccines, but they are not his primary interest. Bill's main concern is getting complete control of the world, remember?

Bill has got you and me by our balls. Women and children are in the trap with us. We are all in the trap. Can we escape? If we do nothing, you know the consequences. The trap we are in has been created by FEAR. That was created by the five people listed above. I can't get out by myself and leave you here. That's not because I like you. I need you.

I think COVID-19 is a HOAX. It is a FRAUD. I don't believe a large portion of humanity will be killed by the SARS CoV-2 virus, even if it actually exists. Many do not believe the virus exists. I think they simply re-branded the annual flu and added lots of hype. The swine flu "pandemic" in 2009 was a trial run. The same people who ran that scam got everything right this time. Practice makes perfect. I do believe a large portion of humanity will be killed by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, and you will be a victim along with me if we don't get out of here. You must decide. The accurate data says that over ninety-nine per cent of the people who get the virus will survive. Most won't even know they had the virus. Do you want to risk your fate at the hands of Bill Gates? He created this catastrophe. Your chances with Bill are zero.

What does Klaus Schwab do? He collects degrees from prestigious universities. Klaus collects prestigious friends like Prince Charles. He writes books to tell everyone how smart he is. Klaus is a con-man. So is Bill Gates. Gates is a cheap liar and a thief. Bill Gates, Jr, is a eugenicist, like his father, Bill Gates, Sr (aka Bill Gates II). Gates Sr. believed that large fortunes should be distributed to everyone and that people who are a danger to society should be eliminated. OKAY, Bill!

Why would politicians surrender their authority to their public "health" bureaucrats? Politicians do what the electorate wants. If the electorate (that's YOU) is gripped with fear, the politicians will respond. They don't need to be bribed. But I would like to have a look at their bank accounts, anyway. Why would public "health" bureaucrats do what the Director-General of WHO tells them to do? They want to keep their jobs. They enjoy increased budgets and increased prestige.

The news organisations have been thoroughly corrupted. Three corporations control what the world sees: Associated Press in the United States, Reuters in the United Kingdom, and Agence France-Presse in France. The HATE TRUMP campaign morphed into the FEAR COVID campaign on the turn of a dime. This coincidentally benefitted the Democratic Party Presidential campaign 2020. Conspiracy analysts are investigating. Investigative journalists do not work for CNN and the rest anymore. They have been culled in favour of presstitutes. Those whores will say anything for a dollar. Actual investigative journalists, like Sharyl Attkisson, dig for the truth. They work alone and scrounge for a living.

The key to getting out of this trap is YOU. Listen to the actual medical experts. Don't listen to the fear-mongers. Turn off your TV. Cancel your newspaper. OPEN YOUR EYES. READ. THINK. BE BRAVE! There is no bogeyman, only the little snot, Bill Gates, narcissistic psychopath extraordinaire. Don't forget, Bill hates YOU. He's not your friend.

Bill and Bill

Start here: 

Write to your Canadian Premier or your United States Governor. 
YOU must Demand this STOP NOW.

NOTE: I specialize in putting together widely available information in unusual ways, connecting the dots to form pictures few people see looking at the same dots. Why? Some of the dots aren't there. Editors have discovered they can reverse meaning by leaving out a few things. People who control the media simply don't tell readers everything they need to know to understand what is going on. Winston Smith, the central character in 1984, was a bureaucrat responsible for rewriting history. "He who controls the past controls the future."

This is crazy! I ask myself questions about this article.

1). Does Gates plan to reduce the world population to 50 million, or is that what someone says Gates plans?
2). Does Gates fund the five power-centres mentioned?
3). Does Gates plan to vaccinate seven billion people with a covid vaccine?
4). Was the world economy shut down on the order of Tedros and WHO in March 2020?
5). Have the protocols of "social distancing" and face masking been adopted worldwide?
6). Does Gates have big plans for humanity? What are they?
7). What is the real Microsoft story?

I think the answer to every question except 1). and 7). unequivocally is YES. As far as 1). goes: Gates has many crazy ideas. He wants to block out the sun. He believes in Global Warming. He would have everyone eating disgusting fake food. For 7). I have an alternative Microsoft creation story to the official MS corporate story.


MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Better safe than sorry, right?



© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Monday, March 29, 2021


Waiting for God's thunderbolt

© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Vandana Shiva, on the 
Taking Down of Bill Gates' Empires

By Joseph Mercola
March 29, 2021
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In this interview, Vandana Shiva, PhD, discusses the importance and benefits of regenerative agriculture and a future Regeneration International project that we’ll be collaborating on.

We’re currently facing enormously powerful technocrats who are hell-bent on ushering in the Great Reset, which will complete the ongoing transfer of wealth and resource ownership from the poor and middle classes to the ultra-rich. Perhaps the most well-known of the individuals pushing for this is Bill Gates. Like John Rockefeller a century before him, he rehabilitated his sorely tarnished image by turning to philanthropy.

However, Gates’ brand of philanthropy, so far, has helped few and harmed many. While his PR machine has managed to turn public opinion about him such that many now view him as a global saviour who donates his wealth for the good of the planet, nothing could be further from the truth.

Gates’ Stranglehold on Global Health

The magnitude of Gates’ role over global health recently dawned on me. I believe the COVID-19 catastrophe would not have been possible had it not been for the World Health Organization, which Gates appears to exert shadow-control over. Remember, it was primarily the WHO that facilitated this global shutdown and adopting freedom-robbing, economy-destroying measures by virtually every government on the planet.

When then-President Trump halted U.S. funding of the WHO in 2020, Gates became the WHO's biggest funder. As explained in “WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI,” the WHO has turned global health security into a dictatorship, where the director-general has assumed sole power to make decisions that member states must abide by, but according to a long-term WHO insider, Gates’ vaccine alliance GAVI actually appears to be the directing power behind the WHO.

The two — Gates and the WHO — have been working hand-in-hand pushing for a global vaccination campaign, and Gates has a great deal of money invested in these vaccines. We’ve also seen extraordinary efforts to censor natural alternatives and inexpensive, readily available and clearly effective drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. It appears the reason for this is probably because they’re competitors to the vaccine.

Emergency use authorization for pandemic vaccines is only given when there are no other treatments, so vilifying alternatives has been a key strategy for protecting vaccine profits.

The Parallels Between Rockefeller and Gates

As noted by Shiva, the comparisons between Rockefeller and Gates are quite apt. Rockefeller created not just Big Oil but also Big Finance and Big Pharma. He had intimate connections with IG Farben. There was a Standard Oil IG Farben company. Without the fossil fuels of Standard Oil, IG Farben couldn’t have made synthetic fertilizers or fuels.

In 1910, Rockefeller and Carnegie produced The Flexner Report, which was the beginning of natural medicine in the conventional medical school curriculum. They eliminated it because it saw natural medicine as a hugely competitive threat to the new pharmaceuticals primarily derived from the oil industry.

Much of Rockefeller’s history has been captured by Lily Kay, who sifted through Molecular Vision of Life’s archives. There, she discovered that the Nazi regime, a eugenics regime that thought some people were inferior and needed to be exterminated to keep the superior race pure, didn’t vanish when Germany lost the war.

Eugenics simply migrated to the U.S. and was taken up by Rockefeller under “social psychology as biological determinants.” The word gene did not exist at that time. Instead, they called it “atoms of determinism.” Rockefeller paid for much of the eugenics research, which ultimately resulted in the silencing and suppression of true health.

To be healthy means to be whole, and wholeness refers to the “self-organized brilliance of your integrated body as a complex system,” Shiva says. That’s what Ayurveda is based on, and even this ancient system of medicine has been attacked in recent times. The notion of genetic determination ignores this foundational wholeness, seeking instead to divide the human body into mechanical components controlled by your genes.

“Coming back to the parallels, Rockefeller was behind it because he was driving the chemical industry. When the wars were over, they said, ‘Oh my gosh, we have all these chemicals to sell.’ And they invented the Green Revolution and pushed the Green Revolution on India.

Rockefeller, the World Bank, the USA all worked together, and if the farmers of India are protesting today, it’s a result of Rockefeller’s initiative, the Green Revolution in India. Most people don’t realise what high-cost India has borne; what high cost the state of Panjon has borne.

Then you have Gates joining up with Rockefeller and creating the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) … which pretends to be his solution to climate change. I say, ‘My God, what kind of stage has the world reached that absolute nonsense can pass the science?’ I’ll give you just three examples from his chapter on agriculture, in which he talks about how we grow things.

First of all, plants are not things. Plants are sentient beings. Our culture knows it. We have the sacred tulsi; We have the sacred neem; We have the sacred banyan. They are sentient beings. So many people are awake to animal rights. I think we need more people awake to plant rights and really tell Mr Gates, ‘No, plants are not things.’

He goes on to celebrate Norman Borlaug, who was in the DuPont defence lab, whose job it was to push these four chemicals by adapting the plants [to them]. So, he created the dwarf variety because the tall varieties are free… [Gates] says we’re eating food because of Borlaug. No, people are starving because of Borlaug. The farmers are dying because of Borlaug.”

Gates Offers Problems as Solutions

Gates hails synthetic fertiliser is the most significant agricultural invention. “Doesn’t he realise synthetic nitrogen fertilisers are creating desertification, dead zones in the ocean, and nitric oxide, which is a greenhouse gas?” Shiva says. In short, he’s offering the problem as the solution. Gates also, apparently, does not understand that nitrogen-fixing plants can fix nitrogen. He incorrectly claims that plants cannot fix nitrogen.

There’s an extinction taking place. Most people think the sixth mass extinction is about other species. They don’t realise large parts of humanity are being pushed to extinction. ~ Vandana Shiva
Gates is equally wrong about methane production from livestock. “Have you smelt methane behind nomadic tribes?” Shiva asks. “Have you ever smelt methane behind our sacred cow in India? No, they don’t emit methane.” In concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), cows in concentrated animal feeding operations emit methane that stinks to high heaven because they’re fed an unnatural diet of grains and placed in crowded quarters. It’s not a natural phenomenon. It’s a man-made one.

“You know what Mr Gates wants to teach us? He says cows make methane because of their poor stomachs,” Shiva says. “They call them containers. I think we should sue him for undoing basic biology 101. You’ve talked about how he controls the WHO. He’s also trying to take control of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

[FAO] had recognised ecological agriculture as the way to go and supported [regenerative] agriculture until last year when Gates started to take charge. Now he’s moving the food summit to New York. Five hundred organisations have said, ‘This is no longer a food summit; it’s a poison summit. The poison cartel and Bill Gates are running it to push more poisons, now under new names. So, we have a lot of work to do.'”

The answer to the environmental problems we face is not more of the very things that created the problems in the first place, which Gates proposes. The answer is regenerative agriculture and natural food.

“When people are eating healthy food, there is no problem,” Shiva says. “[Gates] wants to commit a crime against our gut microbiome, pushing more fake food through Impossible Food. And he wants to create conditions so that real food will disappear. That’s why we all have to organise together, and the scientists have to start being protected.

There’s an extinction taking place. They call it the sixth mass extinction. Most people think the sixth mass extinction is about other species. They don’t realise large parts of humanity are being pushed to extinction. Food is health, as Hippocrates said, [and that requires] indigenous systems of learning, ecological agriculture, small farmers.

In Bill Gates’ design, all this makes life, life, that makes society, society, that makes the community, community, that makes healthy beings. He would like to push this to extinction because he’s afraid of independence, freedom, health and our beingness. He wants us to be ‘thingness,’ but we are beings …

The worst crime against the Earth and against humanity is using gene-editing technologies for gene drives, a collaboration of Gates with DARPA, the defence research system. Gene drives are deliberately driving [us] to extinction. Now he does it in the name of ending malaria. No. It’s about driving to extinction.

Amaranth is a sacred food for us. It’s a very, very important source of nutrition … There’s an application in that DARPA-Gates report of driving the amaranth to extinction through gene rights. And when this was raised at the Convention on Biological Diversity, do you know what he did? He actually hired a public relations agency and bribed government representatives to not say no. Can you imagine?”

Gates’ Long-Term Play

Gates clearly had a long-term vision in mind from the start. His growing control of the WHO began over a decade ago. Over this period, he also started transitioning into Big Pharma and the fake food industry, which would allow his influence over the WHO’s global health recommendations to really pay off.

While fake foods have many potential problems, one, in particular, is elevated omega-6 fat linoleic acid (LA). If you eat real food, you’re going to get more than enough LA. However, our Western industrial diet provides far more than is needed for optimal health already, and engineered meats are particularly loaded with LA, as they’re made with genetically modified soy oil and canola oil.

This massive excess of LA will encourage and promote virtually all degenerative diseases, thereby accelerating human health destruction. In addition to that, Gates is also investing in pharmaceuticals, which of course, are touted as the answer to degenerative disease. Again, his solutions to ill health are actually the problem. Shiva says:

“Gates … [is] entering every field that has to do with life. Our work in Navdanya, which means nine seeds, is basically working on biodiversity in agriculture. We started to bring together all the work that he’s doing in taking over. I mentioned the Rockefeller Green Revolution, now the Gates-Rockefeller Green Revolution in Africa. The next step he wants to push is … digital agriculture.

He calls it Gates Ag One,4, and the headquarters of this is exactly where the Monsanto headquarters are, in St. Louis, Missouri. Gates Ag One is one [type of] agriculture for the whole world, organized top-down. He’s written about it. We have a whole section on it in our new report,5 ‘Gates to a Global Empire.'”

Stolen Farmer Data Is Repackaged and Sold Back to Them

What does digital agriculture entail? For starters, it entails the introduction of a digital surveillance system. So far, Shiva’s organization has prevented Gates from introducing a seed surveillance startup, where farmers would not be allowed to grow seeds unless approved by the Gates surveillance system.

The data mining, Shiva says, is needed because they don’t actually know agriculture. This is why Gates finances the policing of farmers. He needs to mine their data to learn how farming is actually done. This knowledge is then repackaged and sold back to the farmers. It’s an evil genius at its finest.

Through his funding, Gates now also controls the world’s seed supply, and his financing of gene-editing research has undercut biosafety laws across the world. As explained by Shiva, the only country that doesn’t have biosafety laws is the U.S. “The rest of the world does because we have a treaty called the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,” she says.

“While he created the appearance of philanthropy, what he’s doing is giving tiny bits of money to very vital institutions. But with those bits of money, they attract government money, which was running those institutions. Now, because of his clout, he is taking control of the agenda of these institutions. In the meantime, he’s pushing patenting, be it on drugs, vaccines or on seeds.”

Taken together, Gates ends up wielding enormous control over global agriculture and food production, and there’s virtually no evidence to suggest he has good intentions.

The Anatomy of Monopolization

Editas, founded by a main financial investor for the Gates Foundation, collects patents on gene-edited organisms, both in health and agriculture. Gates is also a big investor in Editas.

“So, here’s a company called Editas to edit the world as if it is a Word program. The two scientists who got the Nobel Prize this year have been funded in their research by Gates. My mind went back to how Rockefeller financed the research, got the Nobel Prize, and then made money.

So, you finance the research. Then you finance the public institutions, whether they be national or international. You invest and force them down the path to only use what your patented intellectual property is. As he said in an interview, his smartest investment was vaccines because it is a 1-to-20 return. Put $1 in and make $20. How many billions of dollars have been put in? You can imagine how many trillions will be made.

At the end of it, where does food come from? It comes from the seed. He wants to control it. It comes from land. He’s controlling that. He’s becoming the biggest farmland owner [in the U.S.]. But you need weather [control]. You need a stable climate.

So, what could be a weapon of control of agriculture? Weather modification. He calls it geoengineering. This is the engineering of the climate. Again, making it look like he’s going to solve global warming by creating global cooling.”

As Shiva explained, Gates is also heavily invested in climate modification technologies that will destabilize the earth’s climate systems more and be weaponized against the people by controlling rainfall and drought. In India, they’ve been having massive hail during harvest time, which destroys the harvest.

Is the UN Subservient to Gates?

According to Shiva, Gates is also corrupting the United Nations system, just like he’s corrupted world governments and the WHO. In so doing, he’s destroying the efforts built over the last three decades to protect the global environment.

“Whether it be the climate treaty, the biodiversity treaty or the atmospheric treaties, he is absolutely behaving as if the UN is his subservient institution,” Shiva says. “[He thinks] governments and regulatory bodies should not exist … and that people in a democracy have no business to speak. [If they do], they’re conspiracy theorists.”

Taking Down Gates’ Empires

As it stands right now, ordinary people are forced to fight battles that are in actuality rooted in institutional, structural and societal crimes. These crimes really need to be addressed the way Rockefeller’s Standard Oil empire was addressed. In Gates's case, his empire is actually multiple empires, and they all need to be dismantled. To that end, I will be collaborating with Shiva and Regeneration International, which she co-founded, on a project to boycott Gates’ empires.

“I’ve noticed that no matter what the movement, they’re using the word regeneration now. It could be a health movement, a democracy movement, a peace movement, a women’s movement — everyone has realized that regeneration is what we have to shift to,” Shiva says.

“So, what do we need to be doing in the next decade? For me, the next decade is the determining decade because these petty minds’ insatiable greed want to go so fast that if in the next decade, we don’t protect what has to be protected, build resilient alternatives and take away the sainthood from this criminal, they will leave nothing much to be saved.

The poison cartel is also big pharma. People think agriculture is here; medicine is there. No. The same criminal corporations gave us agrichemicals. They gave us bad medicine that creates more disease than it solves. So, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Poison — it’s all one. And Bill Gates is holding it all together even more and trying to make them bigger because he has investments in all of them …

I think [seeds] is where we have to begin … I’m hoping that we will be able, together, to launch a global movement soon to take back our seeds from the international seed banks. The strategy is we need to remind the world that these are public institutions [and] that they’re accountable to the farmers whose collections these [seeds] are …

On the food question, I think that’s the big one because food and health go [together]. Ayurveda says food is the best medicine, and if you don’t eat good food, then no medicine can cure whatever disease you have. The best medicine is good eating. And Hippocrates said, ‘Let food be thy medicine.’ So, I think this is the time to really grow a huge global food freedom campaign.

Food freedom means you cannot destroy our right to grow food. Secondly, you cannot destroy our governments’ obligations to support regenerative agriculture rather than support degenerative agriculture and subsidize it. And third, I think we should call for a worldwide boycott of lab foods …

Another part of this should be, don’t let big tech enter our bodies. Let big tech not enter life sciences … These guys will make life illegal. The living will be illegal except as a little piece in their machine through their permission.”

Each year, Navdanya holds a two-week campaign on food freedom starting October 2, a nonviolence day. We now need to take that campaign to the global stage, and I will do my part to aid this effort. So, mark your calendar and prepare to join us in a global boycott of food that makes you sick — processed food, GMO foods, lab-created foods, fake meats, all of it.

The Best of Joseph Mercola


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The COVID-219 scam seems to be collapsing. That can't come too soon. Legal hounds are after the suspects behind this catastropne. These COVID-19 felons have corrupted medicine; spread lies; endangered and even killed millions; destroyed trust in essential institutions; and stolen billions of dollars.


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Why did this happen?

The reason is the flu cases were recorded as COVID-19 cases this year. Not only that, deaths were recorded as COVID-19 deaths — even when people were killed in traffic accidents. Hospitals made money when they recorded COVID-19 "cases". The swine flu "pandemic" fizzled out because it wasn't a "pandemic". The liars managed to get everything right this time.

COVID-19 is a HUGE CRIMINAL OPERATION. The criminals are going to pay for what they did.


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

This was the Bolshevik plan in 1917! They introduced the Red Divorce but Stalin got rid of it. It seems that men would "marry" girls, enjoy sex until the girls became pregnant and then abandon them. Orphanages were filled with babies that mothers were unable to support. This is happening in the West today. The state takes the place of the father. Children need fathers. Society doesn't need men like George Floyd — the hero of the Left. Society needs traditional families.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The Great Nonsense of “The Great Reset”

by Thomas DiLorenzo
March 27, 2021

“The Great Reset” is the latest deceptive euphemism for totalitarian socialism that is being promoted by yet another group of wealthy corporate elitists who think they can centrally plan the entire world economy.  They are essentially the ideological heirs of Frederick Engels and his intellectual puppet Karl Marx.  “The Great Reset” follows in the rhetorical footsteps of such euphemisms for socialism as “economic democracy,” “social justice,” “liberation theology,” “progressivism,” “market socialism” (an oxymoron, like “jumbo shrimp” or “military intelligence”), “environmentalism,” “fighting climate change,” “sustainable development,” and “green new deal,” to mention just a few.

The main figure of this movement is wealthy German engineer Klaus Schwab, founder of the “World Economic Forum,” who champions what he calls “transhumanism,” the integration of nanotechnology into the human body to be controlled remotely by the state.[1] As Ron Paul has noted, “Included in Schwab’s proposal for surveillance [of every citizen] is his idea to use brain scans and nanotechnology to predict, and if necessary, prevent individuals’ future behaviour.  This means that anyone whose brain is ‘scanned’ could have his . . . [constitutional] rights violated because a government bureaucrat determines the individual is going to commit a crime.”

Many famous, powerful, and wealthy people have espoused lunatic ideas to remake human society. All of them have failed after bringing disaster to the people upon whom their ideas were imposed. Lenin affected the most people for the longest time. People who have a lot of money often think they are smart too. They aren't. Wealth doesn't make anyone wise, unfortunately. Wealth makes many people stupid too. The moron, Bill Gates, is one excellent example.

History's greatest putsch was created in March 2020 when every nation on earth (all 193 member-states of the United Nations) simultaneously surrendered their sovereignty to their public "health" bureaucrats who followed the dictate of Tedros, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). A one-world medical dictatorship was instantly created. The world's economy was brought to a screeching halt. This is extremely worrisome. People argue about the need to do this. That is irrelevant to what was done. No one has the right to do this. It caused more harm to more people than the purported reason for doing it.


MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

My Hero

Columbo was a scientist. What he believed was a hypothesis. That was his hunch about what happened and who was responsible. His questioning tested his hypothesis. Columbo's hunch led him to discover the truth. Every person does this, whether they know it or not. It is how everyone learns to navigate through life's problems. Life is a maze. Everyone is a scientist.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) is one of the most respected medical publications in the world. 

Dr Yeadon was the vice president and chief scientist for Pfizer's allergy and respiratory disease division. Pfizer is the pharmaceutical giant. You may have heard of them. Dr Yeadon is on his own now.



© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

These States are waking up and opening up. They need to stop testing and stop the lying. Resume autopsies of all deaths and audit all news stories. PROSECUTE LIERS. That will shut them up fast.


MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Monday, March 22, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Dr Joseph Mercola

Health Passports Are Here
by Dr Mercola

Better hang on, folks, as technocracy’s plan to digitize you to the blockchain so you can be manipulated and controlled as a digital asset is being deployed — just as they said they would.

However, please understand that this technocracy blockchain implementation is centralized, which is the primary problem because it is under the government’s control. This is in radical contrast to decentralized crypto assets like bitcoin, which I believe actually offers a solution to our finances' impending tyranny and seizure.

Since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that “health passports” would be implemented, and in recent months the reality of what we’re facing is getting clearer. Make no mistake: The voluntary “health passes” now being rolled out are just the tip of the iceberg.

Before long, they will become mandatory, at which point unvaccinated individuals will be effectively excluded from society. This is the slippery slope I’ve warned about that will create two separate classes of citizens: those with approved and verified health status and the “untouchables.”

Not only will these passes — once mandatory — restrict your ability to move about and engage in social activities if you’re unvaccinated, but you will also face financial penalties. Even your ability to obtain employment will ultimately be based on your medical decisions.

Evidence of this can be found in IBM Watson Health’s announcement that IBM’s Digital Health Pass will be integrated into Salesforce’s “to help businesses, schools and governments verify vaccine and health status.”

In short, we will soon find ourselves in an iatrarchy, meaning we’re governed by physicians’ decisions (although the ruling agency is more likely to be Bill Gates than a qualified medical expert). If you refuse, you’re penalized. Other descriptive terms include medical technofascism and medical technocracy.

Regardless of how you describe it, the fact is you will no longer have the right to self-determination. You will no longer have the right to decide what medical risk-taking you’re willing to submit to and which you’d rather do without. Your body and your health will no longer be yours to preside over.

If you want to have the ability to shop, socialize, get an education and work, you’ll have to hand over your body and all your biological data for the medical technocracy to do with what it will. It’s hard to imagine a less free society than that.

IBM Partners With Moderna

IBM and Moderna have taken the next step toward tracking vaccinated individuals in real-time by teaming up to produce COVID-19 digital health passes to allow people to “return to the activities and things they love.” As reported by Raul Diego in a March 10, 2021, Mint Press News article.

“According to a company press release, the collaboration will ‘focus on exploring the utility of IBM capabilities in the U.S.,’ such as a recently unveiled pilot program for a COVID-19 Digital Health Pass in the State of New York, which effectively deputizes private businesses to enforce government-imposed Covid-19 regulations.”

IBM and Moderna will “explore technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain and hybrid cloud” to “support smarter COVID-19 vaccine management,” according to the press release. In short, the partnership is aimed at facilitating data sharing between “governments, health care providers, life science organizations and individuals,” but this data is not restricted to health data.

As reported by Diego,6 other “multiple blockchain ledger applications” being leveraged include IBM’s Blockchain Transparent Supply and Food Trust services, which shares food sourcing and supply-chain data, and its Blockchain World Wire cross-border payment processing service.

Vaccine Pass Rolled Out in New York

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the so-called Excelsior Pass,7 built on IBM’s Digital Health Pass, during his January 2021 state of the state address.

The first test of the Excelsior Pass took place during an NBA game at the Barclays Center. A second test occurred on March 2, 2021, at an NHL game at Madison Square Garden. Other pilot programs for health verification passes have also been rolled out in various places around the world.

Right now, vaccine passports are voluntary, but IBM is already looking at the Excelsior Pass as a model for what it predicts will be mandatory digital health passes in the future.

In Israel, for example, there’s the Green Pass, and in Los Angeles, California, schools have adopted the Daily Pass QR Health Portal, a partnership between Microsoft and Anthem Health, the largest membership health system in the U.S. And, March 17, 2021, the European Commission proposed its version of “digital green certificates” that the EC says will offer a “coordinated approach” to allow citizens to freely travel around Europe.

Right now, vaccine passports are voluntary, but IBM is already looking at the Excelsior Pass as a model for what it predicts will be mandatory digital health passes in the future. According to IBM’s U.S. public and federal market leader, Steve LaFleche, the passes will cease to be voluntary “once government guidelines and regulations force the private sector to enforce their implementation.” As noted by Diego.

“Conveniently, IBM’s strong presence in the law enforcement space, as one of the largest providers of digital profiling technologies and AI policing systems in the world, may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face among vaccine-hesitant populations.”

Genetic Profiteering Is Part of the New Economy

In his article, Diego highlights the connection between these health passes and the far broader agenda known as the Great Reset, which involves a complete “redesign of supply chain and capital organization structures.” The plan is to replace conventional capitalism with a data-driven economic model, and part of this scheme is the collection of our genomic data.

“DNA is the single point of data convergence across humanity that allows for these new ‘moral’ economic models to generate enough volume to replicate present-day economies of scale and design financial instruments to exploit human beings at a cellular level,” Diego writes.

He points out that in 2017, Tal Zacks, former chief medical officer at Moderna, gave a Ted Talk. He explained that the company’s mRNA “information technology” is — contrary to current denials — designed to manipulate the human genetic code.

Transhumanist Dr Bradley Perkins — former deputy director of the Office of Strategy and Innovation at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and chief medical officer for The Commons Project, responsible for the creation of the CommonPass in collaboration with the World Economic Forum — has also discussed the profit potential of genomic data collection across the health care and insurance industries. In an article discussing the scaling up of data-capitalism, Diego writes:

“Stored in Amazon’s cloud servers, Human Longevity’s bioinformatics platform is only one of several next-generation sequencing technologies designed to perform the type of comparative genome sequencing work Perkins and his life science industry colleagues are counting on to carry out what he estimates is ‘probably the largest scale enterprise ever’ of ‘translating the language of biology in the form of linear DNA code into the language of health and disease.’

Perkins admits that ‘the genome in isolation, it’s not very useful. Genomics' business basically boils down to the ‘building [of] integrated health records’ to correlate ‘high-quality clinical data’ with the whole genome sequence.

‘We’re in the business of building a large database,’ Perkins reveals … With CommonPass, Perkins is continuing to do all he can to build that database. After all, a biometric passport required at all ports of entry would go a long way to procuring a goldmine of genomic data.”

Technofascism in the Name of COVID Response

It’s now beyond clear that COVID-19 is being used to justify the implementation of new economic and social systems that have been decades in the making. While changes are couched in socially appealing terms like social justice, environmental protection and all things fair and wonderful, the truth is diametrically opposed to the terms used.

The Great Reset will separate the technocratic elite from the masses and turn global government into a dictatorship. I’ve written many articles detailing this scheme from various angles.

Without a doubt, this is an economic war on the working class. Since the beginning of the pandemic around March 2020, the greatest transfer of wealth has taken place, from the middle class to the wealthiest among us, and the Great Reset will complete this transfer such that we eventually will own nothing. [And they will own everything!]

That proclamation is not hyperbole. It comes straight from the horse’s mouth — the World Economic Forum — which, for years, has been one of the driving forces of this technocratic, transhumanistic agenda.

One of the reasons why many have a hard time wrapping their minds around the Great Reset problem and the technocratic agenda is because they don’t understand how technocrats view humanity. It is, in fact, very different from the view most of us have of what it means to be human. Most tend to agree with the view that humans are sovereign beings who are free by divine authority.

This is the view enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. On the other hand, technocracy views humans as a natural resource, no different from an oil deposit or livestock, and they are to be used as such.

There needs to be maximum compliance with minimal effort to minimize problems within this human resource management system. Social engineering through media propaganda (brainwashing), censorship, and artificial intelligence come in, so they are using centralized blockchain technology. Their goal is to digitize you and your family and convert everyone into digital assets easily manipulated and controlled.

For the most part, once fully implemented, the control system will be fully automated. To use the health pass as one example, say you miss your vaccination date. The system will know you didn’t show up for your shot, and your access to banking might be cut off until it registers that you got your inoculation.

There doesn’t even need to be another human involved because your physical body, health records, geolocation, activities and financials are all connected and trackable in real-time by artificial intelligence-driven software that analyzes everything you do.

Revealing Their Plan Can Help Stop It

If you want to take a deep-dive into the COVID economic reset, check out my new hero and technocracy exposure queen, Alison McDowell. She has a blog called Wrench in the Gears. In the video above, McDowell discusses the Fourth Industrial Revolution and human capital commodity markets, which are part and parcel of the Great Reset, and how the pandemic has allowed the technocrats to push through longstanding plans to radically change the way we learn, work and live.

McDowell noted that what we’re looking down the road is basic human needs being turned into global investment markets. The condition for this is massive surveillance tied to a predatory police state apparatus.

This anti-human “new normal” that world leaders are now urging us to accept and embrace is the trap of all traps. The good news is that while the trap has been sprung, the door has not yet closed. The way we prevent the implementation of the Great Reset in all its glory is through transparency. If enough people understand what’s really going on and the great Reset's goal, they won’t implement it.

The technocratic elite needs us all to passively acquiesce because there are far more of us than there are of them. That’s what pandemic measures are achieving. We’re growing to accept work and travel restrictions. We’re growing to accept the government telling us where and how we can celebrate holidays and with whom. With the rollout of voluntary health passes, we’ll grow to accept the idea that we cannot enter certain venues unless we can show the proper “papers.”

We simply must refuse to accept this. The days of uncertainty about what COVID-19 is are over, and we must take a strong stand against the continued erosion of our personal freedoms. We must also carefully reconstruct how we live and interact to minimize our transhumanist technocratic control system's contribution. We are actually the ones financing and helping build the very control system that is meant to enslave us.

We work for companies that are building the system. We buy products from them, which allows them to generate the needed revenue. So, we must stop buying their products and stop working for them. For example, Google and, to a large extent, Facebook have been collecting your personal data for nearly two decades.

They have created massive server farms capable of analyzing this data with deep learning and artificial intelligence software to generate exact details on just what type of propaganda and the false narrative are required to surreptitiously manipulate you into the behaviour they seek.

Using these products, you’re giving them the very things they need to control and enslave you. It’s crucial to understand that the vast majority of information you are exposed to is carefully designed propaganda crafted from nearly two decades of personal data mining.

Never Surrender to the New Normal

Right now, we only have two choices: freedom or living under authoritarian rule. Temporary oppressive controls might be warranted in certain extreme circumstances where public health is at grave risk, but COVID-19 is not a threat to most of the population. It’s no more perilous to the masses than the seasonal flu that we’ve lived with all our lives.

Data24 show the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio is 0.26%. People under the age of 40 have a mere 0.01% risk of dying from the infection. The vast majority that tests positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, and most do not get seriously ill.

What’s more, the average age of death from COVID-19 is somewhere between 76.925 and 82.26. Either way, this is right around the average age of death from any cause anyway, therefore not an outrageous threat to public health. If we really want to protect the masses, the answer is to educate and promote healthy living at all stages of life.

Segregating society into classes based on vaccination status achieves nothing except the willful destruction of our freedom. The goal of this agenda is profit through control—nothing else. By tying health care into the digital surveillance apparatus, you end up with a very robust platform for automated mass control that can then be expanded into all other areas of life until the very idea of self-determination and personal decision-making becomes obsolete.

Safeguarding our Constitutional rights and civil liberties against unlawful government overreach is essential. Once those freedoms are relinquished, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to get back. By showing proof that you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine through a digital certificate or app on your phone, the hope is that you can once again board an aeroplane and travel freely, attend a concert or enjoy a meal in your favourite restaurant, just like you used to.

Except, being required to present your “papers” to live your life isn’t actually freedom at all — it’s a loss of personal liberty that you once had, one that disappeared right before your eyes and one that’s setting the stage for even more intrusive surveillance and privacy erosion.

While the government has a duty to protect its citizens' health and welfare, this duty must be balanced against the loss of individual rights and liberties.

Since many of our elected leaders are clearly not up to the task of defending those rights and liberties on their own accord, we must demand it and refuse to comply with tyrannical proposals such as “voluntary health passports,” because soon enough, they will become mandatory. After that, there’s no telling what you’ll have to do next.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Why do most blacks support the Democratic Party — the Party of the Southern aristocrats who owned plantations and owned the slaves? I'm looking for an answer to that. Any ideas? Write to me at



Exposing Unwelcome Truths About the Deep Flaws of PCR Testing

New York’s state lab has access to the Cycle Threshold (Ct) values from the PCR tests they process. Last July, the lab identified 872 positive tests based on a threshold of 40 cycles.

If the lab has used a cutoff of 35 cycles, 43 per cent of those tests would have been considered negative.  What’s more, if the cycles had been limited to 30, 63 % of the PCR-positive patients would have been just been regarded as negative.

In testing data that include cycle thresholds, officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada have found that up to 90 per cent of people testing positive carried barely any virus. If that data was extrapolated to nation-wide statistics, the 45,000 new “cases” reported last week perhaps only 4,500 would actually need to isolate and submit to contact tracing

It is obvious that PCR tests need to be interpreted with caution as they do not reflect a true viral load, infectivity or even contagiousness. In fact, many times no viable viruses can be cultured in patients with a positive PCR test result. False-positive PCR tests abound, resulting in CDC statistics that have been consistently over-estimating both the incidence rates and mortality rates related to the current epidemic, thus falsely stimulating the panic seen among the many people demanding their vaccinations NOW.


Saturday, March 20, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

The government dictates everyone must wear a mask, so I bought this one. Fuck you, government assholes. I Don't like dictators. Fuck them.


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Estimates of “Positive Cases” are 
The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, March 19, 2021
Theme: Science and Medicine

All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop-down menu on our home page's top banner (Desktop version).


The Real-Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020, as a means to detect the  SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For further details, see the Drosten Study)

Exactly one year later, on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. 

While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they recommend “Re-testing” (which everybody knows is an impossibility).

The contentious issue pertains to the number of amplification threshold cycles (Ct). According to Pieter Borger, et al

The number of amplification cycles [should be] less than 35, preferably 25-30 cycles. In the case of virus detection, >35 cycles only detect signals which do not correlate with the infectious virus was determined by isolation in cell culture…(Critique of Drosten Study)

The World Health Organization (WHO) tacitly admits one year later that ALL PCR tests conducted at a 35 cycle amplification threshold (Ct) or higher are INVALID. But that is what they recommended in January 2020, in consultation with the virology team at Charité Hospital in Berlin.

If the test is conducted at a 35 Ct threshold or above (recommended by the WHO), segments of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be detected, which means that ALL the so-called confirmed “positive cases” tabulated in the course of the last 14 months are invalid.

According to Pieter Borger, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, Michael Yeadon, et al., the Ct > 35 has been the norm “in most laboratories in Europe & the US”.

Below is the WHO’s carefully formulated “Retraction”. The full text with a link to the original document is in the annexe:


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense. 

The entire pharmaceutical/medical industry is the biggest criminal operation IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. It preys on the pervasive wish for salvation from the effects of our own choices. 

"Take this pill, and you'll be all better. (No need to change anything you're doing.)" 
"Thanks, Doc, burp."

Friday, March 19, 2021


© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans

Klaus Schwab's plan is right on track to conquer the world.
Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler didn't come close to this.

Instantly creating a worldwide dictatorship (March 2020)
has never been done by anyone before Schwab,

The SHEEPLES of the world made it possible, duh.



© MMXXI V.1.0.0
by Morley Evans